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How to Switch Accounts on Snapchat: The Complete Guide (With Pictures)

Do you want to easily switch between multiple Snapchat accounts on the same device? With over 332 million daily active Snapchatters, managing more than one account is common nowadays.

Maybe you have separate personal and business profiles. Or you handle social media for various brands and clients. In any case, toggling between Snapchat accounts can be a headache compared to platforms like Instagram or Twitter.

Unlike other apps, Snapchat lacks a built-in feature to smoothly switch accounts. You have to fully log out first before logging into another account. But fret not – I‘ll walk you through how to effortlessly switch Snapchat accounts in 5 foolproof steps.

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn:

  • The reason why Snapchat makes account switching difficult
  • Step-by-step visual guide to switch accounts seamlessly
  • Pro tips and shortcuts to save time when switching accounts
  • How to identify if someone has multiple Snapchat profiles
  • Expert answers to frequently asked questions
  • Common mistakes to avoid when managing multiple accounts

By the end of this guide, you‘ll be a pro at switching between Snapchat accounts in seconds!

Why Snapchat Makes Switching Accounts Difficult

But first – why does Snapchat intentionally make switching between accounts an annoyance compared to other social media apps?

Snapchat wants to discourage users from having multiple accounts.

Snapchat’s policy limits users to one account per mobile number. They want each person to have a single profile tied to their phone number for accountability.

Juggling multiple accounts goes against Snapchat’s rules as it can enable:

  • Harassment, bullying and spamming other users
  • Spreading misinformation or dangerous challenges
  • Artificially inflating vanity metrics like Snap score

Of course, there are valid reasons for maintaining different Snapchat accounts:

  • Separate personal and professional brand accounts
  • Managing social media for clients as a marketing agency
  • Creating content for diverse niches and interests
  • Testing new features before rolling out to a primary account

Snapchat realizes that having multiple accounts serves a genuine purpose for some use cases. But the tricky process acts as friction to discourage abuse of multiple accounts.

Now that you understand why switching accounts is intentionally challenging, let‘s walk through the steps to overcome it.

Step-By-Step Guide to Switch Snapchat Accounts

Follow this visual, 5-step guide to seamlessly switch between your Snapchat accounts:

Step 1: Tap on Your Profile Picture

First, launch the Snapchat app and tap on your profile picture (Bitmoji avatar) on the top left corner:

Tap on your profile picture on the top left to access your Snapchat profile.

Tapping on your profile pic opens up your Snapchat profile page. This displays your personal Snapcode, friend count, Snap score, trophy case, and more.

Accessing your profile is the gateway to switching accounts. You‘ll only find the log out button in your Settings page. So always start here whenever you want to switch accounts.

Step 2: Tap on the Settings Gear Icon

With your profile page open, tap on the Settings icon on the top right corner:

Tap on the gear icon on the top right to go to Account Settings.

The Settings icon looks like a gear. It‘s located at the very top right on your profile screen.

Tapping on Settings opens your Account Settings page. This is where you can manage everything related to your individual Snapchat account.

Step 3: Scroll Down and Tap "Log Out"

Here‘s the most crucial step. In your Settings, scroll down and tap on "Log Out":

Scroll down and tap Log Out under Account Actions to sign out.

You‘ll find the Log Out option at the very bottom, tucked under the “Account Actions” header.

Making sure to tap Log Out is key – this fully logs you out and returns you to the login screen. Logging out is the only way to switch Snapchat accounts.

If you don‘t log out first, you won’t be able to switch to another account on the same device.

Step 4: Tap "Use Other Account"

After logging out, you‘ll land on the login screen. Here, tap "Use Other Account":

Tap Use Other Account on the login screen to switch accounts.

You‘ll see three choices on the login screen:

  • Log In: Logs you back into the account you just logged out of
  • Sign Up: Creates a brand new Snapchat account
  • Use Other Account: Switches to a different existing Snapchat account

Tap "Use Other Account" to switch to another profile on the same mobile device.

Step 5: Enter Credentials for Your Other Account

Lastly, enter the username and password for the account you want to switch to:

Type in the username and password of your other Snapchat account.

After tapping "Use Other Account", you‘ll return to the main login screen. Here, input the credentials for your other Snapchat account.

Once done, tap the blue "Log In" button to finish switching to your other Snapchat profile!

And that‘s it! Following these 5 simple steps allows you to seamlessly switch between any Snapchat accounts on the same phone.

Pro Tips to Quickly Switch Accounts

With practice, you‘ll be able to swap Snapchat accounts in seconds. Here are some pro tips to streamline the process:

  • Always log out from your profile page – This saves your login state so switching accounts is faster.

  • Use password managers – Save your credentials in apps like 1Password to auto-fill them when switching.

  • Add accounts to device contacts – Store your other profiles as Contacts on your phone for quick access.

  • Create Shortcuts/Tasker tasks – Make one-tap shortcuts to instantly switch accounts.

  • Use multiple devices – Dedicate different mobile devices for each main Snapchat account.

  • Stay logged in on web – Stay logged into your other accounts on to easily switch.

With these tips, switching between Snapchat accounts becomes fast and frictionless!

Spotting Someone with Multiple Snapchat Accounts

Do you suspect one of your Snapchat connections has a secret second account? Here are some telltale signals someone may have multiple profiles:

  • Block them and check "Add Friends" – Block the account in question, then see if their name pops up in "Add Friends" again.

  • Compare mutual friend lists – Cross-check for overlaps in your mutual friends on both accounts.

  • Look for similar usernames – Usernames like “john123” and “john1234” could mean multiple accounts.

