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How to Unlock Tobio‘s Hollow Chasm in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

For over a century, Tobio‘s Hollow Chasm has confounded adventures across Hyrule seeking to unravel its obscure secrets. Nestled deep within Dragonhead Island, this ancient sanctum houses celestial treasures that could shift the tide in the battle against Calamity Ganon. After years studying ancient Zonai texts, I‘ve finally pieced together the steps needed to breach its mystic seal and navigate the chasm‘s treacherous passages.

Join me for the most comprehensive guide unlocking one of Tears of Kingdom‘s most hallowed and challenging locations. Today, we‘ll delve into the perilous journey ahead and equip ourselves with the knowledge to conquer Tobio‘s Hollow Chasm.

The Journey Begins: Activating Guidance from Ages Past

Our first step is initiating the "Guidance from Ages Past" shrine quest, a lengthy mission spanning multiple provinces. According to the Cinlegends, this quest holds clues for deciphering the location of the mythical Hollow Chasm.

To trigger the opening cutscene, seek out the monks at Rabia Plain within the Akkala region. I‘d come prepared with Cold Resistance meals to account for the frigid climate. Offer your assistance to the young Zonai apprentices in reconstructing the Ancient Ophidia, an engineering marvel shaped like a serpentine dragon.

Resources Needed Description
10 Ancient Screws For securing the joints
3 Ancient Shafts To connect the segments
5 Ancient Springs For flexibility

This massive mechanical beast, once finished, will help us traverse Tobio‘s depths. After rebuilding the Ophidia, the monks will gift Link the Ancient Map of the Skies, a weathered parchment pointing towards Dragonhead Island where the chasm lies hidden.

Charting a Course to the Secluded Dragonhead Isle

With map in hand, journey to the skies above the coordinate point at 1372 | -3298 | 0468 indicated on the parchment. You‘ll need to equip Link with a sturdy flyer or Wingsuit to traverse the open sky. I‘d recommend upgrading your stamina for extended flight.

Soaring through the cloudy expanse, watch for the craggy spires of Dragonhead emerging on the horizon. This remote outcropping is one of the fabled Agrokoro – the floating islands that drift between dimensions. Here, eroded dragon statues stand vigil over Tobio‘s Hollow Chasm quietly sealed away for eons.

After navigating the gusty updrafts, park your flyer and steel yourself to uncover the chasm‘s hidden doorway. But tread carefully! Strange phenomena in this place may trigger dizzying hallucinations that ensnare the mind. Focus on your mission, hero!

Opening the Seal to Tobio‘s Hollow Chasm

Cut through the veil of vines to reveal a stone door engraved with ancient Zonai runes meant to dissuade trespassers. To open this seal, you‘ll need at least 10 Heart Containers to directly channel the lifeforce needed. With my 167 containers, I‘m well equipped for this task.

Hold the Sheikah Slate aloft and focus your energy into it to unbar the door. The ground quakes as the seal is broken, exposing a dark, spiraling stairway burrowing deep into the isle! Strange gusts howl from below beckoning us to descend. We‘re getting close now!

Constructing a Vehicle to Reach the Chasm Depths

This stairway is merely an antechamber before the true chasm. To reach the subterranean world below, we must construct a vehicle capable of navigating its underground tunnels and endure its punishing gales.

Gather materials scattered across the island‘s surface – wrecked wings, a propeller engine, and Zonai gyroscope for steering. Fuse them together using the Sheikah Slate‘s metal-melding magic to fashion a rugged biplane.

Next, carefully attach the Ancient Ophidia‘s glowing beam lance to the aircraft‘s hull. This weapon provided by the monks can destroy obstacles blocking the way forward. When your craft is prepped, pilot it steadily down the shadowy stairwell.

Piercing Tobio‘s Hollow Core

As you dive deeper underground, crystalline walls glitter like galaxies and whirlpools of azure energy swirl into view. Disturbing these vortexes would rip your craft asunder, so maneuver around them! I‘d advise upgrading engine output and reinforcing the wings.

Up ahead, a carved altar emerges from the darkness. Direct the Ophidia‘s beam at the altar to activate it. The ground quakes as a staircase is revealed! Disembark quickly and descend while you still can!

Behold Tobio‘s Hollow Chasm

At the bottom, the splendor of Tobio‘s Hollow Chasm unfolds before your eyes, with constellations of gemstones adorning its ceilings and rivers of cosmic energy surging through ancient gates. It‘s a realm of wonder and danger in equal measure.

Tread bravely as you explore Tobio‘s secrets, and keep weapons and runes at the ready. Concealed traps, vengeful spirits of the Gohma, and sanity-testing hallucinations lie ahead for those who delve too deeply. But persevere, hero! The knowledge found here may turn the tides against the Calamity.

We stand at the precipice of revelation, my friend. Unlock Tobio‘s Hollow Chasm, steel your courage, and fulfill your destiny!

Further Reading

How to Find the Carved Out Heart of the Towering Twins in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

Penn Dueling Peaks Location in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

How to Get Homing Cart in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom