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How to Fix “This Phone Number is Already Linked to the Maximum Number of Accounts” on ChatGPT

ChatGPT by artificial intelligence lab OpenAI has become an overnight sensation, dazzling users with its human-like conversational abilities. However, many eager users are encountering a roadblock when signing up:

"This phone number is already linked to the maximum number of accounts."

As an industry expert with over a decade of experience in AI and technology, let me guide you through why this error appears, the account limits behind it, and most helpfully—proven methods to bypass the issue.

The Origins of ChatGPT and OpenAI

To understand the constraints around ChatGPT accounts, we must first cover some key background details.

OpenAI was founded in 2015 by tech moguls including Elon Musk, Sam Altman and Greg Brockman. Headquartered in San Francisco, OpenAI‘s stated mission is:

"To ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity."

In pursuit of that goal, OpenAI has attracted over $1 billion in funding from impressive investors like Microsoft.

OpenAI‘s researchers focus on what‘s known as artificial general intelligence (AGI)—AI systems with more generalized learning capabilities that can master different domains.

ChatGPT specifically was launched on November 30, 2022. Built using a machine learning approach called generative pre-training, ChatGPT delivers shockingly human-like interactions—answering follow-up questions, challenging unsuitable requests, and even admitting when it‘s unsure or wrong.

Since release, ChatGPT has amassed over 1 million users with doubling week-over-week growth rates. Demand has greatly exceeded OpenAI’s bandwidth expectations, compelling them to set sign-up constraints.

Why the 2 Account Maximum Exists Per Phone Number

To manage overwhelming interest and stabilize infrastructure capacity during this research phase, OpenAI instituted a policy allowing only 2 ChatGPT accounts maximum per phone number.

Additional reasons for the cap include:

  • Prevent overuse: With free generative chat costing substantial compute resources, OpenAI limits usage to maintain quality.
  • Improve safety: More accounts per user enables greater scope for malicious activities.
  • Gather feedback: OpenAI grants access to diverse users to collect physiologic conversation data to refine the model.

According to Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, they may adjust account allowances "as we scale capacity". But for now, no number can validate more than 2 accounts.

Troubleshooting the Maximum Number of Accounts Error

When trying to verify a 3rd account linked to an already maxed out number, you‘ll face the frustrating “This phone number is already linked to the maximum number of accounts” error on ChatGPT.

Here are expert-approved solutions to bypass this roadblock and start chatting:

1. Provide an Alternative Number

The most straightforward fix is to supply a number not already associated with 2 accounts. Options include:

  • A secondary personal number
  • Family or friends‘ unused number
  • A business, work or university phone line

Ideally, opt for a number you can reliably access for account recovery purposes. And of course, get permission before using someone else‘s number!

2. Generate a Temporary Phone Number

If you don‘t have access to an available number, various tools like AnonSMS, SMS Activator, or Temp Number Org provide free or paid temporary, disposable numbers:

  1. Visit one of the above sites
  2. Copy a listed number or generate a new one
  3. Try validating the number with ChatGPT by prompting the verification code
  4. Input the code received to access your account!

Do keep in mind risks around privacy, security and reliability when utilizing a random temporary number for important services though.

3. Contact OpenAI Support

If you’re positive your existing number isn’t already maxed out, yet still receiving this error, it’s best to contact OpenAI support directly:

  1. Visit OpenAI‘s Help Center
  2. Click the chat icon and select "Send Us a Message"
  3. Login or sign-up then describe your issue in as much detail as possible

Explain you aren‘t intentionally exceeding the account limit. Their team can further investigate technical issues and offer specialized troubleshooting advice.

When Will OpenAI Lift This Restriction?

Quite reasonably, many are wondering if OpenAI intends to stick with this strict 2 account per phone number limit indefinitely.

Publicly, leadership has stated they “may adjust the limit over time as we scale capacity”. With Microsoft planning to incorporate ChatGPT into consumer products, OpenAI will surely expand infrastructure to support larger volumes.

Industry analysts predict OpenAI will phase out this account constraint by mid-2023. In the meantime, apply the above solutions to skirt the limitation and enjoy seamless conversations!

I hope this guide served as a comprehensive resource to resolve that pesky "maximum accounts" error – let me know if any other ChatGPT sign-up issues pop up!