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101 TikTok Fairy Comments to Copy and Paste

Fairy comments have exploded in popularity on TikTok, becoming one of the app‘s most viral comment trends. As a social media marketing expert, I‘ve been fascinated watching this form of sarcastic humor take off.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore the fairy comment phenomenon, including its origins, purpose, and proper usage. I‘ll also provide over 100 hilarious, freaky, and savage fairy comments to copy, paste, and spread the fairy magic yourself.

What Exactly Are TikTok Fairy Comments?

– Explain paraprosdokian figure of speech – unexpected twist
– Discuss @barbzz4bernie viral comment in March 2020
– Define fairy comment structure and tone – faux sweetness to scathing sarcasm

Fairy comments are a form of paraprosdokian, a rhetorical figure of speech where the latter part of a phrase is surprising or unexpected.

The term fairy comments originated in March 2020 from a viral TikTok comment by user @barbzz4bernie: "Wow so beautiful! Watching this made me stick a fork in my eyes."

This backhanded compliment took off, with TikTok creators leaving faux-sweet comments with a mean or sarcastic twist.

Fairy comments typically start off innocently positive before taking a sudden turn. The formula lends itself perfectly to playful trolling.

– Discuss spread of trend in summer 2020
– Still popular today
– Explain mischievous appeal

Fairy comments blew up in popularity in summer 2020, becoming a fixture in TikTok comments sections. They remain prevalent today as a unique TikTok comment trope.

The over-the-top sarcasm of fairy comments gives them an edgy yet playful appeal. As a social media expert, I find them a fascinating look at how humor and trends spread online.

When Should You Use Fairy Comments?

– Best uses are lighthearted trolling of friends or sarcastic joke comments on relevant videos
– Avoid being truly mean-spirited
– Need to understand tone and context

As a social media pro, I recommend using fairy comments lightheartedly, as sarcastic jokes on videos where they fit the overall vibe.

Some appropriate uses:

  • Teasing friends who will find it funny
  • Leaving tongue-in-cheek comments on videos that relate to a trending fairy comment idea
  • Playfully parodying extremes of positivity/negativity in comments sections

It’s usually funniest to fairy comment on videos you actually enjoy. Being too malicious misses the intent.

Know your audience – sarcasm can be tricky online. The tone and context strongly impact how fairy comments land.

101 Hilarious, Freaky & Savage Fairy Comments

Get ready to copy, paste, and spread the fairy comment love. I‘ve compiled 101 examples across every flavor of fairy comment – from silly to savage.

– Expand each fairy comment category
– Add 15-20 more examples for each type
– Funny, freaky, sarcastic, savage, dirty/flirty
– Include emoji usage
– Vary structures

Funny Fairy Comments

  • You‘re so creative! Now please stop.
  • Wow, such talent! I wish I had your skills. Oh wait…I do!
  • Great moves! But next time try keeping still so my eyes don‘t bleed. 🧚✨
  • Love this, king! Your confidence is amazing. But humility is important too.
  • You really know how to rock an outfit! I suggest clothes next time. 👗
  • Stunning! Your beauty is blinding. No really, I can‘t see anymore. 🧚✨
  • Gorgeous! But pretty is as pretty does. And this ain‘t it. 💅
  • Fabulous makeup! Can you do mine next? Wait never mind… 💄
  • Slay! But like, consensually please. 🗡️
  • Werq! Unless you‘re twerking, then stop. 🍑
  • Cute! But in that ugly-cute puppy way. 🐶
  • You go, bestie! Go…away. 👋
  • Yas queen! But not really.👸
  • Love this for you! And only you. 💕
  • Great moves king! Give the worms a break though. 🪱

<add 15-20 more examples>

Freaky Fairy Comments

  • I‘ll be under your bed tonight! Just kidding…or am I? 👹
  • Do you want to play a game? 🪓👾
  • I‘m outside your window 👀. Kidding! Or…?
  • Hey, can I borrow some hair for my doll? 👱‍♀️
  • If I can‘t have you no one can. 😍🔪
  • I‘m snuggling your old hoodie as we speak! 🧥
  • Those are nice liver spots – can I have one? 🫀
  • You should try bath salts! They really spice things up. 🛁
  • I‘m just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to let her wear his skin. 💀
  • Can you sign this? And by sign I mean skin cells. 🖊️🧬
  • I made this voodoo doll of you! So cute right? 🧸🪡

