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Mastering Smoke‘s Deadly Combos in Mortal Kombat 1

As an MK expert, I‘ve spent countless hours mastering Smoke‘s combo game. Though difficult, unlocking his full potential is deeply rewarding. In this comprehensive 2000+ word guide, you‘ll learn the fundamentals, key combo strings, corner set-ups, and fatal blows that make Smoke a top threat.

An Introduction to Smoke and Kombos

Smoke debuted in Mortal Kombat II, cloaked in mystery. As a neutral Lin Kuei clan member, he entered the tournament to uncover the truth about his past. Smoke harnesses the power over vapor and smoke to teleport around the arena.

In MK1, Smoke has quick dashing attacks aided by his smoke powers for extended combos. He lacks projectiles but compensates with immense combo damage. Many specials cancel into chains or elongate them. Mastering Smoke requires sharp execution and timing to connect his diverse strings.

Before jumping into Smoke‘s combos, let‘s break down some key fundamentals:

  • Launchers: Attacks that pop opponents up for extended air combos (F12, BF3, DB4 etc).
  • Linkers: Chaining normal moves together for combo strings.
  • Cancelers: Ending normals in specials for new combo routes.
  • Juggles: Hitting launched airborne opponents for major damage.
  • Finishers: Ending combos with a special, projectile, or knockdown.

These form the core of Smoke‘s deadly kombo game. Now let‘s explore practical applications.

Must-Know Basics and BNBs

Here are fundamental combos every Smoke player should commit to muscle memory:

  • 1,1,4~BF3 – (9 frames, +7 advantage) Fast punish combo.
  • F12,F12,4~DB1 – (11 frames, +2 advantage) Quick launcher combo.
  • F32,F32~DB2 – (14 frames, -2 advantage) Low starter into knockdown finisher.

And combos confirming into specials:

  • F12~BF3~B+Block – (18 frames, ±0 advantage) Ends with parry for safety.
  • F32~BF3~B+Block – (17 frames, -2 advantage) Low parry confirm.
  • D2,UF+Block,11~DB4EX,11 – (22 frames, -12 advantage) Anti-air juggle combo.

These "Bread and Butter" combos form the foundation of Smoke‘s gameplan. Now let‘s see how to maximize them.

Advanced Kombos and Link Chains

Once you have the basics ingrained, here are some of Smoke‘s most damaging advanced combos:

  • F12,F12,4~DB4EX,J11~DB4EX,J11~DB4EX,J11 – (36 frames, -29 advantage) Ender juggles for huge damage.
  • F32,F32~DB2,F32,F32~DB2 – (28 frames, -15 advantage) Double low confirm into launchers.
  • 11~BF3,B23~DB1 – (29 frames, -20 advantage) Fast punish linking uppercut into low starters.

Other examples:

  • F12,F12,4~DB4EX,J11~DB4,J11~DB4 – (34 frames, -33 advantage) Use regular DB4 finisher for corner carry.
  • F12,F12,4~DB4EX,J11,J11~DB4EX,J11 – (40 frames, -31 advantage) Delayed J11 timing for max damage.

Run cancels and specials boost potential further:

  • F12~F+K,32,F12,F12,4~DB1 – (43 frames, -17 advantage) Use Scorpion‘s Kameo dash to extend.
  • 32,F12,F12,4~DB1,32,J11~DB4EX,J11 – (48 frames, -26 advantage) Run cancel continuing the juggle.

With strict timing, Smoke can convert nearly any normal into damaging kombos.

Vicious Kombos for Cornered Opponents

When forced into the corner, Smoke turns up the heat with new routes and optimized damage. The corner‘s unique properties introduce combo opportunities.

Here are some of his most vicious corner kombos:

  • F12,F12,4~DB1,F12,F12,4~DB4EX,11~DB4 – (56 frames, -39 advantage) Carry and launch for big corner damage.
  • F32~BF3,B+Block,32,32,32~DB1 – (43 frames, -28 advantage) Rising knee finisher.
  • F12,F12,4~DB4,11~DB4EX,11~DB4,11~DB4EX,11 – (50 frames, -37 advantage) Mix EX and regular teleports.

Additional examples:

  • F12,F12,4,Run,F12,F12,4~DB1 – (52 frames, -23 advantage) Run cancel to extend corner combos.
  • F32~BF3,B+Block,32,J11~DB4EX,J11 – (43 frames, -33 advantage) Jump-in attacks boost damage.

Corners enable Smoke‘s most deadly kombos through new juggle routes.

Fatal Blow Combos

Smoke‘s Fatal Blow is a savage combination of strikes ending in a head slam. Optimizing its immense damage requires combo set-up:

  • F32~FB – Simple FB finisher.
  • 32,4~FB – Launcher into FB for maximum damage.
  • 32~BF3,B+Block,32,4~FB – Use Parry to guarantee FB.

Launching or popping enemies up before inputting FB increases overall damage by ensuring it connects fully.

As an example, F32~FB deals 330 damage, but 32,4~FB yields 370 damage – a 40 point increase! Use these FB combos to decisively turn matches in your favor.

Matchup Specific Strategies

Certain matchups require tailoring your Smoke combos to the opponent‘s attributes:

vs Scorpion: Bait teleports and punish with your own vapor teleports like 11~DB4EX. Parry his hellfire projectiles.

vs Sub-Zero: Punish frozen projectiles with teleports or uppercuts. Use low startups and overheads to counter his ice clones.

vs Kabal: Anti-air spin dashes with U2~DB4EX. Bait air saw blades and teleport over them to punish.

This level of matchup knowledge elevates your Smoke game even further.

Closing Thoughts from a Smoke Specialist

As someone who has sunk countless hours into MK1 mastering Smoke, I can personally attest to the immense satisfaction that comes from unleashing his full potential. While difficult to control, Smoke more than rewards dedicated players.

My best advice is to start with those core BNBs until they become muscle memory. Then steadily work in more special cancels, run extensions, corner combos, and fatal blow confirmations. It‘s a challenging but rewarding fighting game journey that will leave you smoking the competition.

I hope this guide acts as a map through the world of Smoke‘s kombo possibilities. If helpful, also check out my deep dives into Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and other MK1 kombatants. Enjoy the journey and glory of kombat!


Special thanks to @ahmz1404 on YouTube for invaluable Smoke combo research and frame data. Also referred to guides by @KombatAkademy and @MKSecrets for analysis.