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Social Packages Review 2023 – It's a Scam

A Clear-Eyed Look at Social Media Growth Services in 2024

Hey there – as an online entrepreneur in 2024, you’re surely feeling immense pressure to rapidly expand your social media following. I get the constant FOMO seeing influencers pulling in millions of likes and followers! But let me tell you as an industry insider – you’ve got to be careful about falling into the trap of buying vanity metrics rather than earning growth organically.

What Exactly Are Social Packages?

Social packages refer to bundles of followers, likes, views and other signals offered by shady social media growth companies promising overnight gains. They make grand claims but in reality function in the gray areas of platform policies, utilizing bot farms, click farms and other questionable methods to inflate numbers.

It‘s now a $1.4 billion industry preying on the very human desire for quick validation. But while social packages may temporarily increase followers and engagements, it destroys trust and damages brands when the deception inevitably surfaces.

The Perils of Fake Metrics

Inflating social media numbers through purchased, fake followers often earns brands a swift ban from platforms dedicated to maintaining integrity. In 2022 alone, Facebook and Instagram purged over 3 billion fake accounts in maintenance sweeps. And for every deleted bot they catch, sneaky new ones spring up thanks to social packages.

When rapper Chris Brown bought followers pushing him over 50 million, it raised red flags. Instagram stripped away over 5 million leaving him back at 45 million and his credibility damaged. Brands constantly face similar fates and now live in fear of getting caught in algorithmic cleanups targeting bogus activity.

You Can‘t Fool the Social Platforms

Make no mistake – with some of the most sophisticated technology and data science teams around, social media platforms see right through attempts to cheat their systems.

Instagram has revealed parts of the formula they use behind-the-scenes to calculate authentic engagement rates. Twice a week, they analyze likes and comments on posts divided by number of followers and time since posting. When there‘s significant deviation from expected averages, fake accounts face deletion. Other signals like usage patterns further identify questionable behavior from purchased social signals.

YouTubers buying views through packages watch as the numbers get erased or frozen by YouTube‘s automated defenses designed to keep view counts accurate. It doesn‘t matter how many fake engagements you buy, over time platforms will strip them away while often severely limiting organic reach as punishment through shadowbans.

Focus on Real Relationships

Rather than wasting money on temporary vanity spikes, I urge you to invest that time and energy into building real bonds with your audience. Create content that entertains them, educates them or taps into shared passions. Make them feel seen by responding to comments and messages. Collaborate with those creating content related to your niche to tap into each other‘s audiences.

Little touches to delight community members lead to them organically engaging and sharing with friends. That‘s how sustainable social growth happens – not through shady social packages!

Need help getting started? Check out my in-depth guide on organic Instagram growth strategies. Now get out there and grow the right way, the honest way. I believe in you!

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