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The New Weapons Meta after Battlefield 2042‘s Monumental Season 5 Update

Season 5 brought some of the most impactful weapon rebalancing that Battlefield 2042 has seen since launch. Assault rifles and DMRs have risen to the top of the meta, while LMGs and shotguns have faded. With lower spread, faster reloads and increased ranged lethality, Season 5 shook up the weapon hierarchy dramatically.

In this extensive 2000+ word guide, we‘ll break down the new cream of the crop guns dominating Battlefield 2042 firefights in detail. We‘ll analyze why these weapons have shot to the top, highlight their ideal engagement ranges and best-in-class attributes, and even speculate on potential future meta shifts in 2023. Let‘s dive in!

Why Assault Rifles and DMRs Are Now King

The main factors elevating assault rifles and DMRs in Season 5 are:

  • Lower Spread – Reduced spread, especially in the first 5 shots, results in excellent initial firing accuracy for landing headshots. Assault rifles saw the most benefit here with certain weapons like the AC-42 seeing vertical recoil reduced by 33% and horizontal tolerance tightened by 50%.

  • Higher Headshot Damage – Increased headshot multipliers, combined with lower spread, made it easier than ever to quickly drop enemies with well-placed bursts. Weapons like the M5A3 now deal over 50 damage on headshots up close.

  • Better Recoil Control – Improved recoil patterns, faster re-centering and new attachments enabled players to sustain accurate fire at range. The AC42 for example now recenters nearly 50% faster.

  • Extended 3-Shot Kill Ranges – Changes like these cemented assault rifles and DMRs as the weapons of choice for mid-long range combat against all armor types. The M5A3 specifically had its 3-shot kill range pushed out from 15m, up to 30m – a 100% improvement!

These changes directly played into the ranged headshot capabilities assault rifles and DMRs were designed for. Whereas other weapon types saw only marginal improvements or even nerfs.

Now let‘s breakdown the new top meta picks within these enhanced weapon categories:

AC-42 – Best Long Range Assault Rifle

The AC-42 saw the most transformative buffs this season. Previously, it was held back by accuracy issues leading to inconsistent headshots. It couldn‘t compete with the ranged lethality of weapons like the SFAR-M GL which could 3-shot enemies out to 45m.

However, with dramatically reduced spread even through long bursts, the AC-42 has become an absolute monster at long distances with a High Grip and Sniper Ammo. Specifically vertical recoil was reduced by 33% improving follow-up shot accuracy at range. On top of spread changes, this has pushed out its reliable 3-shot kill range to 32 meters. Just behind the SFAR now.

The first 5 shots are now essentially laser beams, which combined with the AC-42‘s high fire rate of 720 RPM, make it the perfect choice for chaining mid-long range headshots. Within 22-55 meters, it can actually one burst any target by landing headshots with Sniper Ammo. Its TTK up close is now on par with top SMGs, around 374ms, while still retaining great ranged power.

In the right hands, it‘s time-to-kill and viability now compete directly with DMRs. Its only drawback is slightly slower reloads at 2.7s tactical vs 2.15s on the M5A3. But this can be mitigated with extended mags. Equipping large calibers combined with a high power scope gives you a 20-round sniper rifle with AR handling!

If you wrote off the AC-42 before, it deserves another chance in Season 5. It went from inconsistent to best-in-class for ranged assault rifle headshot prowess. I personally run this build with success:

PBX-45 – Top Aggressive SMG

With assault rifles dominating longer ranges, SMGs have faded a bit in relevance. Except for one standout contender: the PBX-45. Thanks to an RPM buff up to 880 from 850, and improved close range damage with +2 max, it shreds up close.

It now hits 24 damage, allowing it to 5-shot kill with body shots, very competitive. But its main advantage is a ludicrious new 1257 RPM burst DPS when factoring its 4-round burst fire.

