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How to Get Your Spotify DNA Chart

The Spotify DNA Chart is taking playlists to a whole new level. This unique visualization depicts your top Spotify artists through colorful audio trait strands, much like a DNA double helix.

In 2022 over 422 million people tuned into Spotify each month. With so many listeners, Spotify DNA Charts have exploded in popularity across social media.

But what exactly do these funky charts show? And how can you make one for your own listening DNA?

This complete guide will walk through everything you need to know. Soon you‘ll be showcasing your music taste through your very own Spotify DNA Chart.

What is a Spotify DNA Chart?

A Spotify DNA Chart visualizes your top artists based on various audio traits. These include:

  • Danceability
  • Energy
  • Key
  • Loudness
  • Mode
  • Speechiness
  • Acousticness
  • Instrumentalness
  • Liveness
  • Valence

Each trait gets scored on a rarity scale from 0 to 100. The higher the number, the more unique that audio trait is among your top artists.

For example, your chart may show a high rarity score for "acousticness" and a low score for "energy". This means your top artists tend to be more acoustic and mellow compared to typical Spotify listeners.

The chart displays each trait as a different colored strand, resembling a DNA double helix. It‘s a cool way to showcase your listening personality!

Example DNA Chart

According to Spotify, over 15% of users have shared their DNA charts on social media. People love discussing their music tastes and seeing how listening profiles compare.

You can generate charts based on your top artists "all time", last 6 months, or specific playlists. This lets you highlight different listening timeframes.

Now let‘s dive into exactly how to unlock your own Spotify DNA visual.

How to Get Your Spotify DNA Chart

Creating your personalized Spotify Chart takes just a few minutes. Follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Visit is the main website for generating Spotify DNA Charts.

To start, go to in your web browser. The site will load to display their logo on a black background.

Step 2: Connect with Spotify

Upon loading the website, you‘ll see a prominent "Connect with Spotify" button. Click it!

This will initiate the Spotify authentication process. You‘ll be redirected to log into your Spotify account and grant permission.

Tip: Make sure you‘re already logged into Spotify on the browser or device you‘re using before beginning the DNA Chart process.

Connect with Spotify

Once connected, will pull data directly from your Spotify account. Time to visualize your listening DNA!

Step 3: Select Content Source

After successfully linking your Spotify account, you‘ll be prompted to select the content source for your chart.

You can base it on:

  • Top artists all time – Your most-listened to artists ever on Spotify
  • Top artists past 6 months – Your recent listening trends
  • A playlist – Pick from all your custom playlists

Choosing a specific playlist is great for showcasing different music tastes. For example, you may have specialized playlists for cooking, working out, or decades.

Select the source that best represents your music DNA! The chart will automatically update on the right side as you choose different options.

Step 4: Customize Display

Next, you can customize a few aspects of how your DNA Chart displays:

  • Number of artists – Choose up to 100 of your top artists. The default is 20.
  • Color scheme – Pick between 5 bold color schemes like Fire or Ocean.
  • Audio traits – Toggle which traits you want visualized. Uncheck any unwanted.

Play around with these settings until your Spotify DNA Chart looks just the way you want.

You can always re-generate for a different variation. SpotifyDNA even includes a "Reroll" button to instantly refresh your chart.

Step 5: Share Your Chart

Once your ultimate DNA Chart is generated, it‘s time to show it off!

Click the "Share" icon at the top right of the chart. This opens options to:

  • Save image – Download the static JPEG to your device.
  • Copy link – Copy a shareable link to the chart.
  • Share to social – Directly post to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or WhatsApp.

Downloading the image is the best way to post across all your social media profiles. From Instagram stories to TikTok videos, have fun with your personalized Spotify Chart!

Pro Tip: Don‘t forget to tag @Spotify in your DNA Chart social posts. They often re-share user creations.

And that‘s all there is to it! With these few simple steps, you can unlock an awesome visualization of your unique listening DNA.

