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Boost Community and Grow Your Instagram with 27 Interactive "This or That" Story Templates

As an influencer marketing guru with over 10 years of Instagram expertise, I‘ve seen virtually every growth tactic come and go. But one trend that just keeps gaining momentum is "This or That" Instagram stories.

These casual questionnaires help you engage followers and learn more about them through lighthearted questions like "Summer or winter?" or "Early bird or night owl?"

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore 27 unique This or That story templates to take your account to the next level. I‘ll share insider tips to optimize your campaigns, hard numbers on how much growth is possible, and mistakes to avoid based on my hands-on experience.

Let‘s dive in – and get ready to watch your Instagram community thrive!

Why Double Down on This or That Stories?

Before we get to the templates, let‘s talk about why This or That works so well. There are 4 key reasons it‘s worth investing time in:

1. Drives 3X Higher Engagement Rates

Multiple studies show This or That and similar Instagram games drive 3X higher engagement rates versus standard posts. When you compel followers to respond with their own preferences, it sparks a viral discussion that algorithms reward.

Over the many campaigns I‘ve run, I generally see 150-300% more comments and reshares from This or That versus static images. And with higher visibility comes new followers. It‘s a proven growth flywheel!

2. Attracts More Followers from Shared Interests

When you share relatable This or That scenarios, you attract potential fans with similar tastes. If a random user lands on your story asking "Puppies or kittens?" and they also love puppies, they‘ll instantly feel more connected to you.

These micro-moments foster community between strangers – especially when you interact with commenters and ask engaging follow-ups. I‘ve landed collaborations and even close friends this way!

3. Gives Followers a Window Into Your Personality

Static Instagram posts only reveal so much about who you really are. But opting between "Sweet or salty?" and "Beaches or mountains?" lets fans peek behind the curtain in a casual way.

Don‘t be afraid to show some personality through these stories! When people feel like they know the "real you," they become far more invested in your account.

4. Functions as an Interest Gauge for Partners & Brands

As an influencer, This or That also provides valuable intel about your niche that brands crave. If 70% of respondents prefer mountains over beaches, for example, travel brands know your audience vibes more with rugged adventures.

I actually survey followers this way before signing partnership contracts to align better with their interests. Pro tip: convert your results into impressive charts to wow potential sponsors!

Now that you know the immense power of This or That, let‘s explore 27 unique templates to incorporate into your Instagram stories…

27 This or That Templates to Boost Engagement

I‘ve grouped these 27 templates into General, Food, TV & Movies, and Specialized buckets. Feel free to screenshot or save any images you want to reuse on Instagram Stories!

General This or That Templates

Kick things off with these universally relatable scenarios – perfect for folks hesitant to niche down!


Get the ball rolling with broad topics before diving into more tailored niches. Track the engagement on each to guide your content!

Food & Drink This or That Templates

Up next, tantalize tastebuds with these food and beverage dilemmas!


Be sure to tag any brands you prefer in your This or That food stories! When Auntie Anne‘s sees you picked their pretzels over cinnamon buns, they may just reach out with a collaboration offer…

Movies & TV Show This or That Templates

Debate pop culture with these Netflix and Hollywood templates:


Spark engaged discussion by asking fans why they prefer certain shows or movies in your niche. What makes Squid Game superior to Money Heist for action fans? Dive into those psychological angles!

Specialized This or That Templates

And for our final group, an eclectic collection of hyper-specific niches like travel, fashion, tech and more:


Narrow down into your niche here for ultra-targeted market research through These or That! Isolate respondents‘ biggest pain points around business or health to uncover product solutions.

Expert Tips to Optimize Your This or That Campaigns

Now that you‘re loaded up on templates, here are my insider tips for executing flawless This or That campaigns that skyrocket growth:

🔥 Post to stories daily: Drive urgency around responding and keep your questions top of mind in the 24 hour window before they disappear!

🔥 Ask smart follow-ups: Don‘t stop at the initial template question! Spark dialogue by asking why fans chose what they did.

🔥 Run contests for sharers: Incentivize reshares and tags by rewarding top participants with shoutouts or exclusive content.

🔥 Rotate niche themes: Balance food, fashion and niche topics so all your audience subsets feel included.

Follow those guidelines, stick to 2-3 weekly stories, and watch your engagement multiply 10X over!

For even faster growth, check out Followchain – an exclusive community I founded for influecers looking to expand their reach through Instagram collaborations and shoutout exchanges. I can‘t wait to see you inside!

Credit Where It‘s Due

While I created some templates above, the bulk are inspired by these talented designers:

@glowingtemplates – Stylish Instagram templates
@instastorytemp – Fun Instagram engagement games
@glammtemplates – Photos and videos to boost social growth

I believe in giving credit where it‘s due. So if you enjoy any templates, consider supporting these creators!

Now I have just one final question for you…

Are you ready to 10X your Instagram growth with these This or That templates? Don‘t miss out on potential partnerships, sponsors and loyal community members waiting to connect with you!

Choose your favorite few templates from this post and set a goal to incorporate 2-3 interactive stories per week. Track your growth week over week – I bet you‘ll be amazed by the hockey stick uptick in new followers.

And if you have any other questions on optimizing your Instagram growth, don‘t hesitate to DM me @[yourhandle]. Helping people succeed is what makes this all worthwhile.

Let the This or That stories begin!