<add 15-20 more examples>

Sarcastic Fairy Comments

  • Wow, stunning! Have you considered modeling…fingerprints? 🕵️‍♀️
  • Great singing! You made my ears bleed. 🩸👂
  • Love this makeup look! Can you do mine next? Never mind, I like seeing. 🙈
  • You really know how to move! Teach my sleep paralysis demon? 👹
  • Gorgeous! But pretty is as pretty does. And this ain‘t it.
  • Cutie! Like a hairless cat – ugly but confident. 😽
  • Work it! Just maybe not in public anymore. 🙅‍♀️
  • Slay! But consensually please. ⚔️
  • Werk dish! And by dish I mean get a job. 🍽
  • Yaaassss queen! Of getting on my nerves. 👸

<add 15-20 more examples>

Savage Fairy Comments

  • Loved this! Now delete your account. 👋
  • Beautiful! On the inside is what counts though. 🫀
  • You are who you are! And who you are is trash. 🗑️
  • So inspirational! I‘m inspired to never make something this bad. 😖
  • You do you, boo! But maybe don‘t. ♥️
  • Get it, sis! And by get it I mean a refund on that face. 💸
  • Gorgeous! On opposite day. 🙃
  • Slay! Slay yourself away from me. 🗡️
  • Cute outfit! Not sure it was worth losing your dignity though. 👗
  • Werq it gurrl! Or just give up, no shame. 💃

<add 15-20 more examples>

Flirty/Dirty Fairy Comments

  • Hot stuff! Wanna smash? My expectations of humanity that is. 😈
  • Sexy! In an "I‘ll see you in my nightmares" kind of way. 💤
  • Wow, nice [body part]! Can I have it when you‘re done with it? 👀
  • If you were a booger, I‘d pick you first! Then flick you away. 👃
  • Are you a bank loan? Because you have my interest! Syke. 🏦
  • I‘m no electrician, but I can make your bed rock. 🪨🚫
  • Feeling frisky? Keep it to yourself please. 🤢
  • Mhm daddy, choke me with those big, bare hands! 👏 Jk, call the police. 👮‍♂️

<add 15-20 more examples>

Crafting Your Own Fairy Comments

– Give tips for coming up with own fairy comments
– Structure, unexpected twists, topical references
– Weirdness encouraged
– Emojis for visual humor
– Steer clear of actual cruelty

Flex your creative sarcasm skills by crafting your own custom fairy comments. Some tips:

  • Use classic fairy comment structure – start positive, end with sarcastic twist. The more jarring the turn, the better.

  • Mine trends and current events for timeliness.

  • Get weirdly hyper-specific for uniqueness.

  • Emojis add visual humor. The unicorn 🦄 is a fairy staple.

  • Subvert positivity and influencer tropes.

  • Avoid real cruelty – the line between playful and mean is thin.

With practice, you too can become a fairy comment master. Just remember – a touch of fairy magic goes a long way. Use your powers for good, TikTok!

The Future of Fairy Comments

– Speculate on future of trend
– Evolution of fairy comment tone and topics
– How trends spread and change on social platforms

As a social media expert, I‘m fascinated by viral online trends like fairy comments. How will this phenomenon evolve in the future?

Based on past trends, I predict the tone of fairy comments will expand beyond sarcastic teasing into new creative directions. We may see more absurdist and surreal fairy comments drawing on meme culture and collective creativity.

The topic range of fairy comments will also likely grow and diversify over time. While they arose as comment responses, fairy comment-style humor could spread into captions, video content, and more.

It‘s always illuminating observing how trends like fairy comments spread, morph, and play out across the social media landscape. TikTok‘s ephemeral, community-driven nature makes it the perfect environment for testing the limits of what‘s shareable.

Let the Fairies Spread Their Magic

And there you have it – everything you need to know about the fairy comment phenomenon and how to participate yourself. Which fairy comment made you giggle? Have any creative fairy comment ideas I should add?

However you feel about them, fairy comments reveal how social platforms shape forming humor trends. I had a blast exploring this viral phenomenon. Now go let your inner fairy run free across TikTok! 🧚✨