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Tatsumaki‘s Love for Saitama Unveiled: Exploring His True Strength

For someone with the immense psychic abilities of Tatsumaki, very little surprises her anymore. Known for her abrasive attitude and disaffected air, she keeps most people firmly at arm‘s length. However, recent encounters with the unassuming Saitama have rattled Tatsumaki more than she would ever admit. Witnessing casual displays of his absurd superhuman strength forced her to acknowledge power beyond anything she thought possible – and feelings beyond anything she thought herself capable of.

The Tornado‘s Walls Come Crashing Down

To understand Tatsumaki potentially falling for Saitama, we must first analyze Tatsumaki herself. Her lifetime of trauma shaped the extreme powerhouse she is today. Orphaned from a young age, she was tortured in experiments to weaponize her ESP. This left Tatsumaki feeling disconnected, shades of vulnerability hidden behind an exterior projecting only cold command over her environment.

Accustomed to always being the strongest person in any room, Tatsumaki has never had cause to see anyone as superior, ally or threat. In recent years, only Blast held more mythical status as the lone hero she ranked higher than herself. Known to many as the Tornado of Terror for her devastating psychic storms tearing through any battlefield, Tatsumaki approaches most disasters with an indifferent arrogance about quickly resolving them herself.

This mindset held until the giant meteor endangering Z-City. Much to her outrage, a unimposing bald man in a yellow jumpsuit named Saitama appeared, audaciously claiming responsibility for her efforts saving everyone by diverting the meteor‘s path.

Little did Tatsumaki know, this seemingly insignificant encounter marked the first cracks forming in her psychic armor that no previous opponent has managed to penetrate.

Shockwaves of Power

Initially looking down on Saitama as a bumbling fool trying to steal her glory, Tatsumaki quickly learned never to underestimate this man after displays of his power that shook her to the core. Their first direct altercation occurred when Tatsumaki confronted Saitama, suspecting him to be a pawn of the psychic guru she mistrusted.

Casually standing his ground against the full force of her telekinetic onslaught without moving an inch, Saitama then flicked a rock faster than Tatsumaki could react, creating shockwaves toppling kilometers of forest. Realizing no one had ever casually resisted her like this, stunned disbelief overcame Tatsumaki‘s usually unflappable confidence.

From then on, Saitama has continually demonstrated feats Tatsumaki didn‘t believe were possible:

  • Punched holes through mountains bigger than anything she‘s seen
  • Leapt from Earth through the atmosphere into empty space and back unharmed
  • Deflected her uprooted boulders and sliced her powerful psychic tornadoes with ease
  • Resisted unimaginable crushing pressure and cosmic radiation within alien spaceships
  • Defeated disciples of her psychic master turned monster Garou with single blows
  • Saved Tatsumaki herself from harm faster than she could telekinetically react

For all her unmatched offensive power, Tatsumaki faced someone completely impervious to harm, beyond what even she can unleash.

Vesuvian Emotions

This sequence of revelations profoundly impacted Tatsumaki internally, although her proud nature prevents her from externally showing it. Fan theories suggest that unconsciously, witnessing Saitama‘s monumental power and selfless heroism stirred feelings in Tatsumaki she‘s long repressed: caring, admiration, perhaps attraction towards someone for the first time.

Having faced many battles andFew people have ever invoked such complex reactions from Tatsumaki. Initially outraged at Saitama robbing her limelight, then dumbfounded to meet someone stronger than herself, over time she transitions to seeking his acknowledgement. We see Tatsumaki shouting angrily at Saitama, demanding he impress her and live up to being the one man officially ranked above her. Her confusion mounts as he casually compliments her during her attempts to violently subdue him. She starts monitoring him from afar during his other heroic acts, blushing when he suddenly appears to rescue her.

Like magma building pressure underground before erupting through endless layers of stubborn bedrock, encountering Saitama seems to have unleashed an emotional torrent from beneath Tatsumaki‘s volatile surface. Try as she may to suppress it, his influence keeps bubbling to the forefront.

Contrasting Strength

What makes this situation so fascinating are how perfectly opposing Saitama and Tatsumaki are on the surface.

Where Tatsumaki projects imperious command and blistering attacks from on high looking down on nearly everyone, Saitama moves through life with indifference, hands casually pocketed in his mustard tracksuit that fails to impress or intimidate anyone.

Tatsumaki actively flaunts her position as one of the world‘s preeminent heroes, accepting nothing short of instant obedience from civilians and fellow heroes alike. Meanwhile Saitama putters along chasing weekend specials at the supermarket, largely unrecognized despite defeats of cosmic-level threats many others did not even detect.

Yet both share bored frustration seeking elusive fulfillment from their heroic efforts. Tatsumaki maintains a permanent scowling expression chasing battle to battle, meditation and alcohol her only relief from constant irritation that nothing challenges her enough anymore. Similarly, Saitama‘s signature existential sigh comes from achieving power so beyond anyone else that no fight holds meaning for him now.

Perhaps this shared lack of spark both feel is why Tatsumaki feels such subconscious pull towards Saitama? Could someone who appears her opposite externally actually be uniquely suited to understand her buried feelings within?

What Will The Tornado Do Next?

The crucial question now is if the tempest of emotions swelling beneath Tatsumaki‘s crust finally breaks through to confront Saitama directly. She remains fiercely in denial about having weakness for anyone, but seems unable to control reactions Saitama provokes from her.

And we have still likely not witnessed the uppermost limits of Saitama‘s capabilities. Already beyond anything Tatsumaki can unleash, his detached approach to battle suggest he has yet to encounter anything forcing him to get remotely serious. If further challenged, no telling the magnitude of power Saitama may be forced to call upon – whether out of necessity or just to impress a certain doubting psychic glaring from the sidelines.

Wherever the story goes next, these two have undoubtedly impacted each other deeply in ways neither saw coming. Stick around as major developments seem imminent!