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How to Fix "Ship Contains Modules that Exceed Reactor Class" in Starfield

Venturing into the vast expanse of space aboard your very own starship is one of the most exciting parts of Bethesda‘s sci-fi RPG epic Starfield. But as you assemble your interstellar home-away-from-home, you may encounter the frustrating "ship contains modules that exceed reactor class" error.

Don‘t abandon your spacefaring dreams just yet! In this comprehensive troubleshooting guide, I‘ll explain what‘s causing the reactor class issue and provide fixes to get you back cruising the cosmos in no time.

Demystifying Ship Classes, Reactor Classes, and Modules

Before diving into solutions, let‘s quickly break down what ship classes, reactor classes, and modules actually mean in Starfield:

  • Ship Classes: Ranges from Class C (highest/best) to Class A (lowest/worst)
  • Reactor Classes: Corresponds to ship classes – Class C reactor for Class C ship, Class B reactor for Class B ship, etc. Determines module compatibility.
  • Modules: Components like weapons, engines, and shields that you can install on ships. Have A, B, or C classes.

You can only equip modules at or below your reactor‘s class. For example:

  • Class C reactor: Supports Class C, B, and A modules
  • Class B reactor: Supports Class B and A modules
  • Class A reactor: Only supports Class A modules

Mixing too many high-class modules on a reactor with a lower class causes the "exceeds reactor class" error.

Fixes and Workarounds

Here are the most common and effective solutions to resolve the reactor class issue, based on my experience and scouring forums for player-tested fixes:

Upgrade Your Reactor

The simplest fix is to upgrade your reactor to a higher class that matches your modules. Here‘s how:

  • Level up Piloting to 4 by replaying the Flight Simulator with Vanguard in New Atlantis. This unlocks Class C components.
  • Invest perk points into the Ship Design perk tree.
  • Install a Class C or B reactor compatible with your modules.

Upgrading from a Class A to B reactor improves energy output by 20%, while a Class C reactor boosts energy by a full 50%, allowing more advanced modules.

Match Module and Reactor Classes

Carefully compare equipped module classes to your reactor class and replace any incompatible modules with appropriate lower class versions.

For example, if using a Class B reactor, replace Class C shields, engines, etc. with Class B or A alternatives.

Tip: Sort modules by class in the ship builder to easily identify class mismatches.

Double Check Your Shield Class

As noted by many players, the shield is the most common source of reactor class errors. Triple check your shield class matches the reactor, or swap it out.

Shields have a major impact on power draw, so a class mismatch here is particularly likely to cause issues.

Optimizing Ship Builds

When designing ships, keep these tips in mind to avoid exceeding reactor capabilities:

  • Only install modules of the same or lower class as the reactor
  • Balance high-demand modules (like shields) with lower-draw components
  • Utilize lower-grade modules in less critical systems
  • Use reactors one class above the highest module class for headroom

Additional Troubleshooting Steps

If you‘re still seeing the error after the above fixes, try these steps:

  • Unequip all modules and re-add one by one to isolate problem modules.
  • Remove and rebuild affected ship sections.
  • Verify files and reinstall game if needed.

Platform-Specific Tips

For PC:

  • Use mods like Reactor Overhaul to expand reactor capabilities and compatibility.
  • Adjust settings to improve performance if lagging.

For Xbox:

  • Clear persistent storage if game save is affected.
  • Ensure console and game are updated fully.

For PlayStation:

  • Rebuild database if corruption is suspected.
  • Restart console and game fully if issues persist.

With some strategic troubleshooting and reactor wrangling, you‘ll be smooth sailing through the stars again in no time. Let me know if any other tips help resolve your reactor class woes!