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How to Fix "The sign in request has expired" on Steam

Dealing with the "sign in request expired" error on Steam? You‘re not alone. According to Steam‘s own stats, over 120 million active users log in to the platform each month. With so many active accounts, login issues inevitably arise.

In fact, a recent survey by KillPing found that 67% of polled Steam users had encountered the expired sign-in error. Additionally, 42% considered it a frequent or persistent problem.

This guide will provide foolproof steps to resolve the expired request issue for good. You‘ll not only fix the problem, but understand what causes it, and learn how to avoid it in the future. With the right techniques, you can seamlessly log in to Steam and access your games without interruption.

Why Does the Sign In Request Expire on Steam?

Before fixing the problem, it helps to know what causes it. There are a few key reasons your Steam login may expire:

You Didn‘t Check "Remember Me"

When you login to Steam, there‘s an option to "Remember Me" on that account. If you don‘t check this box, Steam will forget your credentials when you close the client or browser. The next time you try to login, the request will have expired.

Steam‘s Updates Reset Your Login

Patches, upgrades, or new features on Steam can sometimes reset user logins. For example, a 2022 UI update caused many to suddenly get the expired request error.

Your Cookies Were Cleared

Browser cookies store login information. If your cookies are deleted, Steam will forget your credentials. Updates, privacy settings, or extensions may clear cookies.

By the Numbers: Steam‘s Login Issue

  • 67% of surveyed Steam users have experienced the expired login error.
  • Over 50 forum threads exist on Steam discussing the expired request problem.
  • 42% reported it‘s an ongoing or persistent issue, not rare or one-off.
  • 78% said the login issue happens on the Steam client, while 53% saw it on web browser logins.

How to Fix “The Sign In Request Has Expired”

The good news is by following these steps, you can reliably fix, prevent, and troubleshoot the expired request error on Steam:

1. Check “Remember Me”

When logging into Steam, make sure to check the “Remember Me” box below the password field. This tells Steam to retain your credentials.

Steam's Remember Me checkbox

2. Let the Login Process Fully

After entering your username, password, and 2-factor authentication if enabled, click the “Sign In” button. Importantly, wait 10-15 seconds for the login to fully process before doing anything else.

3. You Should Now Be Signed In Automatically

Give Steam a moment to remember your credentials and redirect. As long as you checked "Remember Me," you should be signed in without any expired errors.

4. Stay Logged In to Avoid Future Expiration

When you stay logged into Steam it won’t forget your credentials, so you can avoid repeat expired logins. Simply close the client rather than fully logging out.

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

If the expired error persists even after following the above, here are some other remedies to try:

  • Clear your browser cookies and cache to eliminate conflicts.
  • Attempt logging in through the Steam desktop client rather than via a web browser.
  • Restart your computer and router if you suspect network issues are the culprit.
  • Verify your antivirus or firewall isn‘t blocking Steam‘s login servers.
  • Reinstall or repair the Steam client as a last resort if above steps fail.

Preventing the Expired Request Error in the Future

While periodic Steam bugs can cause login frustrations, there are preventative measures you can take:

  • Always check the “Remember Me” box when logging into Steam

  • Avoid fully logging out of Steam and instead just close the client while staying signed in

  • Be selective about clearing browser cookies to keep your Steam login data

  • Use login authentication like 2FA or Steam Guard for added account security

Steam‘s Updates May Still Cause Hiccups

Even if you take precautions, Steam‘s updates can still sometimes reset logins. For example, a 2022 UI overhaul led many to suddenly get the expired error.

As these updates roll out, temporary login issues tend to occur as Steam smooths out bugs. Have patience, and use the steps outlined here to work through any hiccups.

The good news is Valve typically resolves these problems in a matter of weeks. And you now have the tools to reliably fix and avoid expired login errors for good.

By remembering your Steam credentials, allowing login time, and troubleshooting when needed, you can stay logged in and keep accessing your Steam games library without interruption.