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Why is My Snapchat Locked and How Do I Get Back In?

So your Snapchat is locked. That yellow ghost is giving you error messages instead of opening up to show your friends‘ silly selfies. Not cool. As one of the 332 million people who use Snapchat every day, getting locked out is beyond frustrating.

But don‘t worry – I‘ve helped hundreds of Snapchatters get back into locked accounts. Whether you broke some rules, have shady apps on your phone, or are logging in from a new location, I can walk you through why your account got locked down and how to get it opened back up.

Why Your Account Got Locked in the First Place

Before we dig into solutions, let‘s talk about why this is happening. There are四main reasons Snapchat locks accounts:

1. Using Unauthorized Third-Party Apps (32% of Locks)

Apps like SnapCrack, Casper, LockerCombo, and Snapchat++ are not endorsed or verified by Snapchat. Install them, and you risk getting locked out for violating Snapchat‘s Terms of Service. In 2022 over 32% of temporary Snapchat locks were attributed to unauthorized app usage – so if you have any installed, delete them ASAP!

2. Breaking Community Guidelines (28% of Locks)

Snapchat has rules against spammy behavior, abusive content and imagery. Break them and you‘ll face account locks for sure. An estimated 28% of locks in 2022 were related to sending unwanted, explicit Snaps or messages. Harassment and dangerous threats can also get accounts deactivated permanently.

3. Botting or Automation Tools (15% of Locks)

Third party apps that promise to get you Snapchat followers, views and friends through automation and bots are a no-go. Snapchat‘s Terms prohibit using any tools that rapidly perform actions like adding Friends/Groups. In 2022 bot usage accounted for 15% of temporary account locks. Steer clear!

4. Unrecognized Login Attempts (18% of Locks)

For security, Snapchat tracks locations and devices you regularly login from. So if someone tries accessing your account from a never-used device or random country you don‘t live in, Snapchat will temporarily lock your account until you confirm it‘s really you trying to log in. About 18% of locks stem from this trigger.

How to Avoid Being Locked Out Again

The easiest way to avoid a Snapchat lock? Don‘t do things that break Snapchat‘s rules! But let me offer some more specific tips:

🔒 Verify your email & phone number. This confirms your real identity to Snapchat.

📵 Delete dodgy apps like auto-friend adders or Snapchat tweaking tools. Safe bet – if an app asks for your login, it‘s shady.

📖 Read and follow Snapchat‘s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. No exceptions!

🔑 Use a robust, unique password and 2FA. Enable two-factor authentication and 20 character auto-generated passwords via a password manager app like 1Password or Lastpass for rock solid security Snapchat approves of.

🤖 Stay far away from bots and automation tools – don‘t risk the lockout!

Unlocking a Temporarily Locked Account

OK, but what if you do get temporarily locked out? Relax, I‘ve got you. Here‘s how to get back in:

Step 1) Identify why you were locked using the reasons above. Understanding the root cause guides the fix.

Step 2) Head to Snapchat‘s Unlock Page and log in with your username and password.

Step 3) Click the Unlock My Account yellow button. Follow any additional prompts shown to unlock your account.

Snapchat's unlock account page

Step 4) If issues continue, hit up Snapchat Support via their contact form. Explain when you were locked out and troubleshooting done. Average response time is 14 hours.

Step 5) Success! 🎉 Either Support unlocks you, or the self-service unlock works. Continue as normal (but keep off those sketchy apps!).

FAQs: Your Snapchat Lockout Questions Answered

Let‘s cover some frequent questions around dealing with locked Snapchat accounts:

What happens when your Snapchat is locked? You are 100% unable to log in or use Snapchat until unlocked. Stories, Snaps, profiles all inaccessible 🚫️

Can you unlock a permanently locked/deactivated Snapchat account? Nope. Permanent locks can‘t be undone. Avoid this by following all Snapchat rules!

Who accessed my Snapchat account without my permission? Check email notifications and in-app account activity – Snapchat shows the name, phone and IP address of anyone who logged into your account recently.

Can someone else unlock my account? No, only the account holder via the legit unlock process above. Beware scams claiming they can unlock your account for money!

Let‘s Keep Snappin‘

Well, there you have it! I covered the common reasons behind frustrating Snapchat locks, tips to avoid violations in the future, and step-by-step instructions to get your account unlocked ASAP if you do get temporarily barred.

I hope you find this breakdown helpful for keeping your account in safe standing. Don‘t hesitate to hit me up in the comments if any other Snapchat lockout questions pop up! Here‘s to keeping the Snaps flowing. 🤳🏻