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What is the Snapchat Plus Solar System?

Snapchat has skyrocketed in popularity among teens and young adults, becoming a central hub for visual communication. The app now boasts over 300 million daily active users globally. But beyond sending disappearing photos and videos, Snapchat aims to strengthen social connections through exclusive features available via their premium offering, Snapchat Plus.

One of the most unique friendship-focused Snapchat Plus features is the Snapchat Solar System. This interactive visualization displays how you rank among your friends‘ inner circles. As a social media expert who‘s analyzed engagement across platforms, I‘m fascinated by the psychology underpinning these types of friend ranking systems.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore what exactly the Snapchat Plus Solar System is, how you can leverage it to nurture key connections, and the broader implications of social ranks. Let‘s dive in!

What is Snapchat Plus?

Before examining the Snapchat Solar System specifically, it helps to understand Snapchat Plus. This is Snapchat‘s paid subscription service that unlocks bonuses like custom Bitmoji, exclusive filters, profile badges, and more.

Snapchat Plus costs $3.99 per month in the United States as of 2023. Subscribers can access perks including:

  • Custom Snapchat Bitmoji – Create a personalized avatar to represent you in Snaps and chats.
  • Best Friends Profile Badge – Display your #1 best friend directly on your profile.
  • Infinity Profile Badge – This special badge shows you‘re a paid Snapchat Plus subscriber.
  • Replay View Indicator – See how many times friends rewatch your Snapchat Stories.
  • Priority Story Replies – Your comments will stand out more prominently on friends‘ public Stories.
  • Custom Caller ID – Assign a custom name to your number when calling friends.

The Snapchat Solar System is arguably one of the most intriguing Snapchat Plus capabilities. But what exactly does it allow you to do? Let‘s explore how it works.

How the Snapchat Plus Solar System Works

The Snapchat Plus Solar System offers a unique visualization of your relationships right within the app. Here‘s an in-depth look at how it functions:

1. Check Friends‘ Profiles for the Best Friends Badge

In any friend‘s Snapchat profile, check if they have a special "Best Friends" badge. This appears as a yellow heart with a star icon. If displayed, it means they have Snapchat Plus.

2. Tap the Badge to Open the Solar System View

Go ahead and tap the Best Friends badge. This triggers an animated depiction of a solar system to open.

3. View Your Position on a Planet

In the solar system view, each planet represents a different spot on your friend‘s Best Friends list. You‘ll see your custom Bitmoji character on the planet that matches your rank in their inner circle.

For example, if you‘re shown on Mercury, you‘re their #1 best friend. If you‘re on Neptune, you‘re in the 8th friendship spot.

4. See Friendmojis on Other Planets

The planets in the solar system will also display Friendmojis. These are Bitmoji versions of your friend‘s other Best Friends. So this offers a peek at their top Snapchat contacts.

5. Analyze Your Position Across Social Circles

You can view the friendship solar system for any Snapchat Plus friends who‘ve added you as a Best Friend. Compare your planet placement in different groups to see where you stand.

So in short, the Snapchat Solar System concretely ranks your closeness in a fun and interactive format. But what does each planet actually represent?

The Meaning of Each Planet Position

Every planet in the Snapchat Solar System corresponds to a specific best friend position. Let‘s break down the significance behind each one:


The smallest, innermost planet Mercury represents the #1 best friend spot. If you‘re on someone‘s Mercury, it means your friendship is closer than all their other Snapchat ties.


Venus signifies the second closest friend. Being situated here means you likely chat daily, but they have one person they engage with even more often.


The third planet from the sun, Earth denotes the #3 best friend rank. You have an established bond but they message two other connections more regularly.


Mars represents being the fourth closest friend. So you have a steady Snapchat rapport, but the user interacts more frequently with their top three besties.


As the fifth planet from the sun, Jupiter signifies ranking as the fifth closest friend. You connect periodically in a casual friendship, but four inner circle friends take precedence.


The sixth planet Saturn indicates being the sixth top friend. You have occasional exchanges, but five peers chat more consistently with this Snapchatter.


Uranus means you‘re friend #7. You likely have a regular but lower-frequency dynamic. Six closer pals engage more often.


Orbiting farthest out, Neptune denotes 8th place in their Best Friends list. While one of eight closest friends, your one-on-one interactions are less common than their seven inner circle buddies.

So in summary, your specific planet reflects where you rank among their nearest and dearest Snapchat allies.

Strategies to Improve Your Planet Position

What if you want to level up your Solar System status and become a closer friend? Here are some science-backed methods:

Initiate More Conversations

According to relationship research, taking the initiative more often makes people feel closer to you. So regularly snap them directly as a trusted sounding board.

