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Unlocking Sub-Zero‘s Frozen Potential: An Expert‘s Guide to Mastering Combos in Mortal Kombat 1

As a long-time Mortal Kombat enthusiast and gaming strategy specialist, I was eager to master Sub-Zero‘s reimagined combo potential in the series reboot, Mortal Kombat 11 (MK11). With a completely overhauled combat system designed to enable more combo creativity, MK11 represents a fresh start for the iconic cryomancer to unleash his frigid arsenal.

In this comprehensive guide, I leverage my expertise in gaming mechanics and competitive strategy to break down Sub-Zero‘s most dominant combos. You‘ll learn how to seamlessly execute his core combos, unleash devastating juggle combos, punish opponents with air-to-air variations, and maximize damage from corner traps.

Whether you‘re a casual fan eager to up your Sub-Zero skills or a tournament competitor, this deep dive will unlock his true frozen potential. Time to ice the competition!

The Evolution of Sub-Zero and His Combo Gameplay

To appreciate the combo improvements in MK11, it‘s important to understand Sub-Zero‘s gameplay origins. Introduced in the original 1992 Mortal Kombat, Sub-Zero quickly became a fan favorite for his ice powers and ninja aesthetics. Across multiple titles, Sub-Zero‘s core archetype has remained relatively consistent – utilizing a balanced mix of freezing projectiles, combo starters, and counterattacks.

However, his combo potential has steadily grown over time. Early titles like MK1 and MK2 had more rigid combo systems, limiting options. By MK3 and MK4, players could link together longer attack strings and juggle combos. As the series modernized, combos became more fluid and adjustable on the fly.

MK11 represents the pinnacle of this evolution with a dynamic new combo system. No longer confined to preset patterns, players have unprecedented freedom to experiment and discover new combo routes. For Sub-Zero, this is a game changer, as we‘ll explore in this guide.

Overview of Sub-Zero‘s Core Combos

Every great fighter needs a set of fundamental combos that work reliably in most situations. These core combos should be committed to muscle memory as your default punish options. Let‘s break down 5 quintessential Sub-Zero combos that all players should know:

1) B12, DB1

  • Simple 1-2 punch string into an axe kick launcher. Easy combo starter.

2) F2, 1, DF3 EX

  • Quick Advancing poke into reverse ice blast. Knocks down opponents.

3) B3, F4, BF3

  • Low kick to disable opponents into a hard knockdown slide.

4) JI2, JI2, B2, BF1

  • Jump-in attack combo string into a ground bounce for juggle extension.

5) B2, BF1, JI2, JI2, F2, BF1

  • Bouncing Knee Starter into freeze axe for aerial combo spike down.

As a cryomancer, Sub-Zero‘s core combos focus on quickly disabling opponents through freezes, knockdowns, and launchers. Master these fundamental combo strings and then build out more complex variations.

Implementing Optimal Air-to-Air Combos

Fighting games are all about controlling space. Sub-Zero excels at swatting opponents out of the air with precise anti-air combos:

1) U3, BF1

  • Uppercut anti-air to launch foes for a jumping finisher. (16% damage)

2) UF3, B2, BF1, JI2, JI2, D2

  • Enhanced Dragon Uppercut for juggle into axe spike. (21% damage)

3) D2, JI2, J2, F2, BF1

  • Shoulder anti-air to maintain combo on airborne opponents. (19% damage)

4) DB4, B2, BF1, JI2, JI3

  • Ice Slide to reverse position and catch jumpers. (18% damage)

5) DBF3 EX, JI2, JI2, F2,BF1

  • Rising Ice to launch airborne targets for a full juggle combo. (22% damage)

I also recommend delaying the second jump attack (JI2) slightly to allow more gravity for extended juggle time. This tactic can add 1-2% extra damage per combo.

Capitalizing on Corner Combos

When opponents are cornered, it presents the perfect opportunity for Sub-Zero to inflict heavy damage. Here are some of my go-to corner combos:

1) F2, 1~BF1, B2, BF1, JI2, JI2, D2

  • Quick freeze into bounce knee pick-up for aerial combo spike. (28% damage)

2) B14, BF1, F2, BF1, JI2, JI2, U3

  • Basic string to launch, freeze again mid-air for anti-air ender. (30% damage)

3) D4, DBF1 EX, B2, BF1, JI2, JI2, B3

  • Low starter into long juggle combo off EX Slide. (36% damage)

4) BF3 AMP, Dash, F2, BF1, JI2, JI3

  • Armored Slide to corner carry into full combo. (32% damage)

5) F212, BF1 EX, F2, BF1, JI2, JI2, U3

  • Quick mid poke to EX blast for extended launcher and juggle. (38% damage)

Don‘t forget to amplify special moves in combos to add extra corner carry or juggle potential. This significantly boosts corner damage.

Maximizing Damage with Finishers and Fatal Blows

Sub-Zero has a killer arsenal of combo enders and fatal blows to maximize damage:


  • AXE (BF1) – Spikes airborne opponents down with an ice axe. Adds 5% damage.

  • DK (DBF3) – Slams opponents down with an ice hammer for a hard knockdown. Adds 7% damage.

  • FB (DF2) – Freezes opponents for a setup into another combo. Adds 4% damage.

Fatal Blow (R2)

  • Has armored startup and can be used to punish opponent combos.

  • Activates instantly in combos by inputting R2 after pop-up hits.

  • Deals 35% damage and leaves opponents standing for potential follow-ups.

Integrating these finishers and the fatal blow efficiently is key to optimizing Sub-Zero‘s damage output. I like to end juggle combos with Ax to spike airborne opponents down. The fatal blow is great for punishing whiffed combos or bursting down low health foes. Don‘t be afraid to get creative with these tools.

Advanced Strategies from Tournament Expertise

As an avid tournament player, I‘ve picked up some high-level tactics that can give you an edge mastering Sub-Zero:

  • Use core combos to condition opponents to block high, then mix in occasional low starters for sneaky damage.

  • Delay combo button presses slightly to alter timing and trip-up opponent reactions.

  • Dash or walk forward between combo strings to carry opponents closer to corners for big damage.

  • If opponents are blocking well, throw in staggered pokes (F2, B3) to stop their momentum and open them up.

  • Cancel out ofunsafe special moves into FB for safety. For example: BF1 EX, FB.

  • After freezing opponents, throw them forward for corner carry then continue your combo.

  • Jump backward often and use anti-airs to catch over-eager opponents pressing forward.

With these pro tips, you‘ll have the extra insight to excel with Sub-Zero in all areas of the game – footsies, punishing, pressure, and counters.


Sub-Zero‘s upgraded combo system in MK11 grants players immense creative freedom. Mastering his core combos, juggle extensions, finishers, and fatal blows is extremely rewarding – allowing you to outsmart opponents with your frozen arsenal. While Sub-Zero‘s combos require practice, their damage potential is immense in the right hands. I hope this guide has provided you with the insights to unlock his true kombat potential. Now get out there and send your opponents to a chilly grave!