As gamers used to traversing fantastical landscapes and universes filled with magic, monsters, and mystical forces, perhaps we already intuitively grasp that there’s more to reality than meets the eye. Mainstream science still trapped in a rigid materialist paradigm scoffs at concepts like higher dimensions and souls. But what if complete mastery over space, time, and the very fabric of existence itself lies within our reach…we just forgot how to access our full power?
My friends, it’s time to level up and reclaim abilities that once seemed like science fiction but are our natural birthright according to visionaries like Matías De Stefano. His unconventional upbringing, unfiltered exploration of cosmic consciousness expansion, and ability to access information beyond the limits of mundane perception provide a rare glimpse behind the veil shrouding expanded aspects of reality.
In the world’s richest fantasy lore, those who peel back the surface of the mundane inevitably discover underlying layers of magic, mystery, and mayhem. Let’s explore what stirring revelations await as we follow in the footsteps of our favorite fictional heroes to unlock the astonishing grandeur of our multidimensional being!
Character Creation: A Spirit Unbound by Consensus Reality
Unlike most, Matías began his journey unrestrained by rigid belief systems about what’s real. Raised atheist in secular Argentina, he reported memories of ancient Egypt washing over him at age 11 along with powerful emotions tied to that past life. Without religious dogma compressing his budding cosmic awareness, Matías enjoyed the ultimate creative freedom – direct access to source code underpinning consensus reality!
We might think of his unique upbringing as selecting the “mystic” class at birth, granting bonus points in intuition and metaphysical prowess from level one. By adolescence, Matías unlocked abilities targeted in our favorite RPGs and anime including clairvoyance, dimensional sight, magical combat, and reality shifting. How did he gain such overpowered skills? Unlimited freedom to follow his cosmic curiosity rather than submitting to Matrix-like programs aiming to make sleepwalking consumers of us all.
Expanding Perception to Navigate Hidden Layers of Existence
Convinced that we all hold extraordinary abilities in dormancy, Matías urges us to break free from tunnels of normalized perception, embrace direct experience over rigid scientism, and rediscover birthrights smug authorities tell us are impossible fantasy.
“What we perceive with our five senses is only a tiny fraction of the universe. There are entire layers of creation that lie beyond matter, energy, space, and time as we know it in our day to day “reality.” – Matías
According to interviews, Matías perceives dimensions not as separate detached locales but as overlapping frequencies allowing cosmic consciousness to experience itself in unique ways, much like white light diffracts into rainbow hues when passed through a prism. Consider dimensions as filters placed over unbounded awareness, introducing captivating qualities, limitations, and opportunities for soul evolution through incarnation.
Let’s tour key locations in the superverse Matías describes to expand our perceptual map and decide where we might focus future travels! Think of each dimension as zones displayed on our character profile showing attributes, unlocks, and discoveries.
Fourth Dimension
- Unlocks: Chronomancy, Phasing, Dream Manipulation
- The timeless realm of imagination where thoughts shape reality directly. Lucid dreams and psychedelic states unleash Fourth Dimension traits temporarily by quieting the rational filter demanding rigid rule sets in normal waking consciousness. Unlimited Manifestation works seamlessly here.
Sixth Dimension
- Unlocks: Divine Invocation, Mythic Avatar Incarnation
- Where core archetypes and personalities of the Absolute take shape before cascading into physical realms. The workshop of cosmic engineers bestowing essence and form to all life. Angelic orders, gods of myth, and original thought forms seeding existence originate here. Master this plane and we gain admin access to edit underlying truth of all below.
Ninth Dimension
- Unlocks: Omniscience, Pure Unity Experience, Maxed Out Source Code Integration
- The final frontier where all separate identity reunites with absolute beingness. Full awareness and direct experience of oneself as the All emerges. Some call Ninth Dimension achievement “enlightenment”, but let’s upgrade verbiage as the starting line not finish! We need to push transcendence to superhuman heights after all! From this pinnacle summit, we survey all layers of manifoldDimensional existence at once.