Respond Faster

Speedy replies to messages release dopamine, building bonds. Principles of reciprocity also make people more likely to mirror your response times.

Comment Thoughtfully on Stories

Thoughtful comments on public Stories make friends feel "seen" and validated, strengthening ties.

Plan Interactive Activities

Shared experiences release oxytocin, the "love hormone." Bond through collaborative Snap projects, Bitmoji Party games, etc.

Express Authentic Reactions

Displaying vulnerability and matching their tone builds intimacy. React emotionally via Bitmoji emoji.

Reminisce on Positive Memories

Recalling meaningful moments elicits fondness. Scroll back through old Snaps together.

Surprise Them with Laughs

Laughter and smiles light up the same brain regions as rewards. Send funny memes, anecdotes, or videos.

With some effort, you can nurture Snapchat friendships to earn a more central spot!

Unique Benefits of Friending on Snapchat Plus

Beyond the Solar System, Snapchat Plus transforms relationships in new ways:

Visualizes Bonds

The planets concretely depict where you stand, helping assess who to invest in.

Motivates Connections

You can work towards Mercury as a goal by leveling up neglected ties.

Encourages Reciprocity

To become Best Friends, you need to rank highly in each other‘s systems.

Discovers Shared Interests

Seeing Friendmoji overlaps helps identify mutual connections.

Sparks Friendly Competition

Some mild rivalry inspires more contact with inner circle friends.

Maintains Active Bonds

Features like Bitmoji Parties drive meetups to nurture IRL friendships.

For social butterflies, Snapchat Plus takes friending to the next level!

Key Facts About the Snapchat Solar System

Some common questions arise about how Snapchat‘sPlanet Myspace Solar System works. Here‘s what you need to know:

  • Both people need Snapchat Plus to access Solar Systems. The Best Friends badge only appears for paid subscribers.

  • You can be in multiple Solar Systems based on which friends add you to their Best Friends list.

  • Planet positions shift as interactions increase or decrease. Friendships aren‘t set in stone.

  • It‘s not a secret you can view their system. But not all friends realize it.

  • You can‘t manually reorder planets. Positions reflect Snapchat‘s algorithm calculating your reciprocal closeness.

While the rankings provide transparency into your social landscape, some implications around public friend hierarchies are worth considering.

Potential Pitfalls of Ranking Friends

Social media friend rankings aren‘t inherently problematic. But human psychology shows potential downsides to spotlighting inner circles, including:

Encouraging Exclusion

Highlighting "Best Friends" could normalize excluding other meaningful connections.

Introducing Social Anxiety

Public ranks could elicit fear of judgment or rejection from top friends.

Driving Competition

Rivalry for top spots could undermine collaborative social norms.

Enabling Manipulation

Superficial friend interactions may aim to artificially boost status, not nurture bonds.

Reducing Vulnerability

Users may hesitate sharing openly to avoid jeopardizing their rank.

Fostering Jealousy

Seeing certain peers favored could provoke envy and breed resentment.

The impact likely depends on individual mindsets. But consciously combating exclusionary thinking can keep friending healthy.

Healthy Ways Friends Can Leverage Snapchat Plus

While potential pitfalls exist, Snapchat Plus can also nurture inclusion and vulnerability when used mindfully. Here are tips:

Rotate Your Best Friends

Refresh your list over time to highlight different meaningful connections.

Privately Congratulate Friends Who Rank Highly

Send positive reinforcement to friends who earn top spots.

Share Your Favorite Memories with Each Friend

Reminisce 1:1 about special moments you‘ve had with each person.

Celebrate Friendversaries

Use Snapchat‘s friend anniversary alerts to appreciate long-term connections.

Organize Inclusive Friend Groups

Bring together wider friend circles for events to bridge social gaps.

Send Encouraging Snaps

Use features like Spotlight or community stories to uplift friends broadly.

Focus on Quality Conversations

Prioritize emotional vulnerability and support over rank.

With intention, we can harness social platforms to foster inclusion, not envy or comparison.

Is Snapchat Plus Worth it for the Solar System?

At the end of the day, is the novelty of visualizing friendship closeness worth the Snapchat Plus subscription cost? For heavy Snapchat users who crave social connectivity, it very well may be. The Solar System stands out as a one-of-a-kind feature for satisfying our human need to belong.

However, Plus also offers a host of other perks that enhance overall Snapchat satisfaction. The package deal provides a way to intimately connect with your inner circle while personalizing the experience.

For those drawn to social ranking dynamics, the Solar System feature is both a mirror reflecting your bonds, and a motivating tool to actively strengthen them. Leveraged responsibly, Snapchat Plus can enrich how we nurture relationships online and off.