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How to Fix “Sorry, You Have Been Blocked” on Discord

Seeing the “Sorry, you have been blocked” error message when trying to access Discord can certainly put a damper on your gaming chat or hamper your community connections.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through all the potential causes and solutions to banish that blocking bug and get Discord working again.

Why You Might Be Blocked from Discord

Like an overzealous bouncer at a hot new club, Discord may deny you entry for a few reasons:

1. Suspicious Activity Got You Banned

With over 150 million monthly active users, Discord has robust systems to detect misconduct across their enormous global community.

Their automated defenses can temporarily or permanently block accounts displaying malicious behaviors like:

  • Spamming/self-promotion
  • Abusive comments
  • Impersonation
  • Raiding or brigading
  • Malware distribution

In 2021 alone, Discord banned over 37,000 accounts for misconduct violations or illegal content distribution according to their transparency report. So if you‘ve been up to no good, don‘t be surprised if you get the boot.

2. Discord is Down (Again)

With exponentially growing traffic loads, Discord sometimes crumples under its own success, experiencing downtime that blocks access for all users.

These outages have become somewhat notorious, with Discord experiencing API failures, gateway failures, Cloudflare issues, and general connectivity problems regularly disrupting service since 2020.

According to web monitoring service Pingdom, Discord averaged 99.95% uptime in 2022, but still had 17 total hours of outages throughout the year.

So there‘s a decent chance your "blocked" error is simply another case of Discord‘s servers tripping over their own feet.

3. Your Sneaky VPN Got Detected

Discord blocks many VPN and proxy services IPs automatically to reduce bots, spam, and ban circumvention. Their systems can identify when your traffic is coming through an anonymity service and deny access.

Researchers estimate over 22% of all Discord accounts connect via VPNs or Proxies as of 2022 according to Atlas VPN.

So if you‘re trying to virtually tunnel your way into Discord, don‘t be shocked when you hit a brick wall.

4. Other Network Blocking Shenanigans

In some cases, your antivirus, firewall, ISP, or other privacy apps may have overly restrictive settings that block access to Discord without realizing it.

It‘s like having an ultra paranoid friend who avoids talking to strangers. Sure, they mean well trying to keep you "safe", but they also make your social life super difficult!

Now let‘s move on to the solutions so you can give Discord the password and regain access once more.

How to Fix “Sorry, You Have Been Blocked” on Discord

When battling the "Sorry, you have been blocked" error, be systematic:

1. Try an Alternate Discord App

If the main Discord desktop app isn‘t working, sneak in the backdoor by using a web or mobile version:

  • Browser-Based Web App: Access Discord directly through Chrome/Firefox by going to or Be sure to use the full web app, not just the voice chat.

  • Mobile: Download the Discord iOS or Android app and log in. The mobile apps sometimes work when the desktop version is misbehaving.

  • Microsoft Store: You can also download Discord from the Microsoft Store if the regular Windows/Mac app is failing you: Get the App from Microsoft

Trying an alternate client app eliminates issues caused by corrupted installs or platform-specific bugs.

2. Use a VPN to Bypass Blocks

If your network, firewall, school IT department, or country has blocked access to Discord‘s servers, bypass the blockade with a VPN tunnel.

Here‘s how to VPN your way to messaging freedom:

  1. Download and install a VPN app like ProtonVPN or Windscribe.
  2. Create a free account. No credit card needed!
  3. Connect to a server in a location without Discord blocking. I‘d suggest trying US or UK servers.
  4. Access Discord while connected to the VPN.

The VPN assigns you a fresh IP address from their server location, encrypts your traffic, and tunnels it to evade network blocks.

3. Disconnect From Suspicious VPNs & Proxies

Before connecting a new VPN to unblock Discord access, make sure to disconnect from any existing VPN or proxy services you‘re running.

Using unknown or high-risk anonymity services triggers Discord‘s defenses, leading to pre-emptive blocks.

Disconnect VPNs/proxies, restart your device, then try accessing Discord directly through your normal network. This eliminates shady services flagging your account.

4. Remove Dodgy Browser Extensions

Browser extensions can sometimes cause conflicts that prevent Discord from loading properly.

Audit your add-ons and remove any you don‘t absolutely need, especially VPN/privacy extensions that may be red-flagged:


  1. Click the puzzle icon > Manage extensions
  2. Review extensions and remove suspicious ones
  3. Refresh Discord


  1. Click the 3-line menu > Add-ons & themes
  2. Choose Extensions or Plugins and remove unwanted add-ons
  3. Refresh Discord

With suspicious extensions disabled, you eliminate any proxy/privacy tools that could trigger Discord blocks.

5. Flush Those DNS Caches

When your DNS cache contains outdated or incorrect data, it can stop you from accessing Discord. Flush it and start fresh:


  1. Open Command Prompt as admin
  2. Run the command ipconfig /flushdns


  1. Open Terminal
  2. Run sudo dscacheutil -flushcache; sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

Flushing DNS dumps invalid entries and forces a refresh to grab updated data from servers.

6. Try An Incognito/Private Window

Launch an incognito or private browsing window and navigate to Discord within that pristine new session.

Incognito starts you off in a blank environment without extensions or logged-in accounts that could be interfering with connectivity.

7. Clear Browser Cache & Cookies

Too much cached junk slowing down your browser? It could also be breaking Discord functionality.

Wipe your browser data to refresh the slate:


  1. Click the 3-dot menu > Settings > Privacy & security
  2. Click Clear browsing data
  3. Select all time range and check boxes for "Cookies and other site data" and "Cached images and files"
  4. Click Clear data


  1. Click the 3-line menu > Options > Privacy & Security
  2. Click Clear Data
  3. Select Cookies and Site Data and Cached Web Content
  4. Click Clear

Refresh Discord after clearing the cruft away.

8. Pause Antivirus & Firewall

Overprotective antivirus or firewall software can occasionally block apps like Discord.

Try completely disabling your antivirus app and turning off firewall protection as a test. If Discord loads properly, you know blocking is the issue.

You can then whitelist Discord domains or adjust firewall settings specifically to allow Discord traffic.

9. Contact Discord Support

If all else fails, you‘ll need to reach out to Discord‘s support team directly and submit a request:

  1. Go to
  2. Select Help & Support
  3. Enter your email and pick your issue type
  4. Explain the problem in detail
  5. Submit the request

Discord can investigate further and remove restrictions if your block was an error. But this process may take days or weeks depending on volume.

Avoid Future Blocks with Caution

Once you‘ve regained access to Discord, be thoughtful in your digital habits to avoid another block:

  • Avoid random VPNs/proxies: Only use reputable services when absolutely required.

  • Audit browser extensions: Don‘t install questionable add-ons that could cause conflicts.

  • Practice safe downloads: No free hack tools or suspicious .exe files.

  • Secure devices & accounts: Use strong unique passwords and two-factor authentication.

  • Be an upstanding community member: Follow Discord‘s Terms of Service and be kind to others.

With care and common sense, you can avoid finding yourself blocked from all the amusement awaiting inside Discord.

Basking in Unblocked Bliss

Having your Discord access interrupted can certainly be disruptive. But with the right mix of tools, tricks, and techniques, you can resolve whatever issue is preventing you from joining the conversation.

Be thorough in your troubleshooting, try alternate options, and don‘t hesitate to recruit Discord‘s support team. With persistence, you‘ll be back to enjoying Discord‘s congenial community.

Just be sure not to take access for granted. Discord giveth and Discord taketh away. But even this too shall pass, so stay hopeful in resolving your blocked status with a little patience and creativity!