  • Analyze change in content – Drastic shifts in posting style or content between accounts is a giveaway.

  • Snap score resets to zero – A reset score likely indicates starting over with a new profile.

  • Differences in contact details – Multiple accounts with different phone numbers or emails linked.

Of course, these signs aren‘t definitive proof of someone having dual accounts. But they provide clues if you think a friend may be hiding something or simply wants to keep different facets separate!

When Should You Have Multiple Snapchat Accounts?

Maintaining different Snapchat accounts serves genuine purposes in some cases:

  • Personal and professional accounts – Keep your individual life and brand/business content separate.

  • Managing multiple brands/clients – Marketers handling multiple social media accounts for work.

  • Testing out new features – Experiment with new Snapchat capabilities before rolling out.

  • Different niches and interests – Post different content tailored for diverse audiences.

  • Contests and giveaways – Create supporter accounts to hype yourself up.

  • Handing accounts down – Pass your account login details to someone else.

  • Sale of accounts – Accounts with rare/desirable usernames can be sold.

  • Separating facets of life – Keep activities like dating or gaming isolated.

Note that violating Snapchat’s terms by having too many linked accounts risks getting banned. Use multiple accounts judiciously!

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Switching Accounts

Switching Snapchat accounts is simple once you get the steps right. Avoid these common mistakes:

  • Forgetting to fully log out of your current account first.

  • Logging in from the app‘s home screen instead of the login page.

  • Not tapping "Use Other Account" and trying to log in normally.

  • Entering the wrong username or password in your rush.

  • Accidentally tapping Log In instead of Log Out in your Settings.

  • Logging out improperly by force closing the app.

Following my guide and tips will help you avoid these pitfalls. With enough practice, you‘ll be able to change accounts seamlessly!

Security Considerations for Multiple Accounts

When handling multiple accounts, keep these security best practices in mind:

  • Use unique complex passwords for each account, and store them securely in a password manager.

  • Enable two-factor authentication for additional login protection.

  • Avoid sketchy third-party apps that promise to let you switch accounts easily.

  • Set up account recovery methods like trusted email and phone number for each profile.

  • Review login notifications to be aware of any suspicious logins.

  • Mind terms of use to avoid risking suspensions for suspicious multi-account activity.

Expert Insights on Managing Multiple Snapchat Accounts

With over 5 years of social media marketing experience, here are my top expert tips for juggling multiple Snapchat accounts:

  • Streamline account switching instead of fully logging out each time by staying logged in to your secondary accounts on the Snapchat website.

  • Build Shortcuts/Tasker recipes to switch accounts instantly with one tap. Input your credentials just once.

  • Create Snapcodes for each account to easily identify them at a glance when switching between profiles.

  • Use numbered suffixes in your usernames (john123, john456) to organize accounts or denote priority.

  • Leverage Snapchat‘s new Director Accounts capability to easily collaborate on and manage business accounts.

  • Be extremely careful about interacting between your own accounts or misrepresenting account relationships as these violate terms of use.

I hope these professional insights help you manage your accounts seamlessly!

Key Snapchat User Statistics and Trends

Let‘s look at some key data around Snapchat users and account usage trends:

  • 332 million daily active users on Snapchat as of Q3 2022, a 57% increase from 213 million in 2020.

  • Over 90% of Snapchatters log in every day, spending an average of 30+ minutes daily.

  • Approximately 25-35% of users are estimated to have more than one Snapchat account.

  • Over 70% of users are under 25 years old. Snapchat‘s young user base frequently experiments with having multiple accounts.

  • Snapchat‘s share of the crucial 18-24 year old Gen Z market in the U.S. is over 90%.

  • Snapchat now draws over 75% of 13-34 year olds in over 20 countries, firmly establishing itself as the top social app in this cohort.

  • Having multiple accounts per person has emerged as a clear trend among Gen Z users across social platforms.

These statistics signal that a sizeable proportion of Snapchat‘s young users maintain more than one account for personal and professional purposes. The ability to smoothly switch between accounts is becoming increasingly relevant.

FAQs About Managing Multiple Snapchat Accounts

Let‘s wrap up by answering some frequently asked questions about switching between Snapchat accounts:

Can you have two Snapchat accounts on one phone?

Yes, you can have multiple Snapchat accounts logged in on the same mobile device. Just remember to fully log out of one account first before logging into another.

Does deleting Snapchat also delete your account?

No, uninstalling the Snapchat app doesn‘t delete your account or data. You have to manually go to Settings > Account Actions > Delete Account to erase your account.

Can someone else log into my Snapchat without the password?

No, others can‘t access your Snapchat account without entering your password correctly, unless they are able to reset your password through your linked email. Enable two-factor authentication and use a strong password for security.

How many active Snapchat accounts can you have?

Snapchat limits users to one account per mobile number verification. But there is no hard limit on the number of accounts tied to different numbers that you can actively use, as long as you don‘t violate their terms and conditions.

Can Snapchat detect if you have two accounts?

Yes, Snapchat can likely identify users with multiple accounts by tracking factors like login device, IP address patterns, contacts synced, and other signals. Too many linked accounts risks suspension.


Phew, that was a lot of comprehensive information on switching between accounts on Snapchat! While not as seamless as other social media platforms, it just takes 5 easy steps once you get the hang of it.

The key things to remember are:

  • Always log out fully from your profile before switching accounts
  • Tap "Use Other Account" on the login page
  • Enter the credentials for your other account

With the tips provided, you‘ll go from social media novice to pro Snapchat account switcher in no time!

I hope this in-depth guide helped you learn how to smoothly manage multiple Snapchat accounts. Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions!