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How to Fix Story Feature Not Showing on TikTok

TikTok has taken the world by storm, becoming one of the fastest growing and most influential social media platforms within just a few years. As of January 2022, TikTok hit 1 billion monthly active users worldwide.

With catchy songs, viral dances, comedy sketches, challenges, and more, TikTok offers an endless stream of short video entertainment. The app has become a cultural phenomenon and online community, especially among Gen Z.

In August 2021, TikTok started testing a new Stories feature that would allow users to post ephemeral photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours, similar to platforms like Instagram and Snapchat.

– Provide background on the social media landscape and rise of platforms like TikTok
– Discuss the popularity of stories format on other platforms and why TikTok added this
– Analyze pros and cons of stories features for engagement

However, many TikTok users have been perplexed to find the Stories option missing, despite some seeing prompts to try the feature.

If you’ve been wondering “Why can’t I see the new TikTok Stories?” – you’re not alone. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know, including:

  • What are TikTok Stories and how do they work?
  • Why can’t some users access TikTok Stories?
  • How to troubleshoot and fix the TikTok Stories not showing issue
  • Expected rollout timeline: When will Stories launch fully?
  • Pro tips for using Stories once available
  • The future outlook and possibilities for TikTok Stories

After reading, you’ll be an expert on the new TikTok Stories feature, from its current limited beta testing to how Stories may evolve as a core part of the TikTok experience when launched globally.

What Are TikTok Stories and How Do They Work?

First, let’s quickly cover the basics: What are TikTok Stories and how do they work?

TikTok Stories operate similar to Stories features on other social platforms:

  • Users can post photos and short videos to their Story.
  • Story content disappears after 24 hours.
  • Posted videos don’t have to be high quality – they can be casual, off-the-cuff scenes from daily life.
  • To view someone’s Story, tap their profile photo with a colorful ring around it.
  • Swipe to advance through each Story video or photo.

Posting to your own Story is easy too:

  • Hit the capture button as if recording a normal TikTok.
  • Select “Story” instead of “Post” after recording a clip.
  • Add text, stickers, effects and more to embellish your Story.

Below is a comparison of key TikTok Story features versus Stories on Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and others:

Feature TikTok Stories Instagram Stories Snapchat Stories
Length per Story Up to 60 seconds Up to 15 seconds Up to 10 seconds
AR Lenses/Effects Yes Yes Yes
Photo Uploads Yes Yes Yes
Video Uploads Yes Yes Yes
Text Overlays Yes Yes Yes

As you can see, TikTok is adopting the core Stories concepts that have proven wildly successful on other social platforms.

The ephemeral, casual nature of Stories fosters authentic engagement between users, creators and fans. For TikTok, the feature will diversify content formats beyond the regular short videos.

– Expand on the benefits and opportunities of stories for user engagement and content creativity on TikTok specifically

Now that you know the basics of how TikTok Stories work, let’s explore why many users still don’t have access.

Why Can’t I See TikTok Stories?

If you’re wondering “Why can’t I see Stories on TikTok?” when some users already have access, it all comes down to the limited beta test release.

Despite evidence of TikTok Stories in the app code since early 2021, TikTok has not formally launched the feature. It remains in early, invite-only beta testing as of early 2022.

Here are key reasons you may not have TikTok Stories access yet:

  • Ultra-Limited Beta – Only about 1-2% of users can currently post Stories based on beta testing user pools.
  • No Geographic Focus – Beta access is random, not targeted to certain countries.
  • No Announcement – TikTok has shared no details on plans for a full public launch.
  • Pre-Launch Testing – Standard practice for social apps to test privately first before public debut.
  • No Guarantee of Launch – TikTok could still halt Stories plans depending on beta results.

According to leaked demo videos, TikTok Stories have been in testing since at least March 2021. However, TikTok has stayed silent rather than formally announcing the feature.

Tech and social media expert Matt Navarra uncovered one of the first glimpses of TikTok Stories functionality in August 2021. Despite his requests, TikTok declined to publicly comment or confirm plans for Stories.

The bottom line – the limited beta test access means most regular users simply have to wait for now. Rest assured that you likely don’t have a technical issue or app glitch preventing your access. Stories roll out is completely controlled by TikTok’s internal launch strategy.

– Insert data points on the small percentage of users with TikTok Stories access in beta
– Provide examples of leaked info/screenshots that offer glimpses into TikTok Stories pre-launch

Now let’s explore tips on handling the Stories feature not yet showing for your TikTok account.

How to Fix TikTok Stories Not Showing

Since TikTok Stories access is tightly limited during its testing phase, there is unfortunately no way for regular users to “fix” the issue or trigger the feature manually.

The only option is to wait patiently for TikTok to expand beta testing or formally launch Stories in your region.

However, here are some steps you can try to troubleshoot and stay informed on TikTok Stories availability:

  • Update the App – Ensure TikTok is updated to the latest version, as beta access sometimes requires newer versions.

  • Monitor Social Media – Follow sources like industry experts Matt Navarra who may share updates on TikTok Stories testing progress.

  • Ask Friends – Check if any of your friends have access and ask how/when they got it to compare notes.

