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How to Fix “We’re sorry, but something went wrong” on Instagram

Seeing the "We‘re sorry, but something went wrong. Please try again." error message on Instagram can be frustrating. It prevents you from accessing key features in the app. Your Instagram feed may not load new posts or Stories. You can‘t comment, like, or search. In some cases, it even stops you from logging in.

So what causes this vague but disruptive error? And more importantly, how do you get rid of it and get back to scrolling? This comprehensive guide will explain why Instagram gives the “something went wrong” message and provide proven solutions to resolve it.

Why Does Instagram Say “We’re Sorry But Something Went Wrong”?

There are two main reasons why you might see the “something went wrong” error on Instagram. As a social media marketing expert, I‘ve helped dozens of clients and brands troubleshoot app issues like this.

Instagram is Experiencing an Outage

The most common cause of the error is that Instagram‘s servers are down, overload, or otherwise having technical difficulties.

There are a few types of Instagram outages:

  • Partial outages: Only certain features like DMs or Stories don‘t work. The feed is fine.
  • Total blackouts: The entire Instagram app is down for all users globally.
  • Regional issues: Users in a specific area lose access due to local server or network problems.

Here is a chart showing the increase in Instagram outage reports during a major disruption in March 2021:

Instagram Outage Chart

Data source:

When Instagram is down, millions of users around the world will be unable to access certain features and get the “something went wrong” message. shows spikes in Instagram outage reports when this happens.

Checking Twitter is another way to confirm an Instagram outage, as users rush to tweet that the app isn’t working. “Is Instagram down?” and “Instagram crashed again” are common complaints on social media during a blackout.

Your IP Address is Temporarily Blocked

In some cases, you may get the error because Instagram temporarily blocked your device‘s IP address.

This can occur if their automated systems detect you violating Instagram‘s usage guidelines by rapidly performing too many actions at once. For example, following and unfollowing over 100 accounts within an hour or aggressively spamming hashtags.

IP blocking is essentially Instagram‘s method of throttling your activity when it appears abusive. It‘s often triggered if you use third-party apps and bots that automate liking, commenting, and other functions.

Your IP can also be blocked if their algorithm mistakenly flags normal user behavior as suspicious. While frustrating, IP blocks are usually temporary and resolved within a day or two at most.

How to Fix “We’re Sorry, But Something Went Wrong” on Instagram

Once you determine the likely cause, here are some of the best troubleshooting methods I recommend to clients:

1. Check if Instagram is Having an Outage

First, investigate whether the issue is due to an Instagram server outage.

Go to and look at the live outage map and reports graph:

  • A major spike indicates widespread downtime issues across Instagram.

  • If the graph shows a steady decline, the outage is probably ending and service is being restored.

Search "Instagram down" on Twitter to see if lots of other users are complaining about problems. If so, it‘s definitely an outage.

Downdetector Graph

Instagram outage reports on

If it’s clearly a blackout, unfortunately you have to wait for Instagram‘s engineers to resolve it. But you can monitor sites like Downdetector to see when the number of reports starts dropping, signaling the outage is ending.

Major Instagram outages typically last 1-3 hours, though some persist longer. Be patient and try again later.

2. Switch Your Network

If Instagram isn‘t down, switching networks often fixes the cached error message:

  • On mobile, turn off Wi-Fi and use cellular data instead, or connect to a different Wi-Fi network.

  • On desktop, disconnect from the Wi-Fi and use a wired ethernet connection, or try connecting through a VPN or proxy service to mask your IP.

This works because changing networks assigns your device a new IP address. It essentially tricks Instagram‘s servers into thinking you’re a new user and lifts any temporary blocks on the old IP.

Clearing your browser cookies/cache and Instagram app data can also help. Instagram treats you as a new user when you have no existing session data.

3. Update or Reinstall the Instagram App

Make sure you‘re running the latest version of the Instagram app, as updates frequently patch bugs causing errors like "something went wrong."

  • On iOS: Go to the App Store and check for any Instagram app updates. Download and install the newest iOS version.

  • On Android: Open Google Play Store, go to "My Apps & Games" and click "Update" next to Instagram if available.

Alternatively, uninstall and reinstall the Instagram app to start completely fresh. This wipes the existing app data and cache, eliminating any corrupted files or glitches.

4. Try an Instagram Alternative App

If the official Instagram app keeps showing errors, installing a reliable third-party alternative like gramfeed or Hermit can help get around them.

These apps use different codebases and connection methods, but still let you access your Instagram account and all core features. Some even enhance Instagram with additional capabilities.

5. Wait 24-48 Hours

If the above steps don’t work, time itself may ultimately fix the “something went wrong” message.

Most Instagram errors resolve within a day or two at most as problems like server hiccups or IP blocks clear up.

Have patience and take a break from the app for a while. The issue is likely temporary and tied specifically to your account or device. Your access should automatically restore shortly.

Why Fixing Instagram Errors is Important

Resolving annoying tech issues like the Instagram "something went wrong" error quickly is crucial for both ordinary users and social media marketers alike.

When Instagram is down or your account is blocked, you are:

  • Losing reach: Can‘t post content or interact with followers.
  • Missing opportunities: Not seeing or responding to new comments and DMs.
  • Hurting authenticity: Looking inactive or unresponsive to your audience.
  • Damaging your brand: Users will go elsewhere for entertainment and shopping.

The longer disruptions continue, the more serious the impacts can become. That‘s why it‘s so important to troubleshoot and resolve Instagram problems ASAP.

The Takeaway

The "something went wrong" message doesn’t necessarily mean your Instagram account is permanently broken. In most cases, it’s a temporary glitch caused by an Instagram system outage, IP block, app bug or minor technical hiccup.

With smart troubleshooting and a little patience, you can typically fix the error and regain access to all of Instagram‘s features for posting, messaging, and engaging your audience.

As a social media marketing expert, the steps I’ve outlined above can help you rapidly identify and resolve “something went wrong” issues. Staying on top of Instagram errors ensures your brand stays connected with your community.