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How to Solve "The digits in your password must add up to 25" in The Password Game

Password games like The Password Game have exploded in popularity in recent years. As cybersecurity threats rise, these games represent a fun and interactive way to educate people on creating more secure passwords.

Created by developer Neal Agarwal, The Password Game takes players through escalating password rules that force you to get creative with alphanumeric combinations. The increasing difficulty prepares you for the complexity demanded by many online services today.

One early challenge asks users to make their password‘s digits add up to 25. This deceivingly simple constraint actually requires some strategic planning to solve.

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn proven step-by-step techniques for tackling the "add up to 25" rule. Follow along as we break down solutions, examples, common mistakes, and pro tips for password mastery.

Understanding the Core Rule

Before jumping into problem-solving, let‘s review exactly what this password rule entails:

  • Use digits 0-9: Your password must contain at least two numeric digits. Leading zeros can be included.
  • Total 25: The sum of all digits must equal 25.
  • Single digits only: You can only use 0-9 once each. Double-digit numbers like 10 or 15 don‘t count.
  • Any order or combo: The digits can appear anywhere in any order, as long as they add to 25.

That covers the basics. Seems simple, but combining this rule with previous ones quickly increases complexity.

Now let‘s examine strategic ways to approach this puzzle.

Helpful Strategies and Approaches

When tackling the "add up to 25" challenge, leverage these proven tips:

Start with Large Numbers

Since you need to reach 25, begin with larger digits like 8, 9, or 7. This leaves you needing to add a smaller additional number. Starting small provides fewer paths to the target sum.

Repeat Digits

Repeating digits like in 988 simplifies adding to 25. Duplicate 9s, 8s, and 7s to quickly reach the target number.

Break Up Digits

Rather than grouping numbers together, consider spreading them throughout your password. This enhances complexity, key for upcoming challenges.

Reserve Small Numbers

Save lower digits like 1, 2, or 3 for rules about varying numbers used. Keep them in your back pocket here.

Mix With Letters and Symbols

Introduce other character types between and around digits. Just keep digits distinguishable for counting.

Double Check Totals

With varied combinations possible, confirm your math at the end. It‘s easy to be off by one.

Common Password Formulas and Patterns

Now that you‘re armed with tips, let‘s examine some go-to formulas and patterns that regularly add up to 25:

  • 7 + 7 + 7 + 4 (Repeat digits)
  • 9 + 8 + 8 (Descending digits)
  • 6 + 8 + 9 + 2 (Mixed small and large)
  • 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 (Ascending odd numbers)
  • 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 5 (Ascending even numbers + 5)

Memorizing useful patterns like these provides building blocks you can rely on every time.

You can also get creative with number repetition:

  • 7777 (7 x 4 = 28)
  • 88899 (8 x 3 + 9 x 2 = 25)
  • 77228 (7 x 3 + 2 x 2 + 8 = 25)

Now let‘s dive into putting these principles into action across a wide range of examples.

Password Examples and Sample Solutions

Here are some possible solutions for passwords that meet rule #5 by having digits that add up to 25:

All Numbers

  • 997
  • 988
  • 9779
  • 6829
  • 8763
  • 7558

Starting with all numbers is the most straightforward approach. Multiple combinations work here.

Repeating Digits

  • 77777
  • 88888
  • 77788
  • 88339
  • 99266

Repeating 7s, 8s, and 9s simplifies the math while keeping your password concise.

Split Up Digits

  • ta7ke8th2is
  • pa22ss7word9
  • hou3se9key8
  • correct6horse9battery8staple2

Dispersing numbers throughout increases randomness and security.

With Symbols

  • 9@8!7#
  • 8*7&10$
  • 6%8)2@9
  • 7!2@3#9&4$

Mixing in symbols adds complexity without interfering with digit summing.

With Letters

  • NineEigh7
  • 4Score8More7
  • Tre7SureMap9
  • Sleep8Sheep7Deep2

Combining letters builds pronounceable passwords that meet the constraints.


  • My7thBirthday8is10Today
  • School4Lunch9at12oClock
  • Walk3Miles7Everyday
  • In1492Columbus7Sailed8TheOcean9Blue!

Short phrases with inserted digits provide security through memorability.

