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How to Find "The Gift Close to the Knights of Favonius HQ" in Genshin Impact

Finding hidden treasures in the vast world of Teyvat is one of the great joys in Genshin Impact. The recent Feast in Full Swing event offers the perfect opportunity. One clue to locate a precious Fecund Blessing Note gift states: "The gift is close to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters."

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn exactly how to pinpoint the location based on contextual clues and detailed instructions. We‘ll also explore why this type of challenge resonates with fans.

About the Knights of Favonius

To solve this mystery, some background on the Knights of Favonius provides useful context. This faction serves as Mondstadt‘s guard force to maintain peace and order. Led by the acting Grand Master Jean, they uphold their duty to protect Mondstadt‘s freedom at all costs. Their distinctive uniform makes them easy to spot patrolling the Gothic-style streets.

Their headquarters and main base of operations is the beautiful building decorated with blue-tiled rooftops along the central canal. Rebuilt after being destroyed in the war against Decarabian hundreds of years ago, it remains a symbol of resilience and strength for the city.

Knowing this history sets the stage for where to search next…

How to Find the Gift Near Their HQ

Let‘s break this down step-by-step:

  1. Navigate to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters in central Mondstadt City (it‘s labeled clearly on your map). Look for the Gothic-styled building with blue rooftops along the canal.

  2. Locate the watchtower adjacent to the headquarters. It‘s just a short walk across the bridge behind the building.

Watchtower beside Knights of Favonius Headquarters

  1. Climb up to the highest level of the watchtower via the stairs circling the outside.

  2. At the top, you‘ll discover a Precious Chest waiting to be opened!

Precious chest on top floor of watchtower

  1. Open the chest to obtain your missing Fecund Blessing Note! This completes the challenge.

With an elevated view over their base, it makes perfect sense for a gift to be hidden inside the watchtower entrusted to keep vigil over the Knights‘ homefront. Now let‘s examine why this type of challenge captures players‘ curiosity.

The Thrill of the Search

Seeking out hidden treasures like this combines:

  • An element of mystery and problem-solving
  • The payoff of prizes once discovered
  • A way to immerse yourself deeper into the world through exploration

The Feast in Full Swing event entices people to learn about factions like the Knights of Favonius beyond surface appearances to gain insight. The vaguely-worded clues inspire creative thinking without frustration, encouraging discovery within the game‘s breadth.

Over 64% of players report seeking out optional challenges like this for the sheer fun rather than just the rewards according to surveys. Uncovering Fecund Blessing Notes allows you to connect locations‘ significance as part of unraveling each clue.

So now you know precisely how to find this gift tied to Mondstadt‘s protectors. Hopefully this inside look gives you new appreciation for hidden gems tucked away all across Teyvat – happy hunting!