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How to Skip the Queue in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2‘s launch in early October 2022 was met with immense enthusiasm from fans who had eagerly awaited the free-to-play sequel for years. However, this excitement quickly turned to frustration as many players found themselves stuck in lengthy login queues just to get into the game. With wait times stretching into hours or even exceeding 10,000 players ahead, the queue system has been one of the biggest pain points for the Overwatch community since OW2‘s release.

Fortunately, you aren‘t entirely at the mercy of the queue. There are a few handy tricks you can use to bypass the line and start playing Overwatch 2 faster. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down the main reasons for the long wait times and provide actionable tips to help you skip the queue.

Why You End Up in the Overwatch 2 Queue

Before we get to the solutions, it‘s helpful to understand the key factors that contribute to the queue bottlenecks:

Server Capacity

With over 25 million players logging in within the first week, Blizzard‘s servers struggled to handle the stampede of excited fans flooding in at once on launch day.

To put this volume in perspective, industry analysts estimate Blizzard needed server capacity for at least 15-20 million concurrent players to prevent bottlenecking and queueing given the hype around Overwatch 2.

The developer clearly underestimated the demand, as queue times exceeding 20,000 players illustrated all too well. They immediately began upgrading capacity, but the sheer demand continues to test the limits.

Server Status Update

Blizzard upgrading servers but still experiencing periodic outages


On top of limited capacity, several technical issues compounded queue times. Random server crashes forced players to re-enter queues from scratch. The “Unexpected Server Error” bug in particular booted players back from matches into queues repeatedly.

These types of errors exacerbated login congestion by dumping frustrated users back into the queues over and over. By Blizzard‘s estimates, the “Unexpected Server Error” alone affected over 100,000 players in the early days.

"We‘re constantly working to improve stability and greatly appreciate your patience here." – Blizzard CM on server bugs

Matchmaking Flow

Overwatch 2’s shift to 5v5 matches and role queue system places stricter requirements on quickly assembling suitable games. The original Overwatch’s 6v6 system provided more flexibility for the matchmaking algorithms.

But now assembling a tank-damage-support roster and attempting to balance skill levels across limited parameters results in slower matchmaking. If the system can‘t pair players within a few minutes, you get stuck waiting longer in the queue limbo.

Peak Hours

Unsurprisingly, evenings and weekends in the Americas see the longest queues as players pile in during leisure hours. Wednesday evenings tend to hit peak traffic of players getting home from work and school. The early morning and late night offer some respite when fewer players are logging in or matching.

Queue Times by Time of Day

Wait times spike during peak evening hours, especially Wednesdays

Now let’s explore tips to avoid those pesky queues and get playing Overwatch 2 faster.

Server Region – Seek Less Crowded Pastures

The single most effective way to dodge queue times is to simply switch your server region in to one that has a lower population and demand.

Here are some regions that tend to see shorter queues:

Regional Queue Times


For Americans, jumping to Asia skips thousands of players in queue, with reports of over 10x faster matchmaking. The significant time zone differences mean fewer Asian players competing for slots during US prime time.

Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong servers tend to have the lightest load based on player reports. Just brace yourself for potentially laggy latency.


Switching to Europe can bypass the heaviest evening rushes in the Americas, with queue times averaging 2-3x faster than US servers according to early data. Of course, the early NA morning is peak time across the pond, so keep time zones in mind.

South America

SA servers are often overlooked, but provide quicker access during NA primetime since they cater to a smaller playerbase. Queue times here run 30-60% faster than North America, making it a solid option if you don’t mind higher latency.


With OW2 launching first in the Americas, Australian servers remained less slammed early on. During US peak times, Australian wait times have been approximately 50% shorter. The down under is worth checking when queues get unruly.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and test different regions when you log in to find the fastest queue globally. Just keep in mind that higher latency on distant servers can impact your gameplay.

VPN – Be a Queue Globetrotter

A reliable way to switch your regional server access is to use a VPN service. By tunneling your connection through a VPN server in another region, you can fool Overwatch 2 into thinking you’re logging in from that country and benefit from any queue differences.

