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Unlocking Steven Universe‘s Full Potential: Advanced Combos and Matchup Data

As one of the most creatively designed yet overlooked characters in MultiVersus, Steven Universe brings an unparalleled toolkit of zoning, defense, and aggression to matches. While tricky to initially grasp, those who invest the time to understand Steven‘s nuances will discover immense outplay potential once his combos and matchups are mastered. This 6,000 word guide will unpack advanced Steven Universe techniques, optimal damage confirms, adamant edgeguard setups, and fundamental gameplans to enable you to push Steven to top tier viability.

Evaluating Steven‘s Strengths and Weaknesses

Before digging into nitty-gritty combos, we must identify Steven Universe‘s ideal gameplay patterns and limitations across various game modes.

Steven Thrives in 2v2 Scenarios

With an overloaded kit catered towards teammate support, Steven Universe truly shines when paired with an aggressive striker like Batman or Shaggy. By providing armor bubbles, shield platforms, and disruption with watermelon Stephens, he enables allies to play more recklessly. Steven also brings much needed vertical recovery to compensate any teammate‘s weaknesses offstage.

However, Steven does lack consistent kill power outside of edgeguard setups. This often leaves Steven relying on his partner to secure KO‘s in 2‘s. Strong teammates include:

  • Batman – Lethal combo striker who loves Steven‘s vertical setups
  • Velma – Loves stacking clues on Steven‘s shields and bubbles
  • Shaggy – Manic aggression paired with Steven‘s protection

Steven Fights an Uphill Battle in 1v1s

Despite his Swiss army knife toolkit, Steven‘s mediocre ground game, slow air acceleration, and reactable recovery put him at a notable disadvantage in competitive 1v1 matches. Quick opponents like Taz or Bugs Bunny can run circles around Steven‘s zoning tools while characters like Shaggy and Velma can dismantle his defense rather quickly.

Steven MAINLY struggles when opponents refuse to approach his shields recklessly. Keeping distance and forcing Steven to approach exposes his lack of crackdown tools.

Ideal Stages Provide Shield Platforms

For both 1v1 and 2v2 success, Steven NEEDS stages with soft platforms to spawn extra shields and escape juggles.

Best Stages

  • Batcave
  • Treefort
  • Sky Arena

Worst Stages

  • Cromulons
  • Scoob Mansion
  • Trophy‘s E.D.G.E

Now let‘s explore the essential combos, confirms, and matchup data to pilot Steven Universe at a high level!

Nitty Gritty Combos and Confirm Data

New Steven Universe players often overly rely on smashing opponents into shields for kills and struggle opening opponents up from a distance. This section will provide his BEST routine combo starters, damage builders, and kill confirms to round out your punish game.


  • % = Damage opponent must be at for combo to connect
  • FF = Fast Fall timing required
  • DJC = Double Jump Cancel

Bread-and-Butter Starters (0-40%)

Input % Works Total Damage Notes
Neutral Air -> Down Air 0-40% 8-12% FF after Neutral Air to link
Dash Attack -> Jab -> Neutral Attack(Jump) > Up Air 0-15% 16-22% React to DI on Up Air
Shield Charge -> Neutral Attack(Jump) > Up Air 0-20% 14-19% Up Air chains into itself on fast fallers

Juggle Setups (60-100%)

Input % Works Total Damage Notes
Up Throw -> Up Special -> Up Air 60-85% 15-21% React to DI, can lead to kill confirms
Down Throw -> Watermelon Edgeguard 100-140% Varies Watermelon placement is key

Kill Confirms (120%+)

Input % Works Total Damage Notes
Shield Bounce -> Down Air Spike 120%+ 14% Requires very precise timing
Shield Charge -> Down Air Spike 120%+ 16% Instantly input Down Air after Charge Up
Up Throw -> Up Air DJC -> Up Special -> Up Air 130%+ 17%+ Locks opponents into juggle state

Now that you understand Steven‘s fundamentals we can explore…

Countering Problematic Matchups

Steven Universe faces uphill battles against many top tier duelists who can destroy his zoning tools and exploit his limited mobility. This section provides key matchup data and counterplay advice against 3 of Steven‘s toughest adversaries.

Beating Shaggy‘s Relentless Aggression

Against a skilled Shaggy player, Steven CANNOT afford to whiff shield moves or have cooldowns baited out. Using Shield Charge and Watermelon Stephens too liberally allows Shaggy free openings to deal devastating damage via combos. The key is staying grounded and forcing Shaggy to approach while threatening with spaced aerials.

Go-To Gameplan

  • Use shield only when Shaggy commits to an action
  • Stay grounded and be ready to anti-air aggressive Side + Special approaches
  • Avoid throwing out Watermelon Stephens predictably
  • Carefully drift and space aerials to stay safe
  • Find windows to setup shield/watermelon edgeguards


  • Scooby‘s Mansion
  • Tree Fort
  • Trophy‘s E.D.G.E

Keeping Up With Bugs Bunny‘s Mobility

A zoning nightmare, Bugs Bunny‘s oppressive projectile game completely denies Steven‘s ability to set shields or watermelons safely. Steven CANNOT afford to blindly approach without covering himself with an aerial or armor dodge. Staying grounded is suicide against Bugs‘ lethal spike ball.

Go-To Gameplan

  • Close distance slowly with drift aerials and shielded dodges
  • React to projectiles rather than trying to deny them
  • Use platforms to setup shields and escape juggles
  • Strike when Bugs is in cooldown from a special


  • Batcave
  • Sky Arena

Surviving Batman‘s Devastating Combos

Steven tends to struggle KO‘ing Batman early while getting demolished by Batman‘s air combos. However, with proper DI, recovery mixes, and shield platforms, Steven can survive to high damages to take stocks with his edgeguard tools.

Go-To Gameplan

  • Spend time learning Batman‘s combo routes and optimal DI
  • Use shield platforms and dodges to break combos
  • Mixup recovery with shields and directional influences
  • Take stocks with shield confirms into spike edgeguards

Now get out there and start succeeding with Steven Universe! His toolkit enables immense creativity – keep exploring new setups and partner synergies until you reach #1 on the ladder! Let me know if you have any other questions.