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How to "Take Pictures of Spinocrocodiles" in Genshin Impact

As a social media guru and longtime Genshin Impact player, I‘ve helped countless travelers capture stunning photographs of Sumeru‘s elusive Spinocrocodiles to complete in-game quests. With the right preparations, you too can grab that perfect shot!

All About Spinocrocodiles

Before setting out on this photo challenge, it‘s wise to understand Spinocrocodile behaviors. As territorial, semiaquatic reptiles, Spinocrocodiles spend mornings patrolling lake perimeters and afternoons basking on sandy banks.

At dusk, heightened activity occurs around feeding and nesting sites marked by flattened grasses. Their acute hearing means stealthy movements are essential for photographers. Getting too close without crouching will cause them to hiss in warning or give chase!

Quest Overview

The "Animal Behavior Shaggy Sumpter Beast" quest requires capturing images of Spinocrocodiles:

  • Resting by shores
  • With mouths open mid-bellow
  • Attacking head-on

Completing this tricky assignment pays off with Primogems, Mora, level-up materials, and bragging rights! Now let‘s get you set up for success.

Locating Resting Spinocrocodiles

Early mornings just after dawn, scan eastern and southern sandy banks near Ulmus Rock. By 6-7 AM many Spinocrocodiles start light basking sessions before their breakfast hunts.

Equip your camera as you approach a resting one. Slowly creep forward while crouching behind trees and boulders until you’re ~15 feet away. This range prevents startling it yet still captures facial details.

Carefully frame the shot and click! Easy as that! Just be ready to flee when it wakes.

Ideal Camera Settings:
- Low aperture (f/8 or higher) 
- Exposure time < 1/125s
- ISO 400-800
- Zoom to fill frame

Figure 1. Well-composed photo of resting Spinocrocodile (Credit: @JohnTraveler254)

Catching a Mid-Bellow Roar

Next up is photographing a dramatic jaws-wide-open roar just as Spinocrocodiles surface from the lakes they inhabit. For this shot, height and timing is everything.

Climb to an elevated clifftop or tree branches above bubbles, signaling one is about to emerge. Set your shutter speed very fast (1/1000s) and burst mode on high. The moment you see movement, hold down the capture button. With lightning-quick technology and plenty of attempts, you’ll grab a crystal clear bellow.

Optimal Settings:  
- Shutter: 1/1000s minimum   
- Continuous shooting: 8fps   
- Center subject in frame

Figure 2. Well-timed snapshot of mid-roar Spinocrocodile

Snapping a Charging Attack

Brave photographers can attempt the riskiest but most adrenaline-pumping shot: an attacking Spinocrocodile lunging straight at you!

The process? First, sneak up behind one and allow yourself to be spotted. Next, run away at an angle to provoke it into giving chase. Finally, after a few seconds, swiftly turn around to face the oncoming assault.

Time feels like slow-motion as the giant reptile fills your frame with gaping jaws. Click the shutter in milliseconds before throwing your body left or right to evade and flee to safety!

- Prefocus camera where you‘ll turn
- Shoot in high-speed burst mode
- Dodge immediately after taking photos

Figure 3. Photo capturing split-second drama of a Spinocrocodile lunge (Credit: @Amy_TravelBlogger)


And that sums up my best expert advice for photographing these incredible creatures! With ideal timing, strategic positioning, and the right settings, you‘ll have all 3 images in no time at all. Just be careful not to become a Spinocrocodile‘s next meal yourself. Happy hunting!