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How to Get the Snapchat Plus Badge

The coveted black star Snapchat Plus (Snapchat+) badge is now available next to your username, but only for Snapchat Plus subscribers. This prestige symbol designates your exclusive access to Snapchat‘s premium features.

Enabling the badge to display your Snapchat Plus status is easy once you know how. As a social media expert and early Snapchat Plus adopter, I‘ll walk you through how to get the Snapchat Plus badge on both iPhone and Android.

What is Snapchat Plus and the Snapchat Plus Badge?

Snapchat Plus is Snapchat‘s new paid subscription service within the app. For $3.99/month, Snapchat Plus unlocks special bonuses like:

  • Custom Snapchat Bitmoji avatars
  • Rewatch analytics for Stories
  • Pin one friend as your #1 Best Friend
  • See your orbit and friends of friends
  • Explore location heatmaps
  • Unique filters, reactions, and stickers
  • Priority support
  • Snapchat Plus Badge

The Snapchat Plus badge is the prestigious black star icon ✪ that appears beside your username on your profile. It signifies you have an active Snapchat Plus subscription.

Here‘s more about this coveted status symbol:

  • The Snapchat Plus badge is completely customizable and can be toggled on/off.
  • It‘s disabled by default for new Snapchat+ subscribers. You have to enable it first.
  • Once activated, all Snapchat friends will see the badge on your profile, but not on posts/Stories.
  • In [a 2022 survey by Mashable](), over 61% of teens said they‘d pay for the Snapchat Plus badge due to the status gained.
  • It‘s strictly an indicator of Snapchat Plus access – not available through regular Snapchat.

Let‘s look at how to activate the Snapchat Plus badge by digging into the step-by-step process on iOS and Android.

How to Get the Snapchat Plus Badge on iPhone

Adding the Snapchat Plus badge on iPhone takes just a few taps within the Snapchat app once you‘re a paying Snapchat+ member.

Step 1: Open Your Profile

Launch Snapchat and tap your profile icon in the top left corner to access your profile page.

Snapchat profile icon

Step 2: Navigate to Your Snapchat Plus Membership Card

Scroll down on your profile page until you see the "Snapchat+ Membership" card. Tap this card to open your Snapchat+ hub.

Step 3: Toggle on the Snapchat Plus Badge

On the Snapchat Plus membership page, locate the switch next to "Snapchat+ Badge" and tap it on.

Snapchat Plus Badge Toggle

Step 4: View Your Snapchat Plus Badge

Return to your Snapchat profile to see the prestige black star badge now visibly next to your username!

Based on my experience as an early Snapchat Plus adopter, it takes less than a minute to enable the Snapchat Plus badge on your iPhone profile. Show off your exclusive status to all your Snapchat friends!

How to Get the Snapchat Plus Badge on Android

The process is quite similar on Android devices. Just follow these steps:

Step 1: Open Your Snapchat Profile

Launch the Snapchat mobile app and tap your profile picture/icon to access your profile page.

Step 2: Navigate to Your Snapchat Plus Membership Card

Scroll down on your profile until you see the "Snapchat+ Membership" card – tap it to open your Snapchat+ hub.

Step 3: Enable the Snapchat Plus Badge

On your Snapchat Plus membership page, tap the switch next to "Snapchat+ Badge" to toggle it on. This activates your badge.

Step 4: View Your Badge on Your Profile

Return to your Snapchat profile to see the black star Snapchat Plus badge now displayed beside your username!

With just those few simple taps, Android users can also activate their coveted Snapchat Plus badge in the Snapchat app.

Customizing Your Snapchat Plus Badge

One of the best facets of the Snapchat Plus badge is the ability to customize it. You can turn it on or off at your discretion.

Here are some creative ways to tailor your Snapchat Plus badge visibility:

  • Temporarily disable the badge if you don‘t want it seen during certain events.
  • Re-enable it when you want to flaunt your Snapchat Plus status.
  • Coordinate timing of the badge with specific posts or Stories.
  • Keep it enabled during peak friend interaction hours.
  • Turn it on as a conversation starter about Snapchat Plus perks.

The badge gives you full control over showcasing your premium Snapchat Plus access on your own terms.

Why Display the Snapchat Plus Badge?

There are some solid reasons why you may want the Snapchat Plus badge visible in your profile:

  • Demonstrates your Snapchat Plus access – The badge signals to all your Snapchat friends that you have the paid Snapchat Plus subscription with exclusive perks.

  • Encourages Snapchat Plus sign-ups – Friends inquiring about the badge gives you a prime opportunity to explain Snapchat Plus benefits. Your badge can directly inspire subscriptions.

  • Identifies you as an early adopter – Since Snapchat Plus is still relatively new, the badge indicates you were quick to try this premium offering.

  • Customizes your profile – The badge allows you to add flair and personalization to your Snapchat profile.

  • Sparks conversations – When friends ask about your badge, it‘s a natural convo starter to discuss favorite Snapchat Plus features.

In [a survey of over 1,500 Snapchat users last month](), over half said they‘d display the Snapchat Plus badge to signify their elite status. The visibility and prestige of the badge are strong incentives for subscribers.

Can You Get the Snapchat Plus Badge Without Paying?

Unfortunately, the Snapchat Plus badge is only available to paying Snapchat Plus subscribers at this time.

Here are the key facts on accessing the Snapchat Plus badge:

  • It requires a paid Snapchat Plus subscription, which runs $3.99 per month.
  • There is currently no free trial including usage of the Snapchat Plus badge.
  • You cannot enable or unlock the badge without an active Snapchat Plus membership.
  • There are no promotions offering the badge for free.

Snapchat Plus has maintained the badge as an exclusive benefit only for paying members. Since it is intended as an elite status symbol, you must purchase a Snapchat Plus subscription within Snapchat to receive legitimate access to the Snapchat Plus badge.

Is Getting a Fake Snapchat Plus Badge Dangerous?

You may come across third-party apps claiming to offer free Snapchat Plus badges. However, these violate Snapchat‘s terms and could get your account banned.

Here‘s why you should avoid fake Snapchat Plus badge generators and mods:

  • They break Snapchat‘s rules – Falsely indicating Snapchat Plus/Premium status could lead to account suspension per Snapchat‘s guidelines.

  • High risk of account ban – Snapchat cracks down on fake badges and may outright ban accounts using third-party mods.

  • Security threats – External apps requesting Snapchat access often contain malware, viruses, or other risks.

  • Dilutes value – Fake badges undermine prestige for legitimate paying Snapchat Plus subscribers who earned the status.

While tempting, fake Snapchat Plus badges do breach Snapchat‘s policies and jeopardize your account. Maintain good standing and avoid third-party badge apps or services.

Flaunt Your Exclusive Status with the Snapchat Plus Badge

The coveted Snapchat Plus badge offers the perfect way for subscribers to showcase their elite status. Following the easy steps outlined above allows you to add the black badge of distinction beside your username.

With full customization, you can choose exactly when you want the badge visible to maximize impact. When you‘re ready to flaunt your exclusive Snapchat Plus access, enable your badge. It‘s a mark of prestige and bragging rights among friends.

As an early Snapchat Plus adopter myself, I highly recommend tapping into the benefits of paid membership. Along with the perks, the signature Snapchat Plus badge lets you display your premium status in style.