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How to Get Your TikTok Profile URL

With over 1 billion monthly active users, TikTok has become a global phenomenon. As a leading platform for short-form video, it allows creators to express their creativity and reach massive audiences.

If you want to share your TikTok profile beyond the app itself, providing followers with your custom profile URL is the best approach.

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn everything you need to know about TikTok profile URLs, including:

  • What a profile URL is and why it matters
  • How to find your profile URL on mobile and desktop
  • Step-by-step instructions to customize your URL
  • Pros and cons of changing your username
  • The difference between usernames and display names
  • Tips for styling an optimized TikTok profile

Let‘s start unraveling the ins and outs of TikTok profile URLs.

What Exactly is a TikTok Profile URL?

A TikTok profile URL is the unique web address that leads directly to your TikTok profile page. It consists of:

  • The TikTok domain (
  • The @ symbol
  • Your distinctive TikTok username

For example:

Your username is the handle you chose when creating your TikTok account. It identifies you on TikTok and is included in your profile URL.

Usernames must be 4-15 characters, can contain letters, numbers, underscores, and periods, but cannot have spaces. Your username is exclusive to your profile and can only be altered once every 30 days.

Why Share Your TikTok Profile URL?

Sharing your custom TikTok profile URL is the simplest way to direct someone to your page. Merely telling someone your username won‘t take them straight to your profile – they‘d have to search for your account first.

Here are 5 key benefits of sharing your URL:

1. Direct Access

Sending someone your URL gives them instant access to your profile with one click. Typing in a username forces them to hunt for your page.

2. Reliable Sharing

A profile URL will always route to your current profile, even if you change your username. It essentially acts as a "permalink" to your page.

3. Professional Branding

A customized profile URL appears more professional and polished. It‘s also easy to display on other social sites.

4. Simplified Analytics

You can use URL click analytics to see how many visitors are coming to your profile from your link.

5. Improved Discoverability

URLs containing strategic keywords can potentially improve your discoverability in TikTok‘s search and recommendation engine.

According to TikTok statistics, the average user spends 52 minutes per day on the platform. Providing fans with direct access to your profile boosts the chances they‘ll engage with your content.

_Add data/statistics about social media URL click-through rates or the importance of sharing profile URLs._

Now that you know why profile URLs matter, let‘s go over how to find yours on TikTok.

How to Find Your TikTok Profile URL

Locating your TikTok profile URL only requires a few quick steps:

Finding Your URL on Mobile

  1. Open the TikTok app on your smartphone.

  2. Tap your profile icon in the bottom right corner.

  3. Tap the 3 dots in the upper right to open your profile menu.

  4. Choose "Share profile" from the menu options.

  5. Tap "Copy link" to copy your profile URL.

  6. The URL will be in this format:

Finding Your URL on Desktop

  1. Go to and sign into your account.

  2. Click your profile picture in the top right and choose "View profile".

  3. Your profile URL will display in the address bar. It follows this structure: 
  1. Copy the URL directly from the address bar.

Once you‘ve obtained your profile URL, you can paste it anywhere you want to promote your TikTok page – from YouTube video descriptions to Instagram bios.

_Include a section comparing the process of finding a profile URL on other social platforms like YouTube, Instagram, etc._

Next, let‘s explore how to customize your URL to stand out.

How to Customize Your TikTok Profile URL

By default, your TikTok profile URL consists solely of your username. However, you can customize it by appending a unique name to make it more memorable.

For example:

Here are step-by-step instructions to create a personalized URL on TikTok:

  1. Open your profile and tap the "Edit Profile" button.

  2. Tap the pencil icon next to your username.

  3. Add your custom name after your username separated by a period. For example: @username.catvideos

  4. Tap "Save" and your URL will update to match your new custom name.

  5. Share your new customized profile URL!

According to HubSpot, custom URLs can deliver 100% higher click-through rates compared to generic URLs.

Tips for Creating a Memorable Custom URL

  • Include keywords relevant to your niche – @cookingtips.chefben

  • Keep it short and simple – @family.vjones

  • Use hyphens instead of spaces – @baking-recipes-sally

  • Periods also work for separation – @dancemoves.jenn

  • Only letters, numbers, underscores, hyphens, and periods are allowed

  • You can modify your custom name anytime by editing your profile.

With a personalized URL, your profile stands out and is easier to describe to others. Just avoid changing it too often, as it could confuse your audience.

_Include examples of great TikTok profile URLs from popular creators._

Next, let‘s go over the implications of changing your username.

Should You Change Your TikTok Username?

Since your username is embedded in your profile URL, you may consider changing it to better match your brand. But there are risks involved:

Lost Followers: Changing your username can cause existing followers to stop engaging since they can‘t find you.

Broken Links: Any old links directing to your previous username will break.

30 Day Waiting Period: You can only change your username once per month on TikTok.

SEO Impacts: Established accounts may take an SEO hit from changing all profile URLs.

Lost Verification: Verified accounts will lose their badge if they alter their username.

According to Influencer Marketing Hub, 3-15% of followers are usually lost after a username change on social platforms.

For new accounts, a better brand name may be worth the switch. But established profiles should be cautious – only change if prepared for transitional challenges.

Using a customized URL is an easier way to enhance your link without disrupting your entire presence.

TikTok Username vs. Display Name

It‘s vital to understand the contrast between your TikTok username and display name:

  • Username – Unique ID in your profile URL – can only change every 30 days.

  • Display Name – The name shown on your profile. Can modify at any time.

For example, if your username is @catvideos but display name is "Cats of TikTok", users would see:

Cats of TikTok 

Your display name and profile picture form your public image – they represent your brand. Your username acts more as a unique identifier rather than part of your persona.

Having a separate display name allows you to refresh your brand without altering your URL. Feel free to modify it regularly to match your content style or niche.

So even if your username doesn‘t perfectly fit your brand, you can still establish your image via display name and photo. Just stay consistent in promoting your permanent username for sharing links.

Final Tips for Styling Your TikTok Profile

Beyond just customizing your URL, your overall TikTok profile styling plays a key role in your brand image. Here are some final tips:

  • Display Name: Make it memorable and descriptive – e.g. "TikTok Dance Tutorials"

  • Profile Photo: Use a professional headshot or logo that represents you.

  • Bio: Clearly summarize what you do and include any important links.

  • Website Link: Drive traffic to your site by linking it in your bio.

  • Consistent Branding: Ensure your profile photo, display name, bio, and content align with your brand identity.

  • Keywords: Strategically incorporate relevant keywords in your bio and display name to get discovered.

  • Link in Bio: Use a link shortener to add your TikTok URL in your Instagram or Twitter bio.

  • Promote Everywhere: Include your custom TikTok URL on all social networks, email signatures, and anywhere your brand has presence.

According to Oberlo, 70% of TikTok users say they visit the profiles of creators they enjoy watching. So making sure your profile is on-brand, polished, and easy to find is crucial.


Getting your TikTok profile URL provides the most direct way for fans to access your content. Customizing it makes your link more memorable and sharable across channels.

Although changing your established username has risks, updating your display name and branding is an easy way to refine your image. Consistently sharing your profile URL everywhere you have an online presence will maximize your TikTok growth.

I hope this guide provided you with an in-depth look at TikTok profile URLs – from how to find yours to customization tips. Let me know if you have any other questions!