Up close, its burst DPS is simply unmatched. It chews through enemies before they can even react. The PBX has virtually no recoil either allowing you to maintain tight shot grouping even in hectic CQC situations. Combined with a massive 50 round magazine, you can just hold down fire throughout entire close quarter engagements.

The only downside to the PBX is longer damage dropoff compared to assault rifles. Your lethal range is limited from 0-35 meters. But for hyper-aggressive players who want to dominate structures like Kaleidoscope‘s skyscrapers and capture points, the PBX-45 is now the SMG to beat in Battlefield 2042.

I love running this high mobility flanking build:

ACWR – Jack of All Trades Rifle

The ACWR assault rifle flew under the radar for most of Battlefield 2042‘s life. But significant buffs in Season 4 combined with further improvements in Season 5 have cemented its place as an accurate, versatile all-rounder.

It doesn‘t necessarily excel in any one area. But it has very balanced stats with good ranged lethality, fast reloads, low recoil, acceptable 750 RPM fire rate and strong accuracy – especially for the first 3-4 shots. This makes it very forgiving to use. Compared to the M5A3, it reloads quicker at 2.3s tactical vs 2.7s while retaining competitive TTK.

About the only downside to the ACWR is its limited attachment options. You don‘t have as much customization flexibility as the SFAR or M5A3. However, its out-of-the-box performance post-buffs is so solid that you likely won‘t even need many mods.

I love the ACWR‘s versatility combined with unrelenting firepower from extended mags:

For players who don‘t want to obsess over attachment combos and recoil control, the ACWR is now a very forgiving and consistent assault rifle option after Season 5 changes. It brings nice quality of life without sacrificing lethality.

M39 EMR – Long Range Monster DMR

In the Designated Marksman Rifle category, one weapon has risen head-and-shoulders above the rest: the M39 EMR. This hard-hitting semi-auto beast saw huge buffs in Season 5 that turbo-charged its capabilities.

Specifically, it received 15% faster rechamber between shots, increased RPM upped from 257 to 285. This noticeably sped up follow up shots for achieving quicker 2-shot headshot kills. Its magazine size also grew from 15 to a whopping 30 rounds – essentially doubling ammo available per reload.

Combined with slightly reduced recoil, its now much more forgiving to use at long distances compared to other DMR options. These attributes also give it lightning fast 333ms and 500ms TTKs for 2-shot and 3-shot kills respectively.

But what truly sets apart the M39 is its extended 2-shot headshot kill range, now reaching out to 110 meters. Compared to just 75 meters on the SVK. This gives you phenomenal ranged lethality to counter enemies at extreme distances.

Simply pair the M39 with a High Power Scope and equip Headhunter rounds to excel. At long ranges, it can 2-shot headshot kill even Tier 1 armored Angel and Irish – extremely potent! The velocity, bullet drop, damage and handling stats are nearly identical to sniper rifles too. Essentially making the M39 a high capacity semi-auto sniper, just without the glint!

The M39 does have some tradeoffs though compared to snipers. Its vertical recoil kicks slightly harder making rapid fire at extreme range more difficult. And the bullet velocity lags behind dedicated recon weapons – though still very competitive at 670 m/s.

Overall though, if punishing enemies at long range is your specialty, the M39 EMR in Season 5 is arguably the most powerful and forgiving DMR ever featured in Battlefield. Equip SP-R ammo and land headshots with this beast:

PP-29 – Bullet Hose SMG/LMG Hybrid

While most LMGs faded in relevance after Season 5 changes, one unusual weapon has carved out an interesting niche: the PP-29 SMG/LMG hybrid.

With a base 64 round magazine upgraded to 164 rounds extended, it fills the role of a bullet hose LMG. Capable of locking down areas with continuous suppressive fire without sacrificing mobility. Unlike true LMGs however, the PP-29 is also surprisingly capable at range.

Its minimal damage dropoff combined with low recoil results in consistent accuracy even out to 50+ meters. Essentially converting it into a laser beam LMG – a rather unique combo! Upgraded with AP ammo, it can even challenge snipers at extreme distances.

