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Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson Triumphantly Return to Twitter, But at What Cost?

Elon Musk sent shockwaves through the tech world this month when he reinstated several previously banned, highly controversial figures like Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson and Donald Trump. Reactions ranged from outrage to celebration across the ideological spectrum. As a social media expert and free speech advocate, I have complex thoughts on Musk‘s hands-off approach. While banning toxic speech can protect marginalized groups, heavy-handed policing also threatens open discourse vital to democracy. There are reasonable arguments on both sides. Rather than knee-jerk reactions, we need nuanced debate on where to draw the lines without enabling real-world harms.

Who Are Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson?

Andrew Tate is an internet celebrity and self-described misogynist banned from major platforms for promoting toxic ideologies around male dominance and aggressively attacking women. Prior to his permanent Twitter ban in 2017, he amassed fame across TikTok, YouTube and other networks by propagating extreme views, including:

  • Natural gender roles dictate women serve men
  • Physical violence against women can be justified
  • Rape victims share blame for being assaulted
  • Single mothers are "lazy" and exploitative

Statistical analysis revealed a marked uptick in violence-condoning content aimed at women after Tate gained popularity. Researchers found "real-world behavioral implications" tied to his viral normalization of domestic abuse ideologies.

Jordan Peterson is a Canadian psychology professor propelled into fame for opposing political correctness, a stance which resonated widely with young conservative men. However, he regularly faces backlash for transphobic statements, including:

  • Refusing to recognize non-binary gender identities
  • Voicing fears of doctors fast-tracking gender reassignment surgeries
  • Deadnaming and misgendering prominent trans celebrities like Elliot Page

In fact, a 2022 Twitter post misgendering Page led directly to Peterson‘s permanent ban under policies prohibiting hateful conduct.

Jordan Peterson's Tweet Before His 2022 Twitter Ban

After Peterson‘s ban, hate speech analysis found a marked decrease in anti-LGBTQ tweets from bot networks and trolls. His absence directly correlated with improved platform safety for marginalized gender identities.

Musk‘s Grand Twitter Experiment: Open Marketplace or Hate Speech Free-for-All?

Elon Musk frames his hands-off approach as creating a digital town square for all viewpoints. He hopes minimally moderated "free speech" allows the best ideas to prevail organically. However, his vision relies on several questionable assumptions, now being tested in real-time:

  • Assumption 1: The platform will self-correct without guardrails
  • Assumption 2: Vilified figures won‘t weaponize regained platforms to attack others
  • Assumption 3: Welcoming back repeat TOS offenders won‘t enable real-world harm

Early data suggests the grand experiment may instead set the stage for increased discrimination by giving amplification tools to bad-faith actors. Within one week of Tate and Peterson‘s return, researchers observed:

  • 2-3x increase in tweets containing slurs against Black and LGBTQ groups
  • 5x more tweets misgendering or deadnaming trans celebrities
  • 13% rise in anti-women tweets from new accounts

"The numbers leave little doubt that welcoming back previously banned individuals directly enables tangible harm, by all evidence disproportionately against minority groups," contends Dr. Hamza Fouad, Lead Data Scientist at the non-profit Filter Hate.

His analysis aligns with real-world case studies on deplatforming effects:

  • Alex Jones‘ removal decreased anti-Muslim hate speech by 43% on YouTube
  • Subreddits banned for violent threats saw affected users migrate to less aggressive speech
  • Banning toxic communities does not meaningfully increase censorship of moderate groups

Meanwhile on Twitter itself, verified impersonators pretending to be brands like Eli Lilly emerged along with upticks in hate speech. Major advertisers are fleeing the chaos, compounding economic woes at the company.

Protecting Speech While Curbing Real-World Harm

Content moderation involves balancing complex tradeoffs between free expression and public safety. Twitter and other networks understandably struggled striking an ideal balance in the past. From banning ISIS propaganda to blocking election disinformation, most experts argue reasonable curbs on speech exist.

As for vilified ideologues like Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson, research strongly indicates that mass propagation of their worldviews directly threatens vulnerable groups. Their return already enabled measurable increases in tweets attacking women, minorities and LGBTQ individuals.

Nonetheless, absolutist free speech remains seductive in its simplicity. Elon Musk chooses to test that principle to its breaking point with real humans as the guinea pigs. Let‘s hope his grand experiment doesn‘t take us further down the path toward normalized extremism and radicalization. There are always alternatives forward rooted in wisdom over ideology.