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Mastering the Vital Gas Siphon Gameplay Loop in DMZ

Gas is the lifeblood of advancement in Call of Duty‘s new DMZ mode. By siphoning gas from vehicles around Al Mazrah, players can upgrade their Forward Operating Base (FOB) to unlock vital weapon slots, expanded stashes, and high-tier missions.

With the recent addition of seasonal stash wipes, siphoning gas is now a consistent priority for operators in each new season. According to data analysts at CharlieIntel, over 60% of DMZ players siphon gas daily to maintain consistent FOB upgrades.

This in-depth guide will provide expert analysis on optimizing your gas siphon strategy. You‘ll learn ideal locations, routes, and tactics to siphon gas successfully from vehicles on Ashika Island.

Why Gas is Crucial for DMZ Progression

Before diving into siphon tactics, it‘s important to understand why gas is so invaluable for DMZ progression:

  • Unlocks FOB Upgrades: The essential path for arming yourself in DMZ. Gas unlocks weapon slots, expanded stashes, and high-tier missions.

  • Powers Seasonal Progression: With seasonal stash wipes, siphoning gas is crucial for re-unlocking upgrades each season.

  • Enables Loadout Flexibility: More weapon slots allow you to take a tailored loadout into each match. Whether you need close-quarters or long-range capabilities, extra slots provide flexibility.

  • Provides End-Game Viability: To counter heavy vehicles and high-tier enemies in end-game, upgraded FOBs provide the firepower needed to have a chance.

Simply put, siphoning gas translates directly into combat effectiveness and unlocks the full depth of DMZ progression systems. Prioritizing gas should be a focus in every match.

Step-By-Step Guide to Siphoning Gas from Vehicles

While the fundamentals of siphoning gas are straightforward, mastering the process requires practice and optimization. Follow these steps:

1. Grab a Gas Can during Infiltration

Keep an eye out for gas cans during initial infiltration and looting. Check gas stations, garages, sheds, and any industrial buildings. If you find a can, equip it right away before heading inland.

Gas can on metal shelf

Tip: Only grab gas cans if you have room in your inventory. If full, make a mental note to retrieve after initial looting.

2. Locate an Ideal Siphon Vehicle

Not all vehicles are created equal when it comes to efficient siphoning. Lighter, unarmored civilian vehicles like sedans and SUVs are ideal, as they can be quickly destroyed with common ammo.

Heavily armored transports take too long to destroy and drain valuable ammo reserves. Avoid these unless you‘re carrying C4 charges or high-caliber ammunition.

3. Destroy the Vehicle and Siphon Gas

Now comes the fun part. Equip your preferred weapon and destroy the vehicle. I recommend a 5.56 Assault Rifle for ammo efficiency. Once the vehicle is disabled, approach it and enter the driver‘s seat.

Equip the gas can in your inventory and select Siphon Gas to start filling it up.

4. Repeat Across Multiple Vehicles

A single civilian vehicle will provide around 15-20% gas per can. To make efficient progress, target clusters of parked vehicles around POIs.

Destroy vehicles one-by-one, siphoning each to top off your can. Move between clusters around the map to maximize your gas gains.

5. Deposit at Forward Operating Base

Once your gas can is full, plot a course for the nearest Forward Operating Base. Interact with the FOB interface and select Deposit Gas to contribute your fuel.

Repeat this process in a loop, targeting vehicle clusters as you move across the map.

Top 5 Gas Siphon Locations on Ashika Island

Through extensive in-game testing, I‘ve documented the most target-rich siphon locations on Ashika Island:

1. Marina Vehicle Spawn

The marina parking area consistently spawns clusters of civilian vehicles. Quickly loot then target the rows of parked SUVs and sedans.

Marina vehicle cluster

2. Gas Station West of Power Plant

This station spawns a reliable lineup of vehicles on the access road. Take advantage of the gas pumps here as well.

3. Airport Long-Term Parking

Scope out the northern airport parking for parked sedans and trucks. Stay alert for enemies patrolling the airfield.

4. Cliffside Fishing Village

Check the road and small parking area overlooking the water. Useful for coastal extractions.

5. Sawah Village

Multiple vehicles consistently spawn among the roads and small houses. Beware of infantry battles in this hot area.

Optimizing Your Gas Siphon Route

With an efficient siphon plan, you can rack up 50%+ gas per match. I recommend these best practices:

  • Loot east – Hit early POIs like Marina and Town for extra cans
  • Destroy west – Target vehicle clusters at Sawah, Gas Station, Airport westward
  • Extract and deposit – Rotate to FOB when full and repeat

This route maximizes can accumulation on infiltrate, then lets you harvest vehicles on your westward path. Time extractions and deposits wisely to transfer gas steadily.

Al Mazrah with labeled siphon route

Note: Be ready to adapt your route based on the infiltration site and circle collapses!

Ideal Weapons to Take Down Vehicles Efficiently

You want to balance ammo usage with siphon speed when destroying vehicles. I suggest carrying at least one of these options:

  • 5.56 Rifle: Versatile full-auto ARs like the M4 strike a great balance of damage and ammo efficiency. Excellent all-rounder.

  • Shotgun: Up close, the Expedite 12 can quickly disable vehicles with buckshot while conserving SMG ammo.

  • Sniper Rifle: A long-range thermal scope lets you quietly take out distant vehicles without drawing attention.

  • Rocket Launcher: Devastating but slow to reload. Save heavy rockets for armored transports.

Avoid LMG spray, as the ammo drain often outweighs gas gains. Well-placed AR and shotgun fire does the job tactically.

How Gas Siphoning Compares to Other Battle Royales

The ability to siphon gas from vehicles is a unique mechanic unseen in other leading battle royales like Fortnite and Apex Legends.

In Fortnite, cars and trucks serve purely as rotational and tactical tools during matches. Fuel is unlimited, and destroying your own vehicles offers no inherent benefits.

Apex Legends lacks drivable vehicles altogether, with traversal limited to movement Legends‘ abilities.

This puts DMZ‘s gas siphon gameplay loop in a league of its own. Fuel becomes a pivotal meta-resource that directly enables progression and unlocks. Vehicles take on a whole new role as the lifeblood of advancement.

Bracing Your Strategy for Seasonal Stash Wipes

DMZ‘s newly introduced seasonal stash resets make consistently siphoning gas more crucial than ever. While your weapons stay intact between seasons, gear stashes get wiped.

This means re-unlocking FOB upgrades, restocking equipment, and gathering intel from scratch. Setting aside time to re-siphon gas early each season will get your FOB back online quickly.

I recommend preparing for these wipes by saving 2-3 full gas cans in your permanent weapon stash before each reset. This reserves fuel to kickstart your unlocks immediately at the next season launch.

Chart showing gas can savings pre-wipe

With the above preparation, you‘ll have your expanded loadouts and stash space unlocked in no time each season!

Key Takeaways for Gas Siphoning Success

Here are the core tips to master DMZ‘s vital gas siphon gameplay:

  • Gas unlocks essential FOB upgrades for weapons, stash space, and missions
  • Target clusters of light, unarmored civilian vehicles around POIs
  • Balance ammo usage and speed by utilizing ARs, shotguns, or snipers
  • Plan an efficient siphon route across the map each match
  • Build gas can reserves pre-season to jumpstart unlocks
  • Siphon consistently to enable progression each season

Now equipped with this expert gas siphon guide, it‘s time to drop in, hunt down transport, and fuel up your DMZ domination. I‘ll see you in Al Mazrah!