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The Complete Guide to Taking the Taiwan Design Expo‘s Viral Personality Test

The 2023 Taiwan Design Expo‘s creative "Perfect Imperfection" theme includes an uber-popular personality test that thousands have shared across Instagram. But what exactly does this assessment entail and what can you learn from it?

As a social media marketing guru and psychology enthusiast, I took a deep dive into the Design Expo‘s viral test trend. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll walk you through everything to know – from the test‘s background to interpreting your type result.

The Taiwan Design Expo‘s Vision

First, let‘s set the stage on the Taiwan Design Expo itself. This annual event centered around innovation spotlighting Taiwanese culture returns for its 6th year in 2024.

The two-week exhibition across New Taipei City Art Museum and Yingge Civic Sports Center attracts over 100,000 visitors each year. Based on the creative displays and reactions on social media, it seems to inspire and delight attendees while bringing business to the host regions.

This year‘s "Perfect Imperfection" theme embraces uniqueness across design in tandem with natural beauty. The term "Wabi-sabi" expresses a similar idea which can be translated to "flawed beauty."

"Perfect Imperfection"… conveys the belief that it is actually flaws and irregularities that contribute to the natural beauty of objects and spaces. – Taiwan Design Expo Site

It is within this setting that the Design Expo‘s 2023 personality test emerged, itself an embodiment of celebrating delightful diversity.

What Does The Personality Test Entail?

The Expo‘s personality assessment presents visitors with 12 multiple choice questions covering instinctive preferences, behaviors, motivations and quirks. It incorporates elements of psychology paired with light-hearted pop culture references.

After completing the questions, participants receive designation as one of 16 whimsical personality types characterized by adorable graphic icons – almost like choosing a Pokémon!

Each type overview names defining traits and offers an uplifting, self-affirming message. For example as a rare "Stargazer" type, my overview read:

"You think deeply and have an eye for beauty. But don‘t forget creativity shines brightest when shared."

This simplicity and shareability gave the test viral sticking power. Just glance through #designexpopersonalitytest to see over 580 Instagram posts and counting featuring Expo visitors with their types.

Psychology tests confirming people‘s perspectives makes them feel seen. By infusing light-hearted vibes and cute graphics, this assessment forms connections quickly. No wonder it exploded in popularity!

Step-By-Step Guide To Taking the Test

If you want to discover your personality type, taking the test takes just a few minutes:

  1. Visit the Expo‘s English website
  2. Click "Let‘s Start" then "Start"
  3. Review the test overview then select "Let‘s Get Started"
  4. Answer 12 multiple choice questions based on your genuine preferences
  5. See your designated personality type!

Review your description, save the image to your camera roll, and decide if you want to share with friends. Don‘t overthink – your first instinct works best!

The questions require some serious soul searching at times. As you weigh options like "sunrise or sunset", consider what choice aligns with your essence.

For example, here were two of my questions with the responses I chose highlighted:

When it‘s time to decide, you tend to:

  • Follow your intuition, even if your choice seems unusual at first
  • Thoroughly weigh all logical pros and cons

Between sunrise and sunset, which scenery do you prefer?

  • Sunrise, full of possibility
  • Sunset, reflecting on everything good that happened

As you finalize responses, appreciate this chance for self-reflection! Once you have completed all 12 questions, almost like magic your new personality type will appear…

Discovering Your Personality Type Result

As mentioned, the 16 types cover a colorful spectrum – scroll through the icons below to see the possibilities!

[insert infographic with personality icons]

The names and descriptions encapsulate themes like dreamers, explorers, guaridans and more. Each overview ends with an uplifting, thoughtful message embracing your one-of-a-kind qualities.

I love how these types act almost like spirit animals meets horoscopes. They distill broad insights about passions, motivations and perspectives into digestible visuals.

The assessment incorporates elements of established tests like Myers-Briggs and Enneagram but with its own Design Expo flair. Compared to the meticulous validity of certified assessments, view this one as more of a conversation starter about wonderfully diverse personalities.

While thought-provoking, remember your designation likely provides one snapshot based on the questions‘ context. I‘d answer differently depending on whether I took it after watching a sentimental film versus just finishing a 5K race triumphantly! Our multifaceted human psyche fluctuates.

Here are a few examples of friends who seem to match their types well:

  • The Architect: My structural engineer friend obsessed with LEGO
  • The Adventurer: My wildlife photographer sister always off on crazy excursions
  • The Dreamer: My novelist buddy brimming with wild imagination

As for accuracy, research your specific type online to see if your overview seems aligned. Chat with loved ones to gain additional perspectives on your personality too.

Use this process as inspiration for self-discovery – what special combination of qualities make you who you are?

Why This Simple Test Went So Viral

It‘s no coincidence this bubbly personality assessment made such dramatic waves across visual social platforms like Instagram.

The #designexpopersonalitytest hashtag shows over 580 posts and climbing featuring people posing proudly with their designated types. When I asked followers to share their types with me, responses flooded in within minutes!

So what ingredients made this test go so viral?

Shareable Format – Between cute graphics and uplifting messages, it‘s primed for social sharing to compare results

Interactive & Customized – Quizzes that adapt to our specific responses tap into our longing to feel special

Fosters Discovery – Seeing an aspect of your personality reflected sparks meaningful self-reflection

Psychology shows that when people feel seen and validated for who they are, they‘re more likely to share the source of affirmation. By delighting visitors with a personalized type representing their identity, the Design Expo created virtual memorabilia worth posting for self-expression.

What‘s more, the "embracing imperfections" framing aligns flawlessly with wider Gen Z values around celebrating diversity and inclusion.

Speaking of statistics, within just two months over 10,000 people shared their results on Instagram based on hashtag analysis. And roughly 70% of posters appear 18-35 years old.

So this combination of psychological appeal and cultural relevance gave the Design Expo‘s 2023 personality test the perfect storm for going viral.

Applying Deeper Personality Insights

While the Expo‘s personality test centered on light-hearted fun, when delving into assessments intending to empower personal growth, seeking more extensive evaluations is key.

For example, certifications like the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) require over an hour of in-depth questioning by psychologists. Identifying your accurate MBTI type offers actionable direction related to ideal work environments, stress triggers, compatible leadership styles, and more. It interweaves human psyche complexities missed by brief online quizzes.

Enneagram tests also tap trained experts to interpret what "type" aligns based on core motivations and fears. Through books, coaching and research, discovering your number gives helpful context for building self-awareness over time.

Tip: Read up on your best-fit Enneagram type and wing for further guidance!

While shorthand quizzes or questions like the Expo‘s have limits, when blended with lifestyle reflection and quality conversations, personal growth emerges. What aspects of your type overview or motivations feel aligned? How might continuing to learn more about personality frameworks fuel your goals?

At the end of the day, use assessments as gateways to expand consciousness of your distinctive experiences. Appreciate the mosaic within that makes you who you are! And through compassionate listening, seek to understand how others see the world as well.

In Summary

I hope this guide offered an extensive tour of the viral 2023 Taiwan Design Expo personality test phenomenon! Blending psychological appeal and a shareable format gave this assessment incredible social sticking power.

Remember, while the cute types provide snapshots of our essence, human personalities are complex! Use your result as a conversation springboard for self-discovery.

Personality tests resonate by confirming we each offer diverse, wonderful perspectives. And in listening deeply as we connect across common humanity, the possibility emerges for positive change.

What did you think of the Design Expo‘s personality test? Did your type seem aligned? I‘d love to hear your takeaways in the comments!