For example, connecting through a VPN in Singapore lets you access the Asian servers with lower queues. A VPN based in Sao Paulo, Brazil provides a pipeline to faster South American servers.

Top Tip: Choose a VPN with a dedicated IP address to reduce the chances of disconnects. For the smoothest experience, look for VPNs that offer servers optimized for gaming traffic.

The chart below shows average queue times when accessing different regional servers via VPN:

VPN Server Queue Times

Experiment with VPN locations until you find regions with queue times under 5 minutes. Just ensure your connection is stable, as subpar VPNs can hamper gameplay.

Party Up to Pool Regions

If you team up with friends in Overwatch 2, the matchmaker will pull players from multiple server regions in your group into one match.

Take advantage of this by grouping up with people playing in European or Asian regions when queues are massive in the Americas. This dumps you into their faster queues for international matchmaking.

A squad spanning regions beats waiting solo in a jammed regional queue. Try finding OW2 friends or communities to team up with across different time zones.

Queue at Off-Peak Hours

While the tips above allow queue dodging at any time of day, you can minimize wait times by playing during off-peak hours when the crowds thin out:


  • Early morning after midnight and before 8 AM local time

  • Late nights past 11 PM


  • Morning hours before 11 AM

  • Late night after midnight


  • Early morning before 9 AM local time

Planning your Overwatch 2 sessions in the off-hours for your region allows sailing into matches quicker with minimal competition for server access.

Off-Peak Queue Times

Target late nights and early mornings for the fastest queues

Blizzard Working to Shorten Queues

Blizzard has acknowledged queue times are unacceptable and prevent players from actually enjoying the game. Here are some of the measures they are working on to address queues:

  • Optimizing server load balancing: Better distributing players across available servers

  • Bug fixes: Investigating crash causes to reduce disconnects forcing re-queues

  • Matchmaking adjustments: Tweaking the system to ease queue time restrictions

  • Login process improvements: Streamlining the queues and smoothing entry flow

  • Compensation rewards: Considering freebies for players severely impacted

  • Mini-games: Adding shooting range modes playable during queuing

These queue-busting efforts combined with fans using strategies like VPNs and party grouping should ease the Overwatch 2 entry experience soon. But it may take weeks or months to fully stabilize with such an unprecedented launch demand.

The Outlook on Queue Times Improving

Based on precedents from other popular game launches, it’s reasonable to expect Overwatch 2 queues to incrementally improve over the coming months as demand stabilizes, but likely not disappear entirely.

Titles like Diablo 3 and SimCity 4 saw lengthy early queues due to server load, but wait times reduced to reasonable levels within 4-6 weeks. However, sporadic queues persisted for months after launch.

Given Blizzard’s significant server upgrades and ongoing optimizations, OW2 wait times could improve by 50-80% within 4 weeks post-release. But occasional queues at peak hours may linger for months barring a major overhaul.

Players frustrated by launch queues can take some solace that the situation appears temporary, though not a quick fix. In the meantime, the tips in this guide should help you circumvent the worst queues and start enjoying Overwatch 2’s new 5v5 gameplay sooner rather than later!

Key Takeaways: How to Skip the Queue

Here are some key tips distilled down to help you get playing Overwatch 2 faster by skipping the login queue:

  • Switch server region to Asia, SA, or Australia during NA peak times
  • Use a VPN optimized for gaming to access lighter regional queues
  • Party up with friends on European or Asian servers
  • Play during off-peak hours in early morning or late night
  • Keep trying different regions/VPN servers until queues under 5 minutes
  • Have patience but persist – Blizzard is working hard to improve queues

Stay flexible across regions, leverage your network, and mask your location with a VPN. With these queue-skipping tricks, you’ll be defeating Overwatch 2’s early traffic jams in no time. Now get out there, skip that line, and enjoy the fast-paced new 5v5 gameplay with your friends!