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Stacked Invest Review 2023: The Complete Low-down

Hey there crypto trader! If you‘ve been searching for an automated platform to grow your digital assets, you may have come across Stacked Invest.

As an experienced cybersecurity professional and crypto enthusiast myself, I‘ve tested my fair share of trading bots. And in this detailed Stacked review, I‘ll give you the complete low-down so you can decide if it‘s the right solution for your needs.

Let‘s start by understanding exactly what Stacked is and how it works…

What is Stacked Invest?

Stacked Invest is a cloud-based cryptocurrency management platform founded in 2018 that now oversees $250 million+ in assets.

It aims to make crypto trading and investing easy for both complete beginners and advanced traders. The platform offers:

  • A marketplace of pre-built crypto trading bots – Created by top-ranked traders, these bots can license to automatically execute proven trading strategies.

  • Index investing tools – Stacked has created several indexes that give you instant diversified exposure across various crypto assets.

  • Portfolio automation features – Rebalance asset allocations and optimize your portfolio‘s earnings via lending & staking.

The platform is designed to be intuitive and easy to use even for those new to crypto. But does the simplicity come at the cost of customization? Let‘s analyze some key aspects in-depth:

How Stacked‘s Trading Bots Work

Rather than having to build your own trading bots, Stacked allows you to access proven bots created by high-performing traders.

You simply browse the marketplace to view historical performance stats and license any promising strategy.

Once connected to your exchange account, the bots execute automated trades 24/7 based on the licensed rules. You also have the ability to tweak take-profit limits or stop-losses before deployment.

The main pros of this approach are:

  • Requires zero trading or coding skills – perfect for beginners
  • All strategies are backtested and vetted for profitability

Potential cons:

  • Lack of control compared to building a custom bot
  • Rulesets can become outdated as market conditions change

So while pre-built bots offer an easy entry point, more advanced traders may feel restricted. But there are still some great supplementary features to consider…

Additional Features & Tools

Beyond basic trading bots, Stacked Invest provides portfolio automation capabilities including:

Automated Rebalancing

Stacked‘s smart rebalancing tool analyzes your portfolio and optimal asset weightings based on historical performance data.

You can then set a custom allocation scheme, and Stacked will automatically buy and sell assets in your connected accounts to maintain your target ratios.

Rebalancing is a proven technique to minimize risk and maximize earnings in volatile crypto markets. The fact that Stacked entirely automates this is a major plus.

Crypto Indexes

If you find portfolio allocation overwhelming, Stacked offers preset indexes to give you instant broad market exposure:

  • Core Index – Top 7 coins weighted by market cap
  • Growth Index – Mix of large and small-cap assets
  • Smart Beta Index – Algorithmically optimized for risk-return

You can invest in these indexes with a single click just like an ETF in traditional markets. It makes diversification effortless.

Lending & Staking Rewards

To further compound earnings, Stacked lets you auto-lend crypto holdings across lending platforms like Compound, Aave, and DyDx to earn interest.

Staking rewards are also auto-compounded for applicable assets using centralized exchanges like Coinbase and Binance.

Again, the platform completely removes the hassle of manually managing yields across platforms.

Ease of Use & Accessibility

In my testing, Stacked Invest delivers very well as a user-friendly solution tailored to beginners.

Opening an account and linking crypto exchange APIs takes under 5 minutes. The dashboard neatly centralizes your balances, positions, trade activity, and earnings data across connected accounts.

Browsing and subscribing to trading bots is straightforward – just filter and sort based on historical ROI or max drawdown then click to activate.

The portfolio automation tools are also pleasingly simple with predefined options or customizable allocation settings.

As mentioned already however, more advanced traders may desire greater flexibility:

  • You‘re limited to licensing existing bot strategies rather than building fully custom algorithms.

  • Technical indicators and rule triggers are predetermined rather than adjustable.

So total newbies will enjoy Stacked but expect some constraints as your knowledge progresses.

Supported Platforms & Wallets

Stacked Connect supports linking to 6 major crypto exchanges:

  • Binance
  • Coinbase
  • FTX
  • Bybit
  • OKX
  • BitMEX

You can connect multiple exchange accounts and easily track consolidated data and positions across each inside Stacked.

Support for DeFi platforms and non-custodial wallets is currently unavailable although auto-yield optimization does extend across lending protocols like Compound and Aave by connecting to the above centralized exchanges.

Stacked Premium Pricing

Stacked Invest currently offers all features and tools through Stacked Premium completely free including:

  • Pre-built trading bots
  • Index investing
  • Full portfolio automation

Paid plans to access additional functionality will likely be introduced later as the platform develops. But for now, everything is available without payment.

When paying subscriptions do emerge, expect pricing around $8-15 monthly based on competitors. However free members could still benefit from more basic tools.

Security & Asset Protection

As a non-custodial platform, Stacked never takes hold of your coins – they remain securely in your personal exchange accounts always.

API connections are read-only meaning funds cannot be withdrawn without your express permission. So your money stays protected just as if manually trading on an exchange or DeFi platform.

Other safety measures include:

  • Leading AWS cloud hosting and infrastructure
  • Support agents available 24/7 in case any issues arise
  • Regular third-party security auditing

Stacked also carries full insurance coverage in the extremely unlikely event of a breach.

How Stacked Compares to Top Alternatives

Let‘s see how Stacked Invest stacks up (pun intended) against two of the top competing crypto trading platforms – Pionex and Bitsgap:

Stacked Pionex Bitsgap
Trading Strategy Customization Low – Pre-built bots only High – Customizable bots High – Build any strategy
Portfolio Automation Tools Auto rebalancer + interests Limited availability Smart Trade terminal
Beginner Friendliness Extremely high High Moderate
Pricing Free beta access Free & paid tiers 14-day free trial

The key takeaway is that Stacked simplifies crypto automation specifically for beginners by compromising sophisticated strategy customization.

Meanwhile Pionex and Bitsgap cater better for intermediate level traders who desire more advanced capabilities.

Final Verdict – Who is Stacked Invest Good For?

So what‘s the final call? Here‘s a quick rundown of Stacked‘s pros and cons:

The Good:

  • Very user-friendly UI and easy automation

  • Huge time saver – bots trade 24/7 without effort

  • Free access during beta makes it risk-free to try

The Less Good:

  • Read-only API and pre-built focus limits customization

  • Platform still maturing with limited ecosystem integrations

Overall Stacked Invest succeeds very well in its purpose – making crypto investing as simple as possible for total beginners.

If you have zero background in trading or struggle to manually balance portfolios, Stacked provides tremendous value.

However, restraints emerge if you later want more advanced functionality that supports highly customized strategies. Solutions like Pionex and Bitsgap allow fuller control as your skills progress.

So while Stacked wins for simplicity today, be conscious that you may eventually outgrow its capabilities as knowledge advances unless they further expand features. And paid subscriptions down the line could reduce cost-efficiency.

For now though, it‘s certainly worthwhile signing up for a free account to lock in access before wider launch. You have nothing to lose testing Stacked‘s innovative approach to easy crypto earnings!

Share your own experiences with Stacked or crypto trading bots in general below!