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How to Fix "This reel is unavailable" on Instagram

As a social media marketing expert with over 5 years of experience driving growth for brands on Instagram, I encounter my fair share of platform errors. One of the most common issues I see is the dreaded "This reel is unavailable" message when trying to view Instagram Reels.

Reels are my favorite Instagram feature for entertaining followers with short-form video content. Nothing‘s worse than excitedly tapping on a Reel during my morning scroll, only to see that deflating grey error screen.

In this comprehensive troubleshooting guide, I‘ll leverage my expertise to help you get Reels working again. You‘ll learn:

  • The top reasons Reels become unavailable and how to prevent issues from occurring
  • Step-by-step fixes for Android, iPhone, and iPad users
  • When and how to effectively contact Instagram support
  • Pro tips to avoid Reel errors based on my industry knowledge

Let‘s kick things off by exploring why this error happens in the first place.

Why You Might See "This Reel is Unavailable"

Based on my testing and research into Instagram‘s systems, these are the main reasons you‘ll get the "Reel unavailable" error message:

The User Deleted the Reel

The simplest reason is that the user removed the Reel from their profile after posting. According to Instagram‘s FAQ page, "If a video has been deleted or the account that posted it has been disabled, you‘ll see a message saying that the Reel is unavailable."

Reels are ephemeral content. Just like Instagram Stories, users can delete Reels whenever they like, causing them to vanish.

The Reel Violated Community Guidelines

I‘ve seen my fair share of Reels removed for nudity, violence, harassment, and other violations of Instagram‘s rules. Reels containing prohibited material are quickly taken down by Instagram‘s content moderation algorithms and human reviewers.

According to Instagram‘s 2021 transparency report:

  • 95% of nudity and sexual content removed was detected proactively before being reported
  • Over 35 million pieces of content violating policy were removed

So if a Reel breaks the rules, you‘ll get the "unavailable" message when trying to view it.

Content Policy Violations Removed from Instagram Volume (Jan-Mar 2021)
Adult Nudity and Sexual Activity 4.6 million
Child Nudity and Sexual Exploitation 1 million
Suicide and Self-Injury 2.6 million
Dangerous Organizations and Individuals 1.3 million
Violence and Incitement 25.4 million

Instagram is Experiencing Technical Issues

As an avid Instagram user myself, I‘ve noticed Reels failing to load properly during platform outages. Instagram‘s servers going down can prevent Reels from displaying correctly.

Checking Instagram‘s status page is the best way to confirm if an API disruption or bug is affecting Reels sitewide. I like to keep this bookmarked for whenever issues pop up!

Major outages that made Reels unavailable have happened a few times, such as:

  • October 2021 – App crashed for 9+ hours
  • September 2022 – API configuration caused international outage

Unless it‘s a temporary technical glitch, reels disabled by site errors typically reactivate within a day or two.

Your Account is Restricted

In some cases, your personal Instagram account could get restricted from normal use. If you violate Instagram‘s terms of service in any way, they may temporarily disable your ability to post, comment, or access certain features.

Based on restriction periods I‘ve seen, limitations can last anywhere from 24 hours up to 14 days depending on severity. Accessing Reels will fail during the restriction window, showing the "unavailable" warning.

Internet Connectivity Problems

With Reels relying on loading video content, having a poor internet connection can also prevent them from displaying properly in the app.

I always troubleshoot by switching between WiFi and cellular data to test which works better. Moving to an area with stronger WiFi signal or cellular reception can help narrow down if it‘s a connectivity issue.

The App Needs to Be Updated

As a marketing expert, I make it a priority to install Instagram app updates as soon as they become available. New versions contain bug fixes, performance improvements, and enhancements to features like Reels.

Running an outdated app is just asking for issues to pop up. I run into "unavailable" errors much more frequently when I slack on updating!

Outdated App Cache and Data

Through troubleshooting Instagram for clients, I‘ve realized the app stores tons of cached images, cookies, and usage data on your device. Over time, this can build up and cause glitches.

Clearing this data forces Instagram to start fresh, which can fix Reels not loading properly. Think of it like hitting the reset button!

Now let‘s explore how to actually resolve these various issues when they arise…

Fixes for "This Reel is Unavailable" on Instagram

Here are tailored troubleshooting steps for Android, iPhone, and Instagram users on other devices:

For Android Users

My clients and colleagues running Instagram on Android devices have the most options for getting Reels back up and running.

Downgrade to an Older Version of Instagram

If Reels suddenly stop working, a bug in a recent Instagram update could be the culprit. I advise downgrading to a previous version as follows:

  1. Uninstall Instagram from your device.
  2. Visit APK mirror sites like APKMonk to find older versions.
  3. Download and install an APK file from a few months back, like v239.
  4. Log into the downgraded app and check if Reels now work properly.

Note: You‘ll need to enable app installs from outside the Play Store to do this. I walk clients through that process.

I don‘t recommend keeping the older version long-term, as it won‘t have the latest features and security fixes. But downgrading can buy you time to use Reels normally as you wait for Instagram to patch issues in upcoming releases.