The Endgame: Leveling Back up to Divinity
Rather than detach from the world, Matías believes full awakening happens by embracing earthly experience to complete the journey of soul evolution across frames. By mastering abilities keyed to our divine origin like unconditional compassion and co-creative power, we accumulate wisdom from challenges until no gaps remain between human and Higher Self.
The more skilled among us may learn to juggle multiple dimensional identities simultaneously with enough practice. Excellence in chronomancy and phasing bestows even greater heights. Will you focus efforts on strengthening traits tied to your celestial origin or pursue solo side quests lost in illusion? Choose wisely!
Hacking Reality: Glitches in the Matrix
Matías gained insights into the pliable nature of perceived reality after dramatic events left doctors baffled by his sudden recovery from paralysis and traumatic injury. He reports sensations of divine light reformatting damaged body structures after earnest appeal.
“We get so caught in statistics and probabilities we forget reality flashes unlimited possibilities at every turn.”
Such miraculous self-healing replicates common themes in fantasy lore of godlike beings reconstituting wounded forms or conjuring replacement bodies at will. Might our own divine blueprint grant similar reconstructive capacity if roused from slumber? Do rare accounts of aberrant phenomena expose defects in the veil of mundane appearances?
Glitch stories might offer glimpses of reality’s underlying malleability suggesting upgrades available by mastering higher dimensional arts like manifestation coding, tactical phasing, and external avatar projection. We need only reattune to frequencies granting root access!
Shifting Perception to Allow For Extraordinary Truths
Despite profound insights revealed while traversing exotic states of consciousness, Matías stresses full embodiment and integration, not chasing highs that bypass this timely slice of eternity. We each hold a sacred obligation to unbind creative might here and now.
“Stop seeking escapes from the world. You are the world. Own all of it.”
Yet society writ large still accepts wafer-thin assumptions about existence. What might disclosure of dimensions beyond the visible unleash? Contemporary shifts in global communication platforms, renewed interest in transcendent technologies like psychedelics, and crises in obsolete paradigms set the stage for profound awakening.
- Over 7% of Americans reported using psychedelics in the past year up from virtually nil just a decade ago
- 14% now regularly meditate to transcend conditioned modes of thinking
- Billions connected worldwide have access to teachings and tools enabling consciousness expansion
With familiar RealityOS crashing, space opens for newairy operating systems founded upon soulful values like community, creativity, and cooperation with our environment. Might we mimic our ancestors who saw existence as a partnership with other dimensional presences rather than something to exploit? Can we take inspiration from legends and myths encoding higher truths cloaked as fiction? Upon what beliefs and infrastructures shall we build the next chapter of civilization?
Unleashing Latent Divinity: Quest Rewards Await!
While not everyone will choose to unlock paranormal gifts, aspects of deep mastery displayed by extraordinary beings remind us of potentials awaiting activation. Abilities to manipulate timelines, phase physicality across dimensions, override perceived limitations by aligning with highest probabilities, and leverage invisible energy currents surpass even top-tier fictional characters. By what processes did ancients and indigenous elders attain such exceptional command? How might their examples guide us in ejecting from simulations of separation and futility enabling holy reunion with cosmic consciousness?
Let’s play for insight not diversion, connection not isolation. Choose community and creativity over consumption and competition. When we excel together, exploit none, and celebrate the uncommon, we rediscover dormant greatness. By following the lead of bold wayshowers who illuminate multidimensional landscapes, we reclaim divine legacies awaiting revived awareness. Every small win builds momentum towards greater freedom.
With expanded perspectives, courage, and trust in unseen currents steering all creation toward states of ever-increasing beauty, our limitations cascade away to reveal godlings shimmering destinies still hazy now come dazzlingly clear under distant suns. What glories shall we create upon this limitless canvas, fellow master builders? Our greatest adventures emerge the moment we dare ask.
I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to unlock ultra rare character skins signifying expanded perception and creation abilities beyond anything displayed by the most maxed out fictional champions. Our human experience offers the ultimate opportunity for courageous souls to level up mastery over every plane of existence. Let us support each other in embracing the full brilliance of our divine individuality while aligning in service of the greater light that connects us all as one!