Customizing Your Chart Like a Pro

The basic Spotify DNA Chart is just the beginning. There are tons of cool customizations and tricks to take it to the next level:

Switch Up Data Sources

Changing your data source can spotlight different music tastes:

  • Top artists from last month to highlight recent obsessions
  • A workout playlist to showcase your gym jams
  • Your favorite songs of all time for a snapshot of your lifelong listening

Mix it up from the default "top artists" view!

Limit Artists to a Specific Genre

Are you a country music fanatic? Or maybe pop punk is more your jam.

Filter your top artists to a certain genre for specialized DNA Charts. It‘s an easy way to showcase your favorite musical styles.

Compare with Friends

Enter any Spotify username to visualize someone else‘s listening DNA. Make charts for friends or compare yours side-by-side.

Just make sure to get their permission first – no one likes unauthorized snooping!

Reroll for New Visualizations

If you don‘t love your initial DNA results, click "Reroll" at the top to instantly refresh the chart. Keep rolling for different artist alignments and color displays.

Customize Number of Artists

Crank it up to 100 top artists for an incredibly detailed DNA strand! Or limit to just 5 for a condensed snapshot.

Play with different artist counts to find your visual sweet spot.

Toggle Traits On/Off

Remix your chart by toggling audio traits on or off. For example, uncheck "liveness" and "instrumentalness" for a simplified view.

Export and Overlay on Photos

Download your chart and overlay it on photos for next-level Instagram posts. This makes your music DNA part of an album cover collage or other graphic designs.

Get creative with customizations to perfectly showcase your unique listening profile on Spotify!

Using Your DNA Chart on Social Media

Once you‘ve mastered creating a Spotify DNA Chart, it‘s time to show it off. These music DNA snapshots are made for social media.

Introduce How It Works

Not everyone will instantly know what a Spotify DNA Chart shows. Give a quick explainer of the traits and rarity scoring depicted.

This provides helpful context so more people can understand your cool chart!

Tag Relevant Accounts

Don‘t forget to tag @spotify so they can potentially re-share your chart. Relevant hashtags like #SpotifyDNA, #music, and #playlists are great too.

This expands your reach to more Spotify enthusiasts.

Spark Conversations

Spotify DNA Charts make for fun conversation starters around music. Which friends have the most similar charts? How do generations compare?

Pose some questions or hot takes to get people commenting on your post. User-generated engagement is marketing gold!

Share Your Process

Show off your Spotify skills by sharing how you made the advanced customizations. Post Stories or TikTok videos walking through your chart creation process.

This both educates and entertains your audience.

Encourage Others to Try

Inspire more Spotify DNA Chart action by motivating your network. Let them know how quick and easy it is to make their own.

They‘ll appreciate the idea for fresh, engaging social content.

Make Them Part of a Series

Evolve your chart over time and post periodic updates. Show how your listening changes over weeks, months, or years.

This content theme gets audiences tuning in again and again.

Pay Attention to Timing

Post your DNA Chart when your audience is most active and receptive. For example, Saturday afternoons may perform better than Wednesday mornings.

As a social media guru, you know timing is everything!

With the right strategy, Spotify DNA Charts can become viral sensations. Turn your music taste into engaging social content.

Join the Spotify DNA Revolution

Spotify DNA Charts showcase listening personalities like never before. The music visualization trend unites genres, generations, and tastes.

Now that you‘re equipped to get your own chart in minutes, will you be sharing your Spotify DNA with the world?

Remember, the possibilities are endless for customizing, remixing, and evolving your chart over time. With so many options, you can continually reinvent your listening DNA.

So tap into your inner music nerd. Become a Spotify DNA influencer. See if your charts take off across social media and inspire others to join in.

At the very least, making and sharing Spotify DNA Charts sparks fun conversations around music. And in this day and age, we could all use more of that shared joy.

So what are you waiting for? Visit now and unlock your profile. Become part of the international listening phenomenon.