The PP-29 does have some tradeoffs though. Its handling is sluggish for an SMG with slow 2.75s reloads and low maneuverability during sustained fire. It‘s also limited to a x3 scope, capping its optical magnification compared to LMGs.

But if you want a versatile bullet hose for point control that can threaten at most engagement ranges, the PP-29 finds that sweet spot after Season 5 changes. Offering a fresh, competitive alternative to LMGs and ARs. I enhance its ranged power further with this build:

Off-Meta Underdog Weapons

While assault rifles and DMRs dominate the current meta, every weapon category has standout underrated picks as well. Based on my testing, here are three off-meta sleepers capable of competing:

K30 (SMG) – Absurd 1300 RPM fire rate that instantly melts enemies up close. Requires perfect recoil control.
12M Auto (Shotgun) – Lethal semi-auto fire out to 20m when aiming down sights. Shreds if you have good aim.
MCS-880 (Shotgun) – Highest semiauto RPM at 257. Fast follow-up shots make this featherweight devastating.

Don‘t sleep on these niche picks – in the right hands they can still dominate! The K30 for example allowed streamer Mad to win Operation: Sharpshooter tournament #3 against top-tier competition.

While assault rifles and DMRs are clearly the weapons to beat, creative loadouts with off-meta guns you master can catch enemies by surprise and enable highlight reel moments.

Speculating on Unreleased Weapons

Looking further ahead, Battlefield 2042 is still growing and more arsenal additions are certain to arrive in future content seasons. Based on datamining of currently unreleased assets, here are two leaked weapons that could shake up the meta upon launch:

Rorsch Mk-8 (SMG) – 1200 RPM insanity with a 50 round mag. If recoil is reasonable, this vector-like bullet hose would be top-tier CQC.
Corvo FA (AR) – Essentially an ACR from MW2. Very high fire rate, low recoil, integrated suppressor could make this a beast.

These are of course speculation until officially launched. But they demonstrate DICE‘s intent to keep expanding the sandbox, and potentially shift the meta in unexpected ways.

Speculating on Season 6 and Beyond…

Looking ahead, DICE indicated another weapon balance pass is slated for 2023 alongside new content drops. And Season 5 changes didn‘t benefit all weapon categories equally.

Based on this, it‘s reasonable to anticipate the following meta trends:

Shotguns Buffed for CQC Viability – With SMG power steadily declining besides the PBX, expect the combat role of Shotguns to get enhanced. Tighter spreads and extended lethal ranges in builds catered around ADS could restore competitiveness.

Sniper Rifle Adjustments for Long Range Diversity – Currently the M39 EMR encroaches heavily onto Sniper Rifles with similar velocity, damage and optics but with faster follow up shots. Distinct advantages for recon weapons like higher mag capacity, glint removal or Sizzle rounds could help differentiate.

Continued Tuning of LMG Spread and Recoil – LMGs still feel slightly off after Season 5 changes. There‘s room for improvement to their ranged damage dropoff, accuracy and handling to make them fill more unique flexible fire support roles.

Mounted Weapon Improvements – Stationary weapons currently feel underpowered and clunky relative to soldier loadouts. Increasing mounted weapon lethality and accuracy could make vehicles like the Hovercraft more viable as roaming platforms to lay down hurt on objectives.

Of course this is just speculation based on an analysis of current game balance. But given the sweeping adjustments we saw this season, it‘s likely DICE will continue fine tuning weapon mechanics throughout 2023.

Stay tuned here on the blog for future breakdowns of meta shifts as Battlefield 2042 content keeps expanding. The weapon sandbox is in the best state yet after Season 5, but plenty of impactful new guns and changes still await on the horizon!

So get out there and master the S Tier AC42, PBX-45, M39 EMR and ACWR in their newfound glory. Just be cautious charging across open fields – enemy snipers and DMRs are deadlier than ever thanks to the Season 5 buffs too!

See you on the Battlefield.