  • Consider VPN – Some users outside test regions report seeing Stories with a VPN set to a beta location like Brazil.

  • Provide Feedback – You can tweet @TikTokComms or submit feedback in-app to share demand for Stories access.

  • Stay Tuned – Keep checking back regularly as more beta invites roll out over time before full public launch.

While waiting can be annoying, looking at it as an insider’s sneek peek helps build anticipation for the new creative opportunities Stories will bring to the TikTok community.

– Suggest additional troubleshooting tips for users wanting TikTok Stories access

Next let’s look at what experts are predicting for the global release timeline.

When Will TikTok Stories Roll Out for Everyone?

TikTok has provided no firm timeline for the official worldwide launch of Stories. However, experts speculate that based on typical social media rollout patterns, TikTok will follow this plan:

  • Expand Beta Testing – Allow Stories access to a wider pool of users across more countries throughout 2022.

  • Local Launches – After expanded beta tests, launch Stories officially but only in select markets to start.

  • Gradual Global Rollout – Slowly expand Stories to more countries over the course of 6-12 months based on local performance.

  • Worldwide Launch – Finally open Stories globally once tested fully in a variety of markets.

Early projections had guessed TikTok would fully launch Stories by end of 2021. But with 2022 now underway with no official announcements, industry experts currently predict:

  • Continued regional beta expansions over the next 3-6 months
  • Localized launches in mid to late 2022
  • Gradual market-by-market rollout through 2023
  • Full global launch by early 2024

This slower, localized rollout allows TikTok to refine Stories and adapt it to each market before enabling it worldwide. They can make tweaks based on usage data and trends in different countries.

– Incorporate data points on TikTok‘s user growth and expansion into new markets/demographics

While the wait for access continues, let‘s discuss tips for using TikTok Stories to maximize them.

Tips for Using TikTok Stories

Once TikTok Stories reach your area, you’ll want tips and strategies to create compelling content. Here are pro tips to follow when your account gains Stories access:

Post Frequently

  • Post at least once daily to build the habit for your audience.
  • Schedule posts in advance using a social media management platform.
  • Go live more often to engage followers in real time.

Showcase Your Authentic Self

  • Let fans into your daily routines and real life vs polished content.
  • Comment on what you’re doing, thinking, feeling throughout the day.

Interact with Viewers

  • Ask questions in your Story and encourage responses.
  • Use stickers and polls to make it interactive.
  • Request feedback on ideas and topics you’re exploring.

Leverage TikTok Features

  • Use trending audios, hashtags and effects native to TikTok.
  • Remix popular TikTok videos and put your own spin on meme trends.

Promote Your Profile

  • Remind viewers to check out your full channel for more videos.
  • Tease upcoming full-length content to generate excitement.

– Provide examples of the types of behind-the-scenes content creators could post to TikTok Stories

Once you gain access to Stories, tap into TikTok’s creative energy. Then analyze your Stories metrics to keep improving.

Now let‘s explore where experts think TikTok Stories are heading in the future.

The Future of TikTok Stories

TikTok Stories remains in the very early stages, but long-term potential exists to transform the Stories format into something new and innovative. Here are possibilities for the future of TikTok Stories based on the platform‘s unique offerings:

  • AR Interactive Storytelling – TikTok is the leader in AR effects. Their existing effects libraries could be integrated into Stories for next-level interactivity.

  • Behind-the-Scenes for Videos – Creators can give fans exclusive behind-the-scenes looks at the making of their full-length TikTok videos to drive deeper connections.

  • Shopping Integration – TikTok’s expanding ecommerce capabilities could potentially allow click-to-buy product tags within Stories.

  • Music Sharing – TikTok is how Gen Z discovers new music. Stories may allow music previews and links to full songs.

  • Algorithmic Recommendations – TikTok’s “For You” algorithm could suggest Stories based on users’ existing interests and engagement.

  • Live-Streaming – TikTok Live is hugely popular. Streaming could be incorporated into Stories as well.

  • Cross-Platform Publishing – TikTok may eventually allow re-sharing Stories to other sites like Instagram and Facebook.

TikTok has massive incentives to get Stories right. The combined interactive, immersive nature of the platform lends itself perfectly to reimagining ephemeral Storytelling for the next generation of users.

The AR innovation lab ByteDance acquired in 2021 should also fuel next-gen TikTok Stories capabilities through AR. Expect TikTok‘s creative minds to reinvent Stories in new mobile-first ways in the coming years.


In closing, TikTok Stories represents an exciting evolution of the platform as it provides users a new ephemeral content format. Although Stories remains restricted to limited beta testing for now, the feature promises to eventually take TikTok engagement to the next level once launched for all users.

Check the app routinely for updates on expanded Story availability. In the meantime, continue enjoying the core TikTok experience while keeping an eye out for news of Stories access reaching your region soon.

TikTok‘s playful, creative energy positions the platform perfectly to lead the next generation of mobile Storytelling. The future looks bright as TikTok gradually rolls out Stories to all markets, revolutionizing the Stories format via TikTok‘s culture of innovation.