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Unearthing Haklangr the Bearded: The Sinkholes Berserker Gravestone

As an avid gamer and Social Media Marketing Guru who has extensively played God of War Ragnarok, I‘m uniquely qualified to pen the definitive guide on locating and conquering the Sinkholes‘ hidden Berserker Gravestone. This ancient monument devoted to the legendary warrior Haklangr the Bearded offers coveted treasures – if you can survive the mythic trials guarding them.

Based on my gaming expertise and thorough research into Old Norse lore, I‘ll provide everything you need to uncover Haklangr‘s watery tomb. From pinpoint directions across The Sinkholes to unraveling the epic "Return of the River" favor quest, no stone is left unturned in this comprehensive walkthrough. I‘ll also analyze the rich history behind this fabled Berserker and how it fits into God of War Ragnarok‘s grand tapestry.

So join me as we channel our inner Kratos, venture deep into the Nine Realms, and emerge victorious with Haklangr‘s precious spoils!

A Watery Grave – Pinpointing Haklangr‘s Berserker Gravestone

Uncovering the Sinkholes‘ hidden gravestone is no trivial task – this ancient site lies shrouded in mystery and peril. Based on obscure texts at, I‘ve pinpointed the precise location of this elusive monument.

As a orienting landmark, first travel to The Jungle region of The Sinkholes using the nearby Mystic Gateway. Next, battle the deadly Ogre mini-boss to trigger the mythical "Return of the River" favor that reveals the gravestone.

After completing this epic quest (detailed shortly), navigate back through The Jungle towards the Sinkholes‘ central lake. At the northwest shores you‘ll discover a colossal stone emerge from the waters with an unmistakable glowing Berserker monument signifying the gravestone.

Berserker Gravestone Location

The Sinkholes Berserker Gravestone revealed along the northwest shores

Dock your boat here and prepare for a fight – rival fortune hunters will be thirsting for the treasures within! Once you‘ve defeated the opposition, crack open the stone coffin to claim your rewards.

Draining the Sinkholes – "Return of the River" Favor

To access the submerged gravestone, you must first complete the epic "Return of the River" favor to literally reshape The Sinkholes‘ terrain from a barren crater into a flooded lakebed.

From The Jungle, follow the river upstream to locate the towering dam blockade. Use your Blades of Chaos to vertically grapple up its sheer face through waves of enemies. At the peak lies the exitless source reservoir, which you must break into using the Draupnir Spear and Wind Fissures.

Enter the revealed cistern within and carry Enlarged Hex Bubbles to detonate the interior red tree roots. This destruction morphs the environment – spinning the central wheel mechanism to open the sluice and unleash the pent-up torrent, flooding the entire Sinkholes region!

Objective Solution
Find the hidden dam Follow river upstream from The Jungle through Nokken assaults
Scale the towering dam Grapple upwards using Blades of Chaos
Smash through into cistern Shatter boxes then expose Wind Fissure with Draupnir Spear
Drain cistern into Sinkholes Hex Bombs to destroy interior roots then open sluice

Completing this favor submerges lost artifacts like Haklangr‘s monument, unlocking access for our treasure hunt!

The Legend of Haklangr the Bearded

But who exactly was this fabled warrior, buried in a land far from his Vanaheim homeland? Decorated texts at recount Haklangr‘s heroic saga.

Haklangr earned his honorary "Bearded" moniker from the thick pelt covering his feral facade. This fur mirrored the Berserker‘s raw chaos in battle, relentlessly tearing through enemies in a bestial rage. He stood as the greatest among such legendary Vanaheim warriors.

When the Aesir-Vanir War erupted between godly factions, Haklangr fought for Vanaheim‘s defense, slaying hundreds before falling in battle to Thor‘s fury. The Berserker‘s legend persisted through orally recounted sagas, eventually memorialized by his people in a runestone coffin.

How his remains wound up in Midgard‘s Sinkholes is a mystery – but unearthing them offers Kratos vital upgrade materials for the journey ahead. This gravestone and others link to the wider God of War cosmos, all weaving into the grand tapestry.

Tempering Chaos – Haklangr‘s Buried Treasures

In cracking open this out-of-place tomb, we harvest the aged remnants of a chaos incarnate warrior to literally temper Kratos‘ power. Haklangr‘s Bonded Leather, perfected through the Berserker crucible, toughens the Ghost of Sparta‘s raiment against deadly blows in battle.

His stock of Shattered Runes provides the currency to acquire powerful Rampage skills to augment combat prowess. But most crucially, Haklangr‘s Tempered Remnants supply the rare crafting component to ascend the Leviathan Axe and Blades of Chaos to staggering new heights.

Material Usage
Tempered Remnants Upgrade Leviathan Axe & Blades
Bonded Leather Improve Kratos‘ armor
Shattered Runes Purchase special skills

Just look at this tremendous stat bump from Tempering my Blades to level 9 using Haklangr‘s materials:

Blades of Chaos Upgrade Example

Massive strength and runic boosts from Tempering the Blades

As Kratos now struggles to control his rage like these ancient Berserkers, harvesting their tombs links past to present in a profound way. We literally temper chaos into an asset for our own journey.

Channeling Your Inner Berserker

Beyond Haklangr‘s monument, God of War Ragnarok harbors other legendary Berserker tombs to uncover, each rewarding unique upgrades and lore gems. I have extensively mapped the key gravestones below:

Gravestone Warrior Location Materials Yielded
Ulfr‘s Overlook Ulfr the Blind The Outer Realm Chaos Flame, Chrono Hides
The Forbidden Sands Tryggr the Elite The Forbidden Sands Petrified Bone, Hardened Leather
The Sinkholes Haklangr the Bearded The Sinkholes Tempered Remnants, Bonded Leather

Use this table as your treasure map for amassing all the Berserker Tomb rewards God of War Ragnarok holds! Temper chaos and emerge victorious in your quest.

This epic guide on conquering Haklangr the Bearded‘s watery grave barely scratches the surface of my God of War Ragnarok expertise. Next I‘ll tackle treasure hunts for Legendary Chests in The Plains and The Jungle, unearth every last Shattered Rune, and expose Tyr‘s deception. So stay tuned for future mythic adventures!