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Is It Too Late to Start Instagram in 2021?

No, 2021 remains an opportune time to start an Instagram account and begin establishing your digital presence. However, while the barriers to entry are still low, standing out from over 1 billion active monthly users is more challenging than ever before.

In the early days of Instagram, amassing followers and engagement happened more organically. Restrictions around follow limits and action blocks simply didn‘t exist back then. But the platform‘s exponential growth led Instagram to implement more algorithms and restrictions to combat spam and automation.

So while it‘s certainly possible to grow a successful account today, it requires determination, strategic planning, quality content, and community engagement. As a social media marketing guru with over 5 years incubating viral Instagram accounts, I‘ve compiled this comprehensive guide on starting and growing an Instagram account in 2021.

Why You Should Still Start An Instagram Account

Before we dive into today‘s growth strategies and restrictions, let‘s explore three compelling reasons you should start an Instagram account even in the platform‘s mature era:

1. Free Publicity & Influence

Instagram offers a launch pad to promote yourself, your brand, causes you care about, or even get discovered as an influencer. You can spread your message and content to a wide audience for free. While going viral relies some on luck, the potential public visibility remains.

2. Direct Traffic to Websites

Once you build an engaged following, Instagram provides tools to drive traffic to your websites through linking in profiles and posts. An established presence converts your Instagram reach into tangible website visitors.

3. Stay Visually Connected

Instagram makes it easy to give friends and family a window into your daily life through photos and stories. No need for face-to-face meetups to stay up-to-date. The platform connects people visually.

In summary, despite the increased competitiveness, Instagram presents monetization upsides like never before seen. Establishing a presence today centers around standing out through strategic optimization and engagement.

Restrictions When Starting A New Instagram Account

Let‘s explore the main limitations in place today around follow limits and action blocks that restrict how fast new accounts can grow:

Follow Limit

  • Instagram caps follow limit at 7,500 users as of 2020
  • Exceeding the threshold triggers requests to verify identity
  • Makes amassing massive followings quickly challenging

Action Blocks

  • Blocks take effect when algorithm detects suspicious activity
  • Restrictions on liking posts or following users for set time period
  • Duration ranges from hours to days depending on severity
Metric Early Instagram Instagram Today
Follow Limit No limits 7,500 cap
Action Blocks Non-existent Temp blocks for unusual activity
Avg. Engagement Rate 25-30% <5%

The main takeaway here is that restrictions exist today to curb automation and spam behavior that threaten Instagram‘s user experience. While hampering growth velocity initially, focusing on engagement quality rather than quantity proves most effective long-term.

How to Start and Grow An Instagram Account In 2021

Growth on today‘s Instagram comes down to mastering community engagement through strategic optimization, consistency, and persistence.

Choose A Niche

Define your niche and ideal audience first. Leading accounts establish deep expertise in specific topics like fashion, music, photography. This helps attract perfectly-suited followers rather than bot follow-backs.

Optimize Your Profile

Your profile should instantly communicate your niche. Add relevant photos, bios with useful links, personalized captions, and Story highlights showcasing your best content.

Post Quality Content Consistently

Post daily or a few times per week so followers know what to expect. Focus on high-quality, on-brand posts aligned to your niche rather than quantity.

Growth Hack with Follow-For-Follow

While controversial if used incorrectly, follow-for-follow helps kickstart growth by networking with target users. Maintain relevance by only targeting users in your niche.

The key Instagram growth principles hold true in 2021. Focus on standing out among the oversaturation with deliberate optimization and engaging communities one user at a time.

Case Study: Growing a Dog Training Account

To demonstrate growing an Instagram account today, let‘s walk through a month-by-month growth study of the hypothetical @trainmydogfocused dog training advice account:

Month 1

Lay branding and account foundations:

  • Establish niche as dog training tips
  • Post 2-3X per week sharing basic intro advice
  • Follow users under dog hashtags to start networking
  • End month with 92 followers at a respectable 7.8% engagement rate

Month 2

Increase consistency and implement growth hacks:

  • Post daily training advice w/ improved captions
  • Run contest giveaway requiring shares & follows
  • Leverage follow/unfollow method on target dog accounts
  • Finish with 587 followers and 1,234 weekly impressions

Month 3

Shift to quality connections and UGC:

  • Prioritize engaging followers over growth hacking
  • Foster user generated content of their trained dogs
  • Showcase happy customer success stories
  • Close month with 982 followers and above average 9.1% engagement

This example shows that launching an Instagram account today still allows for healthy, organic growth. While not for those seeking overnight viral fame, staying persistent and patient with a strategic approach can facilitate an impactful presence.

Key Takeaways – Why It‘s Not Too Late for New Instagram Accounts

Given Instagram‘s entrenched adoption and importance for brands, creators, and consumers alike – establishing a presence sooner than later remains imperative.

However, today‘s growth playbook relies more on engagement than growth hacking. By leveraging Instagram to build authentic communities rooted in quality content and conversation, nearly any account can still gain substantial traction.

Yes, Instagram has evolved. But for savvy and strategic users willing to put in the effort, opportunity remains to not only participate but make a splash on the world‘s fastest growing social platform.

So will your account be next to takeoff?