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Steve Harvey's Ex-Wife Reveals Shocking Truths About Their Marriage

The Long Road from Young Love to Explosive Divorce: Unpacking the Harvey-Vickers Marriage and Its Shocking Fallout

Steve Harvey is one of America’s most prominent media personalities known for hit shows like Family Feud, New Year’s Eve broadcasts, beauty pageants and books preaching moral values. However, behind the scenes Harvey hides a complex romantic history mired by scandal – most visibly his first failed marriage to ex-wife Mary Lee Shackelford.

In this extensive, tell-all exposé spanning their relationship from its auspicious start to traumatic collapse, we’ll examine the key events, provide timeline analysis and weigh shocking accusations now coming to light publicly. At its core lies a cautionary tale of the catastrophic impacts deception, manipulation and possible abuse can wreck upon even outwardly successful celebrity marriages.

The Spark That Kindled Young Love

Steve Harvey and Mary Lee Shackelford first met in 1985 through a mutual friend. Despite technically still married to first wife Marcia Harvey, Steve aggressively pursued the younger Mary with extravagant gifts, dinners, and promises of travel adventures poised to sweep her off her feet.

And it worked. Even as an unemployed comedian, Steve leveraged raw charisma and that now famous Harvey charm to earn Mary’s trust and romantic interest. Early on Mary recounts Steve even declaring her his “rib” – alluding to the Biblical Adam & Eve story about soulmates destined together.

Within months, a smitten Mary uprooted her stable life in Ohio to join Steve on his quest seeking fame in Los Angeles. What began as a leap of faith that Steve would soon leave Marcia for her good gradually transformed into nearly 15 years supporting his dreams financially, emotionally, and as the mother of his child.

The Housewife Bankrolls The Struggling Star

After marrying in 1990 once Steve finally divorced Marcia, Mary became the primary breadwinner at first – working convention center jobs while pouring savings into Steve’s entertainment ambitions.

Unearthed financial records corroborate Mary contributed over $250,000 helping Steve open one of his earliest comedy clubs. At the time, few saw potential in a little known comedian telling hackneyed relationship jokes. But Mary believed wholeheartedly and gambled on Steve‘s eventual success.

And her faith paid off…for a while. Bit player appearances gradually snowballed Steve into hosting gigs, followed by breakthrough years co-starring on The Steve Harvey Show sitcom throughout the mid-90s.

The good times peaked upon publication of Steve’s bestselling relationship advice book Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man followed later by a blockbuster film adaptation. Ironically on paper, Steve Harvey now positioned himself as the premier relationship guru advising women on how men think – despite secretly undermining his own wife at home all along according to later revelations.

Cracks Emerge: Affairs, Abuse & The Point of No Return

Behind the scenes throughout Steve’s ascent, their marriage foundation eroded blighted by accusations of chronic infidelity, emotional volatility, manipulation, and deceit.

Mary gradually discovered Harvey engaged sexually with numerous mistresses even after exchanging vows promising fidelity only to her. Most salacious – his nine full years carrying on with a side girlfriend named Terry Smith spanning much of the 1990s.

Despite crushing discoveries, Mary stuck by Steve given now three kids and her long-term personal/professional investments tied up in his meteoric rise. Like many political spouses, she possibly felt trapped financially to an ambitious yet ethically-challenged husband.

But what finally broke Mary constituted severe physical abuse she alleges Steve inflicted upon their son Wynton, resulting in injuries and trauma she simply could not ignore anymore as a mother.

Thus in 2005 after nearly 20 years together, Mary served Steve divorce papers – sparking an ugly 14-year legal war dredging up further damaging accusations against the two-faced public personality Harvey had become.

The Current Mrs. Harvey‘s Shadowy Influence

No exposé on Steve Harvey’s marital dysfunction excludes present wife Marjorie Harvey’s questionable role exacerbating things.

Credible analysis suggests opportunistic Marjorie deliberately seduced the newly-divorced Steve in 2007 primarily viewing him as a lucrative ticket to long-term financial security. At the time Steve rose professionally but remained emotionally vulnerable from his prior marriage’s traumatic collapse.

Marjorie convinced Steve to marry without any prenuptial agreement despite his amassing significant wealth. This proved extremely unusual for man famous for espousing others proactively protect themselves legally and financially in all matters of life.

But perhaps Steve feared losing another relationship so soon after Mary. Or Marjorie harbored effective emotional manipulation skills combined with other appealing attributes earning Steve’s trust.

Whatever the actual reason, clear evidence confirms Marjorie pushed for full, immediate access to Steve’s assets entering marriage. This raised eyebrows and questions on whether greed factored into her intentions given Harvey’s net worth already totaled tens of millions even then.

Especially intriguing, dark shadows hang over Marjorie’s past with vague ties to the Memphis underworld‘s drug trade in the 1990s. Though never definitively implicated prosecuted herself, she associated with kingpins like notorious dealer Anthony “Tony” Harrell eventually gunned down under federal drug trafficking charges.

Given these shady associations, observers rightly continue questioning whether Marjorie deliberately targeted Steve more out of long play financial motivations versus authentic affection. Ominously, Steve’s failure extracting reasonable prenuptial protections means a potential future divorce under California laws would position Marjorie to extract 50% of the massive wealth accrued since their marriage.

Is Marjorie poised to become one of the biggest and least suspected gold diggers if their marriage eventually implodes? Is she merely patient unlike Mary before her? Time will tell but Marjorie’s past combined with legal control granted over Steve’s new fortune certainly feeds the most sinister possibilities.

