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The Rumor Mill Churns: Steve Harvey’s Bodyguard and Wife Marjorie’s Relationship Under Scrutiny

A recent YouTube video has ignited rumors that scandal may be brewing in Steve Harvey’s marriage to his wife of 14 years, Marjorie Bridges. The video titled “EXCLUSIVE: Steve Harvey‘s Bodyguard CONFIRMS RELATIONSHIP With Marjorie Harvey!" explores speculation that Harvey’s personal bodyguard, William Freeman, has betrayed his trust by becoming romantically involved with Marjorie.

While Freeman did apparently confirm some kind of personal relationship with Marjorie in the video, he remained vague about its exact nature. However, the rampant speculation threatens severe consequences for Steve Harvey’s reputation and his standing with fans. As rumors continue swirling of the couple being on the verge of separation after over a decade of marriage, questions arise on what really may be happening behind the scenes.

Financial Havoc – Harvey Divorce Could Cost Tens of Millions

If this rumor proves factual and the Harvey’s marriage does breakdown, the financial repercussions for comedian and media mogul Steve Harvey could be enormous. With an estimated net worth of $200 million on the line, the stakes are sky-high.

Harvey’s assets and properties subject to division in a divorce include:

  • The Steve and Marjorie Harvey Foundation – Started in 2009, the non-profit aims to provide youth outreach services. As a key face of the organization, Marjorie may stake a claim.
  • Atlanta mansion – Their custom-built 17,000 square foot luxury Buckhead estate could be valued around $15 million.
  • LA mansion – In 2019, they purchased Tyler Perry‘s former mansion for $15 million. The 12,561 square foot property includes 7 bedrooms.
  • Other homes – The Harveys are also believed to own multi-million dollar homes in Texas, Colorado and Hawaii.
  • Book income – Harvey has earned millions from best-selling titles like “Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man”. Book royalties may qualify for splitting.

Additionally, under California’s community property divorce laws, Marjorie would likely be entitled to 50% of assets acquired during their marriage.

With over a decade together, she could also pursue sizeable spousal support payments. As the mother of Harvey’s two youngest children, child support awards would also enter the equation.

In total, some family lawyers estimate the settlement could exceed $100 million if the couple fully dissolved their marriage.

ForSteve Harvey, who has worked for decades to build his humongous wealth and success, such losses would constitute a massive financial blow.

Marjorie & Steve Issue Passionate Denials Amidst Rumor Firestorm

Both Marjorie and Steve Harvey have fervently denied rumors of an impending divorce. Marjorie took to social media stating she feels responsible for protecting her reputation as the face of their shared foundation. With no confirmation of evidence beyond speculation, she insists accusations are false.

"I put myself in a position to where if you‘re gonna say something about me, say it with proof…could affect a lot of people," she implored.

Steve himself also confronted rumors head-on recently at a public appearance. When an audience member bluntly asked about divorce speculation, he unequivocally stated:

"We ain‘t getting a divorce. That is stupid.”

"Whatever you heard wasn‘t true. We‘ve been split up for a while on differently schedules," he explained about their time apart focusing on individual projects.

While the firm denials from both parties cast doubt on the swirling speculation, their physical distance recently still raises some eyebrows. Especially given Marjorie’s purported closeness to William Freeman…

Betrayal By The Bodyguard – Amplifying The Complexity

Allegations around William Freeman add an extra dimension of complexity and shock value to this scandal. He is not just a random staff member – for over 16 years, Freeman has worked closely by Harvey’s side as his personal bodyguard and security head.

In reality, he is far more than strictly a bodyguard, having seemingly unrestricted access to Harvey’s inner circle both personally and financially. Some even claim Freeman may have been closely tied to Marjorie’s own entrepreneurial ventures like her skin care line.

Additionally, this bodyguard was allegedly pivotal initially in reconnecting Steve and Marjorie, leading to marriage. The idea that he could now be implicated in an illicit affair threatening to tear them apart constitutes the utmost betrayal in Harvey’s eyes.

The Ultimate Betrayal – Facilitated Marriage, Now Facilitating Its Demise?

In shocking twist that seems almost unbelievable, William Freeman initially served as a key catalyst bringing Steve and Marjorie back together years ago. Their romance faded after a short-term relationship, until Freeman convinced a reluctant Harvey to give it another chance.

The bodyguard-turned-matchmaker could hardly have expected that just over a decade later, his own alleged involvement with Marjorie would emerge at the center of rumors imploding the marriage he helped spark.

Some speculate whether resurfaced affection between Marjorie and her self-described “BFF” William formed gradually over years of working together. As her confidante, he seemed uniquely positioned to ultimately gain intimate access by exploiting Steve Harvey’s frequent traveling schedule.

A Collaboration For Shared Wealth…By Way of Affairs & Scandal?