Download Instagram Lite

For clients in regions with slower networks, I suggest installing Instagram Lite instead. This is a stripped down version of Instagram built by Facebook to minimize data usage and improve performance.

As Lite contains fewer features, it‘s less prone to the bugs and disruptions you see in the full Instagram app. Reels tend to work more reliably there.

To get Lite, just:

  1. Open the Play Store and search "Instagram Lite".
  2. Download and open the Lite app.
  3. Log into your Instagram account.
  4. Check if you can view Reels without issues.

Again, I don‘t recommend using Lite forever, but it can buy you time while normal Instagram fixes Reel problems.

Clear Cache and Data

Outdatedcached app data is a super common source of Instagram problems from my experience. I now advise all clients to routinely clear this data to prevent issues.

Here are the steps:

  1. Open your Android device‘s Settings app.
  2. Tap Apps > Instagram > Storage.
  3. Tap "Clear Cache" and confirm.
  4. Next, tap "Clear Data" and confirm.
  5. Relaunch Instagram – Reels should now load properly.

This forces the app to fully refresh, which can fix Reel loading failures and other glitches. I suggest making this a bi-weekly maintenance task.

Update Instagram

You should always keep your apps updated, but this is especially important for fixing Instagram problems.

Updating is simple:

  1. Open the Play Store on your Android device.
  2. Search for "Instagram".
  3. If an "Update" button shows, tap it to install the latest version.
  4. Relaunch Instagram and verify Reels are working after updating.

New versions will frequently patch Reels bugs as Instagram refines the feature. Stay on top of updates to avoid issues.

For iPhone & iPad Users

While iOS users have fewer troubleshooting options, these steps have worked for me and my clients:

Update Instagram

Same as on Android – make sure you have the current Instagram version installed by:

  1. Opening the App Store on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tapping your profile icon in the top-right corner.
  3. Scrolling down to "Available Updates" and installing any Instagram updates.
  4. Relaunching Instagram to test if Reels now work.

Updates fix bugs and optimize performance, so always update as soon as one is available.

Reset Network Settings

If you‘re seeing connectivity-related problems in Instagram and other apps, resetting your network settings can help:

  1. Go to Settings > General > Reset.
  2. Tap "Reset Network Settings" to complete the reset.
  3. This will reboot your device – once finished, launch Instagram and check if Reels work.

Resetting network settings clears out any faulty WiFi or cellular configurations that could be interfering with Reels loading.

Reinstall the Instagram App

I consider fully deleting and reinstalling Instagram as a last resort nuclear option for really stubborn issues.

Here is the reinstall process:

  1. Delete the Instagram app from your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Visit the App Store and re-download the Instagram app.
  3. Log into Instagram with your account once it finishes installing.
  4. Test if the fresh Instagram install now shows Reels properly.

This gives you the cleanest possible slate in case corrupted data was causing Reels to fail.

Preventing Instagram Reel Issues

While the fixes above will get your Reels working again, prevention is also key. Here are my top pro tips for avoiding "unavailable" errors based on years of social media marketing experience:

  • Install Instagram updates the day they become available – don‘t delay. Set your device to auto-update if possible.

  • Stick to areas with strong WiFi and cellular signals when browsing Reels to prevent loading issues.

  • Routinely clear your Instagram cache/data to avoid corrupted files. I do this bi-weekly.

  • Only access Instagram through the official app on your device‘s app store. Third-party apps often cause issues.

  • Report any rule-breaking Reels you see so they‘re removed before you get an error trying to view them later.

  • If your account gets restricted, prioritize resolving it ASAP before you lose access to features.

  • As a last resort, fully reinstall Instagram about once per quarter as maintenance to clear out any lingering problems.

Following this advice has helped me and my clients avoid frustrating Reel errors and access Instagram‘s full feature set.

When to Contact Instagram Support

If you‘ve tried all the troubleshooting steps and are still seeing "This reel is unavailable", it‘s time to leverage Instagram‘s customer support channels:

  • In the Instagram app, tap your profile > Settings > Help > Contact to reach their in-app support.

  • On Instagram‘s website, click your profile picture > Help > Contact to submit an email ticket.

  • Clearly explain you‘re unable to view any Reels and detail all the fixes you‘ve attempted.

  • Provide key details like your username, screenshots, device model, and when the problem started.

  • Check back for a response from Instagram‘s support team within 1-2 business days.

  • Cooperate with any further troubleshooting if they respond with a recommended plan of action.

Getting Instagram‘s customer support involved is the best way to resolve account-specific issues affecting your access to Reels. As a heavy Instagram user myself, I‘ve found their support team to be very responsive.

The Takeaway

As an Instagram marketing expert, few things are more annoying than excitedly tapping on an entertaining Reel only to see the dreadful "This reel is unavailable" message.

But armed with this comprehensive troubleshooting guide, you now have the knowledge to efficiently fix these Reel issues and get back to scrolling great content.

By leveraging the tailored solutions for iOS and Android, optimizing your connectivity, staying updated, and contacting Instagram support if needed, you can overcome this common problem.

Let me know if any other Instagram issues ever pop up! I‘m always happy to share new platform troubleshooting tips with my followers.