With an understanding of patterns plus creative combinations, you can craft endless passwords that sum to 25. Now let‘s consolidate these lessons into optimized strategies.

Tips and Tricks for Password Success

When trying to solve "The digits in your password must add up to 25", keep these pro tips in mind:

  • Start with large digits like 9, 8, or 7 to make reaching 25 straightforward. Building down from a bigger number is easier.

  • Repeat digits to simplify the math. Repeated 7s, 8s, and 9s are particularly effective.

  • Break up digits throughout your password to enhance randomness. Don‘t group them all together.

  • Save small digits like 1-3 for future rules about varying numbers used. Think ahead here.

  • Use number patterns you have memorized to easily build to 25. Odd/even sequences work great.

  • Introduce other characters like letters, phrases, and symbols to improve complexity. Just keep digits distinguishable.

  • Double check your math. With many combinations possible, it‘s easy to miscalculate.

  • Make it pronounceable. Adding letters, words, and phrases boosts memorability significantly.

With practice and creativity, you‘ll be combining digits like a password pro. Now let‘s examine some advanced tactics.

Innovative Techniques for Password Pros

Once you‘ve mastered the basics, try incorporating advanced strategies:

Use Long Phrases

  • In1492Columbus7Sailed8TheOcean9Blue!
  • 7Dwarves4SnowWhite3Cottage11

Full stories with digits provide excellent randomness, length, and memorability.

Combine Multiple Rules

  • s3v3nSamur@i8wArr10r5
  • 4sc0r3a7ndS3veNye@rs4g0

Blend this rule with previous ones for multi-rule compliance in one password.

Leverage Number Patterns

  • 123467890123459
  • 135791357913579

Use memorized numeric patterns as building blocks within longer phrases.

Go for Maximum Length

  • jam978on932toast12every58morning77
  • running9around72thetrack678during98lunch88

Extreme length with digits throughout creates high-security passwords.

Construct Stories

  • Jack27climbedthe8beanstalk9to3see1thegiant6!
  • In1492queen7Isabella8funded9Columbus‘s4voyage!

Stories are naturally easy to recall while allowing you to insert key digits.

With imagination and planning, you can craft truly strong and memorable 25-digit passwords.

Research Insights and Data

Recent research provides insightful data that reinforces many best practices:

  • Over 80% of hacking breaches involve weak or reused passwords, according to Verizon‘s 2020 Data Breach Report.

  • The most common passwords digit sequences are: 123456, 12345, 123456789, and others in ascending/descending order, per Statista.

  • 23% of people confess to having passwords that add up to their birthday or anniversary date, according to Specops Software.

  • Passwords using 4 random common words provide 128 bits of entropy, making them very strong, according to Carnegie Mellon University.

  • The top sign-up error is using passwords that don‘t meet complexity rules (35%), according to Dashlane.

This data highlights the prevalence of weak digit combinations. But armed with the techniques above, you can defy these statistics to create secure and compliant passwords.

Common Mistakes and Pitfalls

When attempting to solve "digits add to 25", beware of these common missteps:

  • Forgetting to include any digits at all. Your password must use 0-9.
  • Accidentally using prohibited double-digit numbers like 10 or 15.
  • Grouping all digits together. Disperse them throughout for better security.
  • Starting with low digits first. Begin with 7, 8 or 9 instead.
  • Exceeding 25. Double check your addition just to be safe.
  • Making your password overly short or nonsensical. Extend it with phrases or words.
  • Neglecting other character types like symbols and letters. Mix these in.
  • Repeating the same digits in succession. Vary them for greater randomness.

Read over these common mistakes to ensure you don‘t fall into any of these traps.

Key Takeaways and Next Steps

Solving "digits add to 25" requires using single digits creatively to reach the target sum. Here are the core lessons:

  • Understand you can only use 0-9 once each, no double digits.
  • Start with large numbers first, repeat digits, break them up, and double check your math.
  • Incorporate phrases, letters, symbols, and stories to boost complexity.
  • Avoid common mistakes like forgetting digits, grouping them together, or exceeding 25.
  • Apply advanced tactics like number patterns, multiple rules, and maximum length.

For further password knowledge, check out our guides to crafting passphrases and tips for remembering complex passwords.

Thank you for reading! If you master the principles here, you‘ll crack this password challenge with ease.