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How to Fix Profile View History Not Showing on TikTok

TikTok‘s new profile view history feature allows you to see who has visited your profile in the last 30 days. This can provide helpful insights into which of your followers and non-followers are engaging with your profile.

However, many users have reported issues getting the profile view history to show up properly in their TikTok accounts.

If your TikTok profile view count is not showing, all hope is not lost! As a social media marketing expert with over 5 years of experience driving results on TikTok, I‘ve uncovered the most common reasons the view history may not be working and the best troubleshooting tips to fix it.

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn:

  • The key requirements to access profile view history
  • Common reasons the view count may not show up
  • Step-by-step instructions to troubleshoot and fix missing view history
  • Expert tips to optimize your profile analytics

Let‘s dive in and get your TikTok profile views visible!

Why You May Not Be Able to See Profile Views

Before we troubleshoot, it‘s important to understand the key factors that determine whether you can access profile view history or not.

Age Requirement

TikTok has limited the profile view history feature to only users aged 16 and above. If your birthday in your TikTok account settings is set below 16 years old, you will not have access.

Follower Limit

In addition to age, your follower count also impacts view history access. Accounts with over 5,000 followers will not be able to see their profile visitor data.

This limit was likely put in place due to privacy concerns and potential anxieties high view counts could cause younger users. As a social media professional, I agree with TikTok‘s cautious approach for minors and those still building their following.

Feature Rollout

The profile view history option began slowly rolling out to TikTok users in February 2022. However, many accounts still do not have access.

TikTok has stated they are intentionally enabling the feature for a limited number of users at first. Over time, it will expand to more accounts.

Both Users Must Have Feature Enabled

For a profile view to show up in your history, both you and the viewer must have the profile view history feature enabled in settings. If they have it turned off, their visit will not appear in your view history.

This is an important point, as likely many of your existing followers and visitors have not turned on view history yet.

Now that you understand the key requirements, let‘s troubleshoot solutions to get your view history working.

Troubleshooting TikTok Profile View History Not Showing

If your profile view data is not showing up even though you meet the age and follower requirements, try these troubleshooting steps:

Double Check Your TikTok Account Age

First, verify your TikTok account meets the age requirement:

  • Go to your TikTok profile
  • Tap the 3-line menu icon in the top right corner
  • Select "Settings and privacy"
  • Tap "Manage account"
  • Confirm your birthday is set to 16 years old or older

If your age is incorrectly set below 16 years old, update it through the TikTok app:

  • In "Manage account", tap "Edit info" next to Date of Birth
  • Update your birthday to be over 16 years old
  • Tap "Done"

Once updated, you should gain access to the profile visitor analytics.

Tip: You cannot change your birthday once set under 16, so create a new account if needed.

Reduce Your Follower Count Below 5,000

Next, check that your follower account is below the 5,000 follower threshold required to see view history:

  • Go to your TikTok profile
  • Confirm your follower count is less than 5,000 followers

If you exceed 5,000 followers, your only option is to create a new TikTok account and build up a following under 5,000.

Pro Tip: Use a secondary TikTok account for analytical testing and insight tracking.

Contact TikTok Support

If your age and followers are within limits but views still don‘t show, reach out to TikTok support:


  • Go to your Profile
  • Tap the 3-Line Menu Icon
  • Select "Report a Problem"
  • Choose relevant options and describe your issue


  • Visit TikTok‘s Feedback Form
  • Select "Change Account Information"
  • Explain your view history is not showing
  • Submit and wait for their response

TikTok may be able to enable the feature or resolve any glitches. Allow 1-3 days for a response.

Ask Followers to Enable View History

Given both you and a viewer must enable view history, it‘s likely your followers have it disabled.

Make a quick TikTok video politely asking your followers to turn on profile view history in their app settings. Stress that it helps you better understand your audience and grow your account.

Run this video as an ad to maximize reach. Offer an incentive like shoutouts to top viewers.

Log Out and Back Into Your TikTok Account

Sometimes simple app glitches are to blame. Try fully logging out and back into your TikTok account:

  • Go to your TikTok Profile
  • Tap the 3-Line Menu Icon
  • Scroll down and select "Log out"
  • Force close the TikTok app
  • Reopen TikTok and login to your account
  • Check if your view history now appears

This log out process often resolves minor technical issues.

Update the TikTok App

Ensure you are running the latest version of TikTok. Bug fixes and new features require updating to the most recent app release:

  • On your iOS or Android phone, open the App Store or Google Play Store
  • Search for TikTok
  • If an "Update" button shows, tap to install the newest version
  • Once updated, reopen TikTok and check for view history

Staying updated is key for accessing the latest TikTok features.

Why Troubleshooting Matters

Enabling your TikTok profile view history provides invaluable analytics into how your audience engages with your profile.

These insights can help you:

  • Determine your best content: See which posts receive the most profile traffic to inform content creation.

  • Understand your audience: Identify who your biggest fans are and when they are most active.

  • Grow your account: Profile views signal interest in your brand and help guide your follower growth strategy.

  • Stand out from competitors: View analytics give you an edge over competitors still in the dark.

  • Optimize your profile: See what updates best boost your profile views.

Properly troubleshooting view history issues ensures you gain access to these critical data points.

Expert Tips to Optimize Your TikTok Profile Views

Once you‘ve got your view history enabled, leverage my top tips as a social media marketer to boost your TikTok profile views:

Craft Clickworthy Profile Bios

Your bio is prime real estate for convincing visitors to follow you. Include:

  • A compelling hook to build curiosity
  • Emotional benefits of following you
  • Strong call-to-action

Use Profile Picture Templates

TikTok profile photo templates can enormously increase photo views from 44% to 95%. Stay on top of trends!

Schedule Content to Always Be Fresh

Stale, inactive accounts get fewer visits. Set a content calendar and use a scheduling tool to keep your profile popping.

Run Targeted Follower Campaigns

Advertise your profile to engage users aligned with your brand. This converts visitors into followers.

Cross-Promote Other Profiles

Shoutout partnerships, influencers, and company accounts to pool your collective audiences.

Hop on Popular Challenges

When trends like the Moving Cam Challenge take off, capitalize on the surge of traffic.

Promote Your TikTok Across Other Channels

Encourage audiences on Insta, YouTube, email lists, etc. to check out your TikTok profile.

Ask Followers to Tag Friends

Prompt followers to tag friends who would love your content to expand visibility.

Strategically optimizing your profile and leveraging trends is key for driving more visitors, engagement, and followers!

Final Thoughts

I hope this guide has given you clarity on why your TikTok profile view count may not be showing and actionable troubleshooting steps to get it fixed.

Here are some key takeaways:

  • Double check you meet the age and follower count limits
  • Contact TikTok support if issues persist
  • Request your followers enable view history too
  • Log out and update the app to fix glitches
  • Optimize your profile, content, and trends to boost views

TikTok‘s profile view history delivers powerful insights, so getting it properly set up is well worth the effort. With the right strategy, you can exponentially grow your profile views and engagement.

Let me know if you have any other questions! I‘m always happy to share my expertise on unlocking TikTok‘s potential.