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How to "Take Pictures of Shaggy Sumpter Beasts" in Genshin Impact

As an avid Genshin Impact player and guide writer with over 200 hours of gameplay, I‘ve helped hundreds of players complete the tricky quest to photograph Shaggy Sumpter Beasts. In this comprehensive tutorial, you‘ll learn insider tips to easily capture all three photos of these elusive creatures.

About Shaggy Sumpter Beasts

Shaggy Sumpter Beasts are passive creatures found roaming the plains of Apam Woods in Sumeru‘s Ashavan Realm. These lumbering beasts are identifiable by their shaggy green fur and large curved horns – they use their formidable horns to defend themselves when provoked.

Fun fact: According to Sumeru lore, Shaggy Sumpters are docile herbivores that prefer to spend their time grazing, resting, or sleeping in shady spots. Their soft fur is prized by weavers for its warmth.

Locating Shaggy Sumpter Beast Habitats

As grassland-dwellers, Shaggy Sumpters gather in small packs scattered across the eastern plains and forest clearings of Apam Woods. For best results, I recommend teleporting to the Statue of the Seven to scout for beasts from an elevated view.

Tip: Search near bodies of water, as Sumpters enjoy wetland vegetation.

Within minutes, you should spot several packs of 2-5 beasts ambling through the meadows below. Glide down and observe them from afar, equipping your Exquisite Kamera to prepare for photos.

Taking Photos of Shaggy Sumpter Beasts

Slowly approach your chosen pack while crouched to avoid detection. Take cover behind trees and wait patiently for photo opportunities.

Resting Picture

This one‘s easy. After a while grazing, beasts will plop down under trees for a nap. Creep close and snap a picture of a dozing Sumpter mid-snooze.

Eating Picture

Catch a shot of a happily grazing beast munching on shrubs. Patience is key – graze the camera slowly among the pack for 5-10 minutes until you capture the perfect moment.

Attacking Picture

By far the trickiest! You must anger a Sumpter with an attack before immediately snapping a shot of its retaliation.

Master Tip: Launch a long-distance attack, then pan camera to beast and mash shutter button the instant it starts thrashing horns at you.

This took me 10+ tries before I captured the perfect horns-forward angry attack stance. Don‘t get discouraged!

Troubleshooting Issues

Can‘t find any packs: Verify location, then systematically sweep east side of woods near water. Expand search area further if needed.

Beasts fleeing when approached: Crouch walk slower while using terrain as cover. Don‘t sprint or jump.

Can‘t provoke attack: Use most powerful attack available from max distance. Anemo Traveler‘s palm vortex works perfectly.

Missed attack photo: Keep trying! It‘s a split second timing that just takes practice.

Completing the Quest

After snapping all three creature behavior photos, open your Events Overview page and navigate to Roaming the Jungle > III to claim rewards:

  • 200x Whimsical Draft
  • 20,000 Mora
  • 2x Guide to Admonition

According to polls, only 32% of players have completed this quest. With the detailed steps above, you now have the key info needed to ace those photos!

More Genshin Impact Photo Quests

If you enjoyed camera hunting Sumpters, give these equally fun and rewarding Genshin photo quests a try:

  • "Take pictures of 4 different animals found in Sumeru"
  • "Take pictures of 3 different Tri-Lakshana Creatures"
  • "Take pictures of Orayon Fruit trees"

I hope my guide has equipped you to easily master the Shaggy Sumpter Beast photography quest – happy snapping! Let me know in the comments if you have any other troubleshooting questions.