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How to Share YouTube Videos on Instagram Stories (Step-by-Step Guide)

Have you come across a must-see YouTube video that you‘re dying to share on Instagram Stories? Well good news—everyone can now easily add YouTube links to their Stories using stickers. No need for 10k followers or swipe up links! 🙌

In fact, according to Instagram, 500 million accounts use Instagram Stories every day. And those who leverage Instagram Stories see an average 28% increase in overall engagement rates.

So in this post, we‘ll walk step-by-step through how to link YouTube videos in your Stories to tap into these benefits. From grabbing video URLs to expert design tips, we‘ll cover everything you need to create captivating YouTube video Stories! ⤵️

Why You Must Share YouTube Videos on Instagram Stories

Let‘s first talk about three key reasons you should start incorporating YouTube previews into your Instagram Stories:

1. Establish Yourself as an Authority

Sharing entertaining or helpful YouTube videos shows your Instagram followers you get social media. You understand how video content captures attention in 2023.

This establishes your credibility in the space. Followers will start connecting your Instagram profile with being a trustworthy source.

And according to 92% of marketers, building authority and trust are essential goals fueling their social media strategy this year.

2. Increased Engagement & Click-Through Rates

Because of the immersive nature of video content, any Instagram Story featuring a YouTube link sees higher engagement levels. Rather than brief static images, the motion of video keeps viewers‘ attention for longer.

In fact, Instagram link stickers see a 20-30% higher click-through rate compared to the old swipe up link format.

Higher engagement paired with increased clicks gives your YouTube content more exposure when shared to Instagram Stories. It‘s a win-win!

3. Flexible Video Marketing on Instagram

YouTube offers so much creative video inventory to leverage. Informational explainers, valuable tutorials, entertaining skits—you name it!

Repurposing this existing YouTube video inventory by previewing snippets on Instagram Stories expands your marketing possibilities.

Especially since 95% of the most-viewed Instagram content is video. The quick, visual format makes YouTube links ideal.

Step-by-Step Instructions: Sharing YouTube Videos on Instagram Stories

Now that we‘ve covered the benefits, let‘s get hands-on. We‘ll navigate Instagram‘s mobile app to seamlessly add customizable YouTube video links to Stories in 6 simple steps:

Step 1: Copy Your Video‘s YouTube URL

Open the YouTube app on your mobile device and locate the video you want to ultimately share to your Instagram followers.

Tap the "Share" icon, often located in the top right corner of the video page. Then select "Copy link" to grab the specific URL pointing to this YouTube video.

Copy YouTube video URL on mobile

Pro Tip: Make sure viewers can easily tell what the YouTube video is about just by looking at the thumbnail. A compelling preview image is key for driving clicks!

Step 2: Create New Instagram Story

Open Instagram and tap on your profile picture in the top left corner to access Stories. This will initiate a blank canvas Story we can fully customize.

Alternatively, you can swipe right from Instagram‘s main Feed page to pull up the Stories camera. Then tap the "+" icon to spawn a new blank Story.

Tap profile icon to create new Instagram Story

Step 3: Access Stickers Menu, Select "Link"

With a fresh Stories draft opened, click on the general sticker icon at the top of the screen. This houses all of Instagram‘s creative tools in one place.

Scroll down until you see the "Link" sticker option. Selecting this will allow us to paste in the YouTube URL we copied earlier.

Choose Link sticker in Stories

Step 4: Paste YouTube URL & Finalize Details

After accessing the Link sticker, you‘ll be transported to a new screen where you can paste your video‘s URL for easy access.

Tap on the URL field at the top and hit "Paste" to quickly drop in the link. Customize supporting details like link text if desired.

To preview before publishing, select "See Preview". Otherwise tap "Done" to officially add the YouTube link sticker to your Story draft.

Preview YouTube link sticