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The 7 Absolute Best RPGs of All Time

An Industry Insider‘s Retrospective

Role-playing games (RPGs) rank among gaming‘s oldest and most beloved genres, transporting players across decades and technological eras into heroic fantasies, sci-fi epics and more. But what play experiences definitively shaped the genre into the cultural force it represents today?

As an industry analyst and lifelong RPG enthusiast, I will trace the creative lineage and design significance of the 7 titles that best showcase roleplaying games‘ artistic potentials. Beyond critical appraisals, fan reception or sales figures, these games‘ influences recursively flow through the best entries the genre produced since.

First, what constitutes an RPG? While definitions blur across action hybrids, RPGs generally provide:

  • Avatar customization and progression: Players mold a character, alter their skills and specialties over time
  • Quest structures: Take on missions, tasks and storylines to drive progress
  • Worldbuilding and lore: RPGs construct fully-realized settings, histories and conflicts
  • Player choice: Dialogue options, character builds and more that express individuality

Of course, tabletop games like Dungeons & Dragons pioneered these concepts starting in the 1970s before video games‘ emergence. Established "pencil and paper" roleplaying experiences inspired early text adventures on PCs which later incorporated visuals. As computing power expanded exponentially, developers paired immersive graphics with deeper simulations to inhabit fantastical personas.

This list encapsulates genres essentials – both foundational building blocks and audacious reinventions – that consummately showcase RPGs‘ artistic potentials.

7. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Release Date: May 2015

Platforms: Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

Total units sold: Over 40 million copies worldwide

Metascore: 94

CD Projekt Red‘s dark fantasy spectacle simultaneously capped off Geralt of Rivia‘s video game trilogy while obtaining mainstream renown beyond existing Witcher saga devotees. Its sprawling open plains and coastal isles punctuated by novella-worthy quests and charming villages brimming with ambiance showcased next-generation RPG production values.

Despite boundary-pushing technical feats, witty writing and memorable characters like sorceress Yennefer or Geralt‘s ward Ciri form lasting impressions. Players shape their portrayal of the titular Witcher through dialogue selections and difficult ethical choices embedded inside moral grey areas rather than simplistic good/evil binaries.

Genesis of a Masterwork

The Witcher games expanded modest Polish written works into globally acclaimed interactive phenomena thanks to risk-taking visionaries:

  • Novelist Andrzej Sapkowski created the original Witcher short stories and book series introducing monster hunter Geralt of Rivia
  • Marcin Iwiński and Michał Kiciński, CDPR founders, licensed The Witcher rights sensing cinematic potential
  • Konrad Tomaszkiewicz, Game Director for all three Witcher RPG titles from rising developer CD Projekt Red

The Witcher games sales by year chart

Catapulting the series into blockbuster mainstream recognition, Wild Hunt garnered over 800 awards and sold 6 million copies within six weeks of launch. It ranks among the top selling RPGs ever signaling massive industry and player embrace.

An Evolving Fantasy Epic

Unlike717 sequels released annually, CD Projekt Red incubated Wild Hunt over a full five years to meet ambitious scope. Its vast Northern Realms outsize prior Witcher titles combined, filling with bespoke adventures like a Bloody Baron storyline better written than some games‘ main narratives. Graphics maximized fidelity within Eighth Gen console capabilities while avoiding performance issues or loading that might disrupt immersion.

Ultimately, Wild Hunt catalogues a highpoint in roleplaying design prehistory. Its relatable dilemmas channeling morally ambiguous realities grounded play while exploring lush fantasy locales amplified escapism.

6. Final Fantasy VII

Release Date: January 1997

Platforms: PlayStation, Windows, Switch, mobile, PlayStation 4, Xbox One

Total units sold: Over 12 million copies

Metascore: 92

Squaresoft’s cyberpunk sci-fantasy opus fundamentally reshaped RPG storytelling writ-large through cinematic visual spectacle. While later Final Fantasy entries might refine its formula, FFVII‘s steampunk megacity of Midgar endures as an iconic industrial hellscape symbolic of corporate exploitation and ecoterrorism.

The operatic tragedy of Sephiroth and his SOLDIER brethren illustrates how even "heroes" might fall prey to manipulation against world-ending consequences. Certainly Aerith‘s shocking death midway through FFVII violently shook Gen X/Millenial gaming psyches likewise inspiring perennial debates on tragic narrative necessity.

Cutting-Edge Visual Storytelling

Lead designer Yoshinori Kitase returned from Chrono Trigger bringing cinematic sensibilities that realized series creator Hironobu Sakaguchi’s longstanding ambitions to more emotionally resonate using real-time graphics rather than static sprites.

Developed in tandem with Nintendo’s N64, FFVII pivoted onto the futuristic PlayStation CD-ROM expanding available storage exponentially. This sudden flexibility over cartridge constraints freed worldbuilders and animators implementing lavish FMV sequences alongside more regularly rendered gameplay.

While later entries sport refined combat systems and higher polygon counts, FFVII’s profound influence originates from demonstrating RPG narratives could thrive outside the shadowy veil of imagination but instead dramatically play out across jaw-dropping worlds.

5. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Release Date: November 2011

Platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, PlayStation 5

Total units sold: 30+ million copies

Metascore: 94

Bethesda Game Studio‘s Norse-inspired sandbox scarcely needs introduction over a decade since launch. Beyond averages or review excerpts, Skyrim‘s enduring legacy manifests through recent Anniversary re-releases or endlessly recycled "Arrow in the Knee" memes.

At its core, inhabitating fantastical projections of ourselves typifies roleplaying appeal whether tabletop or virtual. Skyrim actualizes heroic power fantasies letting us loose as battlemage or stealth archer upon picturesque tundra free of risk.

Embodying Imagined Identities

Previous Elder Scrolls entries under designer Todd Howard honed open world gameplay precepts for years prior. Removing restrictive classes, instead Skyrim allows fluid shifts towards our idealized warrior selves rather than locking preferences prematurely before experiencing gameplay affordances. Will you embrace sorcery’s vast cosmic potential or simply crack bandit skulls with mammoth-bone mallets? Both options satisfy different sensibilities.

While later games might simulate "immersive" microscopic details, Skryim’s transcendental feat entails conjuring such a persuasively tangible realm seemingly persisting absent your engagement yet innately harmonious to projected whims once entered. Hundreds of hours pass as we construct personal legends through play mechanics.

After a transformative run-in with a dragon, random guard‘s passing "arrow in the knee" quip monumentalizes how an errant comment crystallizes some truth of lived experience. Ultimately that relatability enchants.

4. Mass Effect 2

Release Date: January 2010

Platforms: Xbox 360, Windows, PlayStation 3

Total units sold: Nearly 6 million

Metascore: 96

BioWare‘s interstellar opus avoided typical tired sci-fi tropes in actualizing a cosmopolitan galactic community brimming with uniquely memorable characters spanning various alien species. Beyond touted cinematic visuals, the heart of Mass Effect‘s brilliance was always fostering connections.

As returning hero Commander Shepard, players navigate political tensions between neighboring systems familiarized through codex entries or spoken "lore drops". However intermittent exchanges typified by quarian Tali‘s adorable snorts amusedly brushing off compliments truly humanize Mass Effect 2‘s denizens.

Forging Connections

Shepard themself receives substantive tweaks courtesy of importable saves transferring player choices into tangible consequences. Beyond sparing/sacrificing the original Normandy crew, Shepard‘s personality appropriately shifts based dialogue and combat selections. Renegade Shepards now talk tougher while Paragons gentle their approach through just the perfect inflection.

These seamless continuations sell illusion that companions like Garrus, Liara, etc lead rich offscreen lives between titles. While technically manipulation, such personal touches foster genuine connections exceeding conventional characterization. Aftercare post-loyalty missions sustains bonds cementing in-the-moment camaraderie into enduring kinship, however platonic.

3. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Release Date: March 2017

Platforms: Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Wii U

Total units sold: Nearly 30 million copies

Metascore: 97

Intrepidation blankets Link‘s awakening as Princess Zelda‘s desperate cries still echo faintly carried by Hyrule‘s razed remnants. However, rather than explicitly recount Calamity Ganon‘s devastations, Nintendo manifests this history through artfully arranged rubble and hauntingly domestic ruins prompting imagination fill gaps.

Breath of the Wild embodies a design paradox – its most groundbreaking revelations emerge not from advanced rendering, expansive geography or empty indifferences but emotionally resonant voids awaiting participation.

Design By Omission

Previous Zeldas narrowly railroomed advancement through obtuse item gates with progression mathematically measured by accumulating upgrades. Instead, creative director Hidemaro Fujibayashi opts towards negative space as horizons beckon unobstructed by artificial play order. Sharp weapon durabilities distress initially until players recognize unbreakable blades simply embolden boring play habits. Survival challenges bind more urgently than heart containers.

Rather than overwrite predecessors, this cleaner slate fertilizes thirty years of accrued familiarities through freeform interactions ungated. Whims become treacherous trials organically when elements align against you by chance, not coded checkpoints, affirming earned victories sweeter for their uncertainty. In the end, limitations here expand freedom rather than inhibit it.

2. Elden Ring

Release Date: February 2022

Platforms: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Windows

Total units sold: Nearly 20 million copies sold

Metascore: 96

Hidetaka Miyazaki‘s open world magnum opus consummates a decade defining the Soulsian subgenre through ultimate refinements rather than outright reinventions. Sekiro‘s intuitive combat fluidly infuses ranged options while Bloodborne‘s ripping viscera tunnels display environmental narrative directions.

Impressively, mythic worldbuilding sustains ambiguity rather than crumbling under expanded scrutiny afforded by mounted traversal or map markers. Iconic vistas like Stormveil or Lyndell transcend mere level geometry forming indelibly into grand landmarks through multi-angled displays of artisanal craft.

Nothing conveys Elden Ring‘s ethos clearer than enemy design – challenges appear insurmountable yet crumble under practiced technique, clever gambits or asbestos-lined perseverance. In an era chasing monetization through frustration, Elden Ring commits to arduous but conquerable trials intending to expand skill. Defeating even humble soldiers provides lessons while Margit‘s early skill checks teach harsh lessons in patience. Ultimately only you, not upgrades, stand between triumph and "YOU DIED".

Building Legends

While fromsoft previously allowed custom characters, Elden Ring‘s bookmarking Sites of Grace foster deeper connections through accumulating scars and equipment telling fragmented tales. Even basic Carian Knight armor evokes six-eyed sorcerers channeling celestial magic from channeling constellations.

Our cyclical pilgrimages march closer toward the Erdtree leaving occasional bloodstains perhaps warning against imminent permadeath. While dangers await, audaciously we carry forth all the same greedily hoping to brandish whatever fragments of the Elden Ring‘s primordial rune remain. Our desires for strength unflinchingly pull against this realm’s apathy persisting through deaths uncounted. We subsist cursed never to wilt.

1. Chrono Trigger

Release Date: March 1995

Platforms: Super Nintendo, PlayStation, Nintendo DS, computers, mobile

Total units sold: Over 2.65 million copies

Metascore: 96

Squaresoft’s eminent “dream team” marked an all-star convergence of talent modern publishers might commission by committee rather than earn serendipitously. Yuji Horii of Dragon Quest fame joined Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi’s storytelling sensibilities alongside Dragon Ball’s Akira Toriyama handling visual designs.

Somehow against all odds, lightning captured in this bottle birthed one of the most enthralling and heartfelt RPG adventures 20 years later inspiring fans to integrate tattoos of Chrono Trigger iconography into their flesh eternally.

Through collaborative alchemy, Chrono Trigger distills the very best traits of Japanese RPG fundamentals without overly reiterating genre tropes. Sight gags amuse initially but earnest affection for casts perseveres beyond eccentricities. Silent protagonist Crono’s subtle exertions channel stoic heroism while technical wizard Lucca’s fierce independence opens unlikely opportunities for self-actualization when her talent finds validation rather than dismissal.

Timeless Structure

Chrono Trigger’s preternatural skeleton writes effortlessly introduced by Virtua Fighter’s innovative quest designer Yasunori Mitsuda. Key story beats programmatically compile based on player choices permutations encouraging repeat playthroughs rather than relegating deviations as non-canon. RPGs typically rendered alternate endings footnotes diminishing importance. Here Crono and friends might administer antidotes stabilizing lost kingdom Zealandia against dystopic futuresorp enact cheeky schemes upending monarchic succession. Trigger proves either pathway bears unique treasures should we simply veer slightly at crossroads.

Imbuing reality’s very fabric held magics with personal resonance. What we consider immutably factual history erodes revealing pliable potentials at the quantum level. Our fates stay unfixed should conscience guide us towards recycling pain into redemption. With care, calendars need not close time’s loop.