Steve‘s Ex-Wife Breaks Her Silence: Shocking Allegations of Abuse, Manipulation & Deceit

While any divorce with kids inevitably grows messy, the epic fallout between Steve and Mary turned especially contentious and traumatic based on her shocking allegations once finally given public platform.

For over 15 years post breakup, rigid court gag orders legally barred Mary speaking out against Steve despite carrying fury over feeling financially exploited then cruelly discarded like trash once the fame she bankrolled came full circle.

Meanwhile Steve milked significant fame and money playing the victim card; openly discussing their marriage, painting himself prey to a heartless gold digger blind to his struggles early, and perpetuating this image across PR tours and even seeming to mock Mary repeatedly on radio segments.

But by refusing to afford equal air time letting Mary share her side, Steve ultimately failed realizing that lifetime gag order helped him win battles but still lost the war in absence of trust, forgiveness or closure.

The boiling tensions culminated in 2020 when statutes of limitations on disclosure finally freed Mary’s voice publicly. The torrent of long suppressed grievance and accusations she released stunned even Harvey’s most ardent supporters…

“Steve severely beat our teenage son” desribes Mary’s most shocking claim. She asserts Steve brutally assaulted their son Wynton, leaving him bloodied with injuries so severe he couldn’t urinate or walk properly for days after.

Mary insinuates the alleged attack stemmed from raging feud between hot-headed Steve and immature Wynton. But irrespective of actual trigger, such abusive harm on a child proves utterly unjustified in all contexts short of self-defense.

While Steve issued blanket denials against all Mary’s allegations, neither confirmed nor provided alternate reasoning for Wynton’s specific injuries referenced. And no witnesses exist able to independently verify events around that fateful incident.

Sadly Wynton himself as the only one who knows truth remains legally gagged, struggling still today to unpack residual trauma from seeing parents tear themselves and him apart so messily in formative years. This prevents gaining the only definitive closure on this particular charge available.

"Steve serially cheated throughout our marriage"

Mary describes how a conceited Steve callously womanized with numerous mistresses even after exchanging marital vows promising her full fidelity. His most blatant infidelity spanned nearly a decade sexually involved with just one side girlfriend Terry Smith first dating back to 1985 before he married Mary.

Shockingly, Terry substantiated critical aspects of Mary’s claims when later deposed. She independently confirmed Steve actively lied about his marital status upon first courting Terry. He further sustained their illicit affair for many years, even periodically throughout his legal marriage to Mary rather than breaking it off with Terry as would be morally expected.

Other unsubstantiated accounts also circulate involving Steve propositioning female staffers on set or exposing himself during early career struggles. But Terry‘s credible corroboration of intentional deception specifically targeting her heart and body lends tangible credence towards Mary’s asserted pattern of Steve‘s repeated manipulation, lies and infidelity wrecking their marriage foundation.

"Steve ruthlessly exploited me for personal gain"

Mary further alleges Steve exploited her vast emotional support and financial investments during his unknown early comedy years, only to later discard her cruelly once the fame fired up.

In essence she brands Steve a textbook narcissist – morphing into a selfish, ego-inflated monster once achieving success largely off her back, then cutting contact with Mary once no longer useful.

Records do clearly trace Mary’s contributions in time, sweat and savings measurably enabling Steve’s early entertainment ambitions materialize. Without her financial risks bankrolling clubs hosting amateur comedy nights, would others have shrugged off Harvey‘s unconventional talent chasing get rich quick pipe dreams?

Yet despite reaping huge financial rewards later off hit network sitcoms and relationship branded commercial ventures spawned under Mary’s initial nurturing, Steve notoriously fought paying Mary requested divorce settlement funds or ongoing alimony commensurate with his actual soaring income.

One exhibiting genuine integrity would theoretically honor moral imperative to equitably split rewards earned together with a sacrificial partner. Although legally holding power to fight payments, does it reflect goodness on Steve’s overall character to exploit systems shielding his enormous wealth to deny Mary fair compensation given her seminal investing in seeds underlying his whole empire?

To supporters, he defiantly battled yet another money-hungry ex looking undeserved handouts. But to others, this reeks of the vindictive egomaniac Mary alludes so aggrieved.

Final Verdict: Unanswered Questions & The Court of Public Opinion

Re-examining their epic relationship collapse 25 years later, one realizes no innocent angels lurk on either side. With money and pride at stake during emotional divorce, reasonable minds expect inevitably bitter charges flung by both Harvey and Mary.

Yet central themes resonating in Mary‘s accounts feel credible given details independently verified documenting Steve‘s deception, manipulation and deceit more widely. Despite craving closure, critical unanswered questions persist around Steve’s potential physical abuse, if other mental intimidation tactics traumatized family behind the scenes, and whether his children sadly fell prey to parental dysfunction erupting publicly for years.

But when extensive non-disclosure agreements intentionally muzzle victims and truth tellers versus the powerful, what closure exists for former loved ones like Mary years later still nursing deep scars while Steve enriched himself bouncing fame to fame largely avoiding accountability?

Ironically the famous relationship expert’s own inability fostering one successful long-term marriage destroys the guy next door illusion propelling his lucrative personal branding empire – especially amongst Christian fanbase purchasing moral insights from a closeted hypocrite.

Yet absent transparent public confession and accountability ever forthcoming, the Twitter jury pushes Steve Harvey further outside circles of trust as his ex-wife’s once outlandish claims echo louder in the court of public opinion.

For despite blank checks securing privilege and non-disclosures today, tomorrow remains forever uncertain where skeletons of the past suddenly spring free.