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How to Get the Shock Emitter in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom brings back the thrill of open-world exploration, now expanded into Hyrule‘s magnificent skies. One of the most exciting new additions is the ancient Zonai Shock Emitter, a versatile relic that unlocks new combat, traversal, and puzzle gameplay. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into everything you need to know to acquire the Shock Emitter and master its electrifying abilities.

An In-Depth Look at the Shock Emitter

The Zonai Shock Emitter is a fist-sized device carved with intricate glowing patterns reminiscent of Master Cycle circuits. When activated, it generates up to 200 volts of crackling electric energy visible as branching arcs along its surface.

Here are some key stats for the base version:

Stat Value
Voltage 200V
Recharge Rate 5 seconds
Durability 120 shocks
Range 20 feet

The Shock Emitter can be equipped to Link‘s arm or directly attached to vehicles. It unleashes powerful shock bolts capable of damaging enemies and triggering distant switches. With certain upgrades, the possibilities are almost endless.

This device hints at the Zonai‘s astonishing mastery of electromagnetism and ancient technology. In fact, designers directly cited real-world inspiration from electric eels, stun guns, and Tesla coils while creating its signature look and feel.

Now, let‘s dive into locating a Shock Emitter for yourself in Tears of the Kingdom.

Where to Find a Zonai Dispenser

The Shock Emitter can be obtained from specific Zonai dispensers hidden among the game‘s new sky islands. These strange devices contain crafting materials, enhancements, and relics from the ingenious Zonai tribe. Their locations remain a mystery until discovered.

One reliable dispenser is located on a small island just northeast of the Thyphlo Ruins and Skyview Tower regions:

Zonai Dispenser Location Map

When you arrive, you‘ll notice the dispenser is a tall metallic spire with a round opening at the base. This is where you must insert ancient Zonai Charges, glowing cube-shaped batteries found scattered around nearby islands.

Stock up on at least 5 Zonai Charges before using the dispenser. Each attempt consumes 1 Charge, and it may take several tries to dispense a Shock Emitter. With patience and resources, you‘ll acquire this incredible gadget.

Stealthier Strategies

When harvesting a Zonai Dispenser, consider a stealthier approach. Dispensers often reside in territories patrolled by Guardians or other enemies. Use the paraglider to silently glide in, collect your prize, and escape undetected. The Shock Emitter‘s ranged abilities can then defeat the patrollers from a safe distance.

Now, let‘s discuss how to utilize the Shock Emitter‘s electrifying powers.

Mastering the Shock Emitter‘s Combat Abilities

Once acquired, the Shock Emitter provides new devastating combat options. It generates endless electricity to unleash as a ranged attack against foes. Here are some key tips for mastering combat with this Zonai weapon:

  • It takes roughly 5 seconds to recharge between shocks, so utilize hit-and-run tactics. Get distance, attack, evade, repeat.

  • Headshots on enemies deals increased damage, just beware their erratic movements.

  • Against groups, try chaining the shock bolts between multiple targets at once.

  • Lightning strikes electrocute enemies standing in water. Lead them towards pools for a deadly combo.

  • Ancient arrows synergize extremely well. Shock to stun, then use the arrow for the takedown.

  • For major battles, upgrade your Emitter first with Ancient Cores to maximize damage and recharge rate.

Let‘s look at some examples of how to implement these strategies against specific enemies:

Vs Guardian Stalkers

  • Keep distance and wait for it to pause before firing its laser.

  • Dash in and use bullet time for a Shock Emitter headshot during the opening.

  • Immediately retreat once the shocking animation begins.

  • Repeat 2-3 times while evading beams to defeat the Guardian.

Vs Hinox

  • Glide onto its belly undetected and place Bomb Barrels by its ankles.

  • Use the Emitter to remotely detonate the barrels, dealing massive damage.

  • Repeat while evading, shocking the Hinox‘s eye whenever possible.

These advanced techniques require practice, but mastering them makes even the toughest enemies manageable. Don‘t be afraid to get creative!

Solving Complex Puzzles

Beyond combat, the Shock Emitter also proves invaluable for handling puzzles across the game‘s temples and shrines. Its ability to transmit electricity over a distance lets you power devices, trigger gates, and complete circuits.

Upgrading the Shock Emitter with Magnesis creates even more possibilities for intricate puzzles. You can retrieve the electric charge anywhere within the Magnesis range, then carry and release it precisely where needed.

For example, here is one method to solve the Constellation Shrine‘s Tightrope challenge:

Constellation Shrine Puzzle Diagram

  1. Use Magnesis to carry the Shock Emitter up to the tightrope.
  2. Carefully cross the rope while manipulating the Emitter below you.
  3. When you reach the halfway platform, drop the Emitter onto the pressure switch.
  4. This will unlock the exit gate – retrieve your Emitter and continue onward!

Puzzles like these require proper preparation, positioning, and timing. But with patience and cleverness, even the most complex obstacles become possible.

Exploration Uses and Upgrades

Finally, the Shock Emitter grants access to secret and hard-to-reach areas through its destructive power and electricity manipulation.

  • It can blast open cracked walls, rubble piles, and boarded-up passages.

  • Power up dormant generators to activate platforms, lifts, bridges, and towers.

  • Transfer currents through elaborate switch networks to unlock gates.

  • Upgrade with Propellers to levitate and shock puzzles or switches in mid-air.

Here are some of the most potent enhancements you can craft to boost your exploration potential:

Upgrade Effect Materials Required
Ancient Cores Increases shock voltage to 400V 3 Ancient Cores
Electric Wiring Doubles durability to 240 shocks Zonai Coil, Electric Chuchu Jelly
Propeller Assembly Grants mid-air hover ability Propeller, Ancient Shaft, Spring

With the right upgrades, no secret will remain hidden and no pathway will be out of reach. You‘re limited only by your creativity!


Obtaining the ancient Zonai Shock Emitter provides exhilarating new combat, traversal, and puzzle gameplay. From blinding Guardians with targeted lightning strikes to circumventing elaborate shrine circuits, electricity is a powerful ally. Although the road to mastery requires practice, the incredible potential makes it all worthwhile.

With the Shock Emitter in hand, no challenge is insurmountable. All of Hyrule rises up to meet you. Now get out there, stock up on Zonai Charges, and shock the world!