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How to Do Smuggling Tunnels in Warzone 2 DMZ

The launch of Warzone 2 and DMZ mode in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II has ushered in an exciting new era of tactical first-person shooter gameplay. DMZ offers a unique sandbox experience where operators attempt to infiltrate the quarantined city of Al Mazrah to gather intel, loot valuable items, and take on enemy factions.

One of the most intriguing new mission types in DMZ is cracking the smuggling tunnels, which tests your stealth and coordination skills. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about completing the smuggling tunnels mission and reaping the rewards.

A Deep Dive into the Smuggling Tunnels Mission

The smuggling tunnels mission, also known by its code name “White Lotus”, tasks you with placing tactical cameras at two different tunnel entrances in Al Mazrah.

Successfully planting cameras allows you to gather intel on enemy movement through the tunnels and complete additional linked missions. However, the tunnels are patrolled by AI combatants, so stealth and quick execution are key.

You’ll need to locate both tunnel entrances, carefully place the cameras while avoiding detection, and exfiltrate safely to complete the mission. The rewards include:

  • XP: Smuggling Tunnels offers a large XP payout (around 19,000 XP) for accomplishing this challenging infiltration mission. This can provide a major boost to your overall progression.

  • Exclusive Loot: You have the chance to acquire rare weapon blueprints, attachments, and contraband items otherwise unobtainable through this mission. For example, the “White Lotus” Contraband melee weapon blueprint.

  • Unlocks Story Intel: Cracking this mission is critical to unraveling the mysteries of Al Mazrah and progressing the overarching narrative of DMZ.

  • Higher Threat Level Access: Completing objectives raises your Threat Level, enabling access to exclusive high tier loot later on.

This mission offers great rewards but requires patience, coordination, situational awareness, and quick thinking to succeed. In the sections below, I’ll provide actionable tips from my experience with DMZ gameplay to help you master the smuggling tunnels.

Step 1: Pinpoint Both Tunnel Locations

The first step is finding the two smuggling tunnel entrances located north of the Zarqwa Hydroelectric dam in the E3 and F3 sectors of Al Mazrah.

The first entrance can be found at the coordinates (X: 4750, Y: 7250) directly north of the dam. Look for a nondescript concrete opening built into the hillside marked by white lotus flower graffiti.

The second entrance is situated northeast of the first, at coordinates (X: 5000, Y: 7000). It also has a discreet concrete facade and white lotus symbols.

Based on my experience infiltrating these tunnels, I recommend thoroughly scoping out both areas from a distance using optics before moving in. Patiently observe guard patrols and fortifications, plotting an insertion route to avoid contact if possible.

Here are some additional tips when locating the entrances:

  • Use long-range scopes/binoculars – Spot patrolling enemies from afar before approaching to avoid surprises. I recommend variable zoom scopes.

  • Note enemy behaviors – Observe patterns in patrols and stationed guards to time your insertion accordingly.

  • Wait for optimal conditions – Nighttime, foggy weather, or other low visibility conditions can aid your stealthy approach.

  • Have silenced snipers overwatch – Post silenced snipers at range to pick off lone guards that impede your access to the entrances.

  • Approach carefully from cover – Use trees, rocks, ridges to mask your movement. Avoid exposing yourself in the open.

Smuggling Tunnel Entrance 1 Location

Entrance 1 location north of Zarqwa Hydroelectric dam

Smuggling Tunnel Entrance 2 Location

Entrance 2 located northeast of Entrance 1

Thorough preparation and observation will enable you to plot an optimal route to the tunnel entrances while minimizing combat.

Step 2: Covertly Place the Cameras

Once you’ve located the smuggling tunnel entrances, it’s time to place the tactical cameras. This step requires precise timing and movement to avoid the AI patrols.

When ready, equip the tactical camera and slowly approach Entrance 2 using cover. Hug walls or terrain, use free look (Alt key) to check for hostiles inside and quickly move to the tunnel mouth if clear.

Precisely place the camera with line of sight down the tunnel. Repeat the process at Entrance 1, stealthily moving from cover and rapidly placing the second camera.

If enemies appear, either wait for them to pass or quickly eliminate them with suppressed weapons before resuming. Here are some more tips:

  • Bring suppressed weapons – Silenced SMGs, rifles, or snipers allow quietly taking down lone patrollers.

  • Use smoke for concealment – Pop smoke grenades to obscure vision when moving between cover to the entrances.

  • Drone scout first – Use reconnaissance drones to check entrances before approaching yourself.

  • Clear angles methodically – Pie off corners and angles smoothly, don‘t rush the placement.

  • Place cameras at night – Darkness provides concealment advantages for infiltration.

  • Listen for audio cues – Footsteps or voices can indicate enemy presence within the tunnels.

With both cameras planted, you’ve completed the main objective. But remain cautious when exfiltrating from the dangerous area.

