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How to Get Shriveled Starshrooms in Genshin Impact

Shriveled Starshrooms are a unique local specialty found in Sumeru, key components for ascending dendro characters and progressing aranara questlines. Often mystifying for travelers, acquiring these elusive ingredients poses an exciting challenge.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk through everything you need to know around finding, collecting and utilizing these shrunken fungi in Teyvat’s Dendro nation.

What are Shriveled Starshrooms?

Starshrooms naturally generate across lush Sumeru landscapes. Applying Pyro to these mushrooms causes them to shrivel up, transforming into Scorched Starshrooms – also referred to in-game as Shriveled Starshrooms.

These dried ingredients are instrumental for ascending the new wave of Dendro characters – namely Tighnari, Collei and Dori. Outside of ascension, they also satisfy requests from the endearing aranara entities during the “In the Woods” world quest series.

So whether you’re looking to boost your fledgling Dendro party or simply befriend the forest sprites, stocking up on shriveled mushrooms will prove essential.

Where to Find Shriveled Starshrooms

Scorched Starshrooms reliably generate inside the tunnel along the eastern outskirts of Gandharva Ville.

Map location showing tunnel east of Gandharva Ville

Simply head to the nearest Statue of the Seven or teleport directly to the Avidya Forest waypoint. From there, make your way east past the outskirts of the village until you discover the tunnel entrance built into the hillside.

Venture inside and you’ll discover clusters of standard Starshrooms dotted along the rocky walls and floor.

How to Collect Shriveled Starshrooms

Applying Pyro to any standard Starshroom will instantly transform it into a Shriveled Starshroom, ready for harvesting.

  • We recommend bringing Amber or Xiangling to trigger Overloaded reactions with ease. Their elemental skills allow sweeping Pyro application across multiple targets.
  • Alternatives include Yanfei, Xinyan, Bennett – any catalyst user or character with persistent Pyro effects.
  • Dash in, trigger your skill/burst, then collect the browned, shriveled mushrooms left behind!

Demonstration of Pyro application on Starshrooms

Respawns & Farming Routine

The tunnel offers a concentrated harvest route with 2-3 day respawn timers across 10+ collectible spawns.

Set reminders and form a regular farming route to build reliable Shriveled Starshroom stocks. Having a surplus helps fulfill requests from aranara or random NPC commissions swiftly.

If seeking large, immediate quantities, invite friends to collect simultaneously or hop across worlds using co-op matching.

Uses for Shriveled Starshrooms

Ascending Dendro Characters

All current Dendro playable characters – Tighnari, Collei, Dori – require Shriveled Starshrooms as ascension materials.

Hoarding them early allows immediate character building once you unlock these new elemental additions.

Satisfying Aranara Requests

Various aranara NPCs request Shriveled Starshrooms (referred to as “shriveled purposes”) during their quest lines. Stocking some saves time searching when prompted.

In one such request north of Apam Woods, you must offer the ingredients to progress conversations with the Material-Collecting Aranara. Doing so expands the lore and backstory around Sumeru’s mysterious variants.

Specialty Dishes

Combining Shriveled Starshrooms with other regional ingredients like Fungus creates restorative dishes like Sumeru Tea Break Pancake – restoring 1200+ HP.

Handy for early exploration when sapping Dendro lifeforms overwhelm under-leveled teams. Or simply to keep your party healthy as you venture out harvesting.

Team Compositions

Here are some recommended team comps tailored for efficient harvesting:

Overload (Pyro + Electro)

  • Xiangling (Pyro Applicator)
  • Fischl (Off-field Electro)
  • Anemo character (CC grouping)
  • Healer/Shielder

The amplified Overload reaction between Pyro and Electro allows easy triggering across clusters of mushrooms. Anemo supports like Sucrose group them together for convenient sweeping.

Burning (Pyro + Dendro)

  • Amber/Collei (Off-field Dendro)
  • Yanfei/Xinyan (On-field Pyro)
  • Hydro applicator
  • Healer/Shielder

Yanfei’s normal attacks with the Burning reaction spreads Pyro rapidly. Hydro units like Barbara stop the burning floors from consuming Shriveled Starshrooms prematurely.

Geo Supports

  • Ningguang/Zhongli (Geo Constructor)
  • Flexible Pyro
  • Flexible Dendro
  • Healer/Shielder

Geo structures like Jade Screen (Ningguang) and Steles (Zhongli) provide elevated platforms, letting you access awkward cliff mushrooms easily. Their constructs also protect teams from burning floors.

Closing Thoughts

And there you have it – everything you need to start harvesting hordes of shriveled star mushrooms in Genshin Impact’s Sumeru region.

By planning efficient routes, tracking respawns and utilizing elemental reactions – you’ll be drowning in these sought-after ascension ingredients. Soon your Collei will reach her full potential and every hungry aranara satisfied!

Let me know in the comments if you have any other tips for grabbing these shrunken shrooms! And be sure to check out my other Genshin guides below for even more secrets in Teyvat‘s Dendro nation.