Lurking beneath the tabloid gossip surface may lie financial incentives driving this purported coordinated betrayal. Beyond just an impulsive affair of passion, some suggest Marjorie Harvey intentionally orchestrated events with William Freeman’s assistance to eventually acquire a portion of Steve Harvey’s vast wealth.

Freeman’s exceptionally close involvement managing security for Harvey’s career, events and family provided the opportunity. Combining inside knowledge of Steve’s assets with emotional manipulation and seduction of Marjorie could enable them to skillfully dismantle the marriage from its very foundation.

Cynics theorize mastermind Marjorie deliberately reconnected with Freeman, her former “best friend”, to initiate an affair just egregious enough to devastate Harvey. Achieving at minimum a massive divorce settlement, or possibly blackmail leading to hush money may have been the end goal.

The shocking idea of this kind of pre-meditated conspiracy masterminded by his own wife and loyal bodyguard partner likely cuts deepest for Steve. Especially considering he functioned as the initial catalyst reuniting them.

While purely speculative, Marjorie and Freeman’s history adds circumstantial fuel to rumors of them potentially scheming in tandem for financial gain amidst marriage destruction.

Fan Reaction – Overwhelming Disgust & Disappointment

Predictably, revelations of the alleged affair and betrayal connected to widely-adored Steve Harvey prompted massive emotional reaction from fans. Across social media, comments expressed disgust and disappointment, with many quick to levy anger directly at Marjorie for apparently abandoning her marriage so easily:

Some went as far as calling for legal consequences for both Marjorie and William Freeman over apparently destroying Harvey’s marriage in cold blood simply for financial motives.

While no tangible evidence yet proves rumors to be factual, the sheer possibility clearly resonated emotionally with many fans invested in Harvey’s personal life story. Steve’s incredible evolution from struggling comedian to multimedia icon inspires sympathy from supporters. To envision him suffering such intimate betrayal from wife and confidante strikes a sore spot for the public.

How Does This Potential Scandal Compare Historically?

Marital scandals frequently strike the celebrity universe, though few encompass the shocking depth of accusations apparently facing Steve Harvey now.

In 2019, Jeff Bezos‘ 25-year marriage to MacKenzie Scott collapsed following revelation of his affair with Lauren Sanchez. With the founder of Amazon – one of world’s wealthiest men – involved, their divorce settlement constituted the largest in history at $36 billion.

Short of billion-dollar deals, cheating scandals contributed heavily to ending other celebrity power couples like Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie, Arnold Schwarzenegger/Maria Shriver and Elliott Spitzer/Silda Wall Spitzer.

But what uniquely devastates in Harvey‘s situation is the multi-layer interpersonal betrayal involving his wife plus close bodyguard/confidante. The web of broken loyalties and trust amplifies harm, suggesting long-term impacts beyond a short-term affair.

If the full speculative extent involving months of careful plotting and coordination proves factual, profound financial and emotional devastation for Harvey seems inevitable.

Imagining Life Post-Divorce For Steve & Marjorie

If the swirling rumors materialize into an actual divorce between the Harveys, adjustments to life apart loom large. Emotional turmoil aside, untangling the vast financial web alone poses complications.

Detailed settlement negotiations determining asset splits, spousal support levels, child custody arrangements could take months in itself. If disputes arose, the case could land in court before a judge, amplifying tensions.

Following settlement, speculation is inevitable on the next romantic steps for each party. Some suggest for serial wife Marjorie, reconciliation with William Freeman is not inconceivable.

Steve may have a rockier journey towards new love given devastation of betrayal. He prides himself on being a strict father – his daughters may also struggle welcoming a new paramour.

Career-wise, Harvey would likely redouble focus on TV, radio hosting and business ventures. With a fresh start and losing up to half his net worth however, motivation to hustle even harder would surely grow. Branding opportunities catering to divorced men could also emerge.

For Marjorie, her skincare company and charity foundation face uncertain fates if ties to Steve Harvey sever. Maintaining fame sans the Harvey name poses an obstacle. But reality TV offers scripts notorious scandals into renewed visibility – an idea Marjorie may well consider.

Final Thoughts – Tumultuous Times For “Hollywood’s Husband & Wife"

Regardless of factual accuracy, swirling accusations likely foreshadow tumultuous times ahead for Steve & Marjorie Harvey, known affectionately to fans as "Hollywood‘s Husband and Wife." With both parties emotionally invested in protecting their brands, fierce denial of rumors should be expected.

Yet scandal has an unsavory way of spiraling as speculation breeds intensity. Once key evidence enters the arena – texts, photos, first-hand accounts – containment becomes impossible.

For the likable, widely admired Harveys who represent aspirational black love to so many fans, the descent from grace could be devastating. As accusations rage on, one thing is certain – someone in this tangled web stands to lose big as reputation meets rumor. Yet the Public watches on with bated breath as Steve Harvey now faces his greatest test – emerging with career, family and dignity intact even amidst swirling rumors aimed to dismantle that all.