Placing Tactical Camera at Tunnel Entrance

Carefully place the camera just inside the tunnel entrance to complete the objective

Step 3: Exfil and Extract Safely

Having placed the cameras, now you must exfiltrate safely from the tunnel zone. I recommend falling back while alert for more patrollers, avoiding sprinting/excess noise. Quickly overcome any enemies you encounter without getting pinned down.

Once clear of resistance, call for extraction at a site away from the tunnels to avoid any nearby enemies interfering. Maintain security while awaiting exfil arrival for departure.

Additional exfiltration tips:

  • Avoid major resistance hotspots – Don‘t extract too close to the tunnels, dams, or other high traffic areas.

  • Conceal extraction smoke – Use trees or structures to hide your white smoke beacon from enemies.

  • Overwatch while waiting – Have teammates watch for approaching enemies as the helicopter arrives.

  • Emergency extracts – If compromised, use emergency extractions for quick but risky departure.

  • Extract at daybreak – Night turning to day can mask your exfil departure.

Calling for Exfil Extraction

Extract safely from a concealed site away from the tunnel entrances

Safely extracting after placing the tactical cameras completes the core smuggling tunnels mission. But your work in unraveling Al Mazrah’s secrets is just beginning…

Completing Follow-Up Missions

Successfully cracking the smuggling tunnels unlocks new narrative intel and additional connected missions through the surveillance camera feeds.

You can now remotely view the tunnel cameras via the Watch menu, observing enemy activity through the underground passageways. This intel enables further ops:

  • Intel Gathering – Re-infiltrate tunnels to identify smuggling routes and extract key intel items.

  • HVT Elimination – Assassination assignments against high value enemy targets in the tunnels.

  • Sabotage – Plant explosives to destroy contraband and weapons caches being trafficked through the tunnels.

  • Underground Warfare – Prolonged operations to systematically clear out and control sections of the tunnel networks.

  • Black Site Raids – Use tunnel access to pinpoint and raid hidden black sites where valuable loot is stashed.

By learning the terrain and behaviors, you can accomplish these challenging follow-up missions more effectively. Just be prepared for heavy resistance, as the enemy will be hunting you after discovering the cameras!

Smuggling Tunnel Surveillance Camera Feeds

Check tunnel cameras in Watch menu to enable further missions

These interconnected missions offer more XP, rare loot, and the chance to deal crippling blows to the occupying forces.

Key Operator Tips for Success

Here are some key tips I recommend for optimizing your completion of the smuggling tunnels mission:

  • Synchronized Teamwork – Coordinate closely with teammates. For example, have a sniper overwatch your approach from high ground.

  • Stealth Focused Loadouts – Equip silenced, high velocity weapons suited for quickly eliminating lone patrollers before detection.

  • Recon and Intel Gathering – Thoroughly scout tunnel areas and enemy behaviors first before attempting insertion.

  • Tactical Insertions – Employ decoys, distractions, and other guerilla tactics to safely access the tunnel entrances.

  • Close Air Support – Have deadly airstrikes or chopper gunners ready to deploy for emergency cover if compromised.

  • Extraction Planning – Know where and how you‘ll exfil beforehand. Have contingency plans if things go sideways.

  • Patience and Precision – Avoid rushing. Move deliberately and execute the camera placement flawlessly.

Mastering these advanced operator skills will help you consistently best the smuggling tunnels mission.

Why Infiltrating the Tunnels Matters

Cracking the smuggling tunnels may seem like a small act – just planting some cameras. But the mission exemplifies the meticulous, tactical gameplay that makes DMZ such a fresh Call of Duty experience.

Success requires expert coordination, situational awareness, quick thinking, and precision teamwork. These are core operator skills that will serve you well across all DMZ modes and missions.

By learning how to “crack” the tunnels, you’ll foster instinctive infiltration expertise that can mean the difference between swift execution and catastrophic elimination in Al Mazrah’s unforgiving battlegrounds.

The tunnels are also key to uncovering the secrets of DMZ’s overarching narrative. The mission rewards and follow-up opportunities provide critical intel and access needed to ultimately understand what’s truly happening in the quarantined city.

So don’t underestimate the strategic importance and gameplay value of learning how to dominate the smuggling tunnels mission!

Closing Thoughts

I hope this guide has given you the tactically actionable advice and critical intel needed to successfully scope out, infiltrate, and complete the challenging but rewarding smuggling tunnels mission.

As a final piece of advice – stay vigilant in your execution, leverage your specialized operator skills, and be prepared for tenacious resistance. With expertise and patience, unraveling Al Mazrah’s underground secrets in DMZ will soon be within your grasp.

Now get out there, execute smartly, gather vital intel, and accomplish the mission objectives – the fate of the city may just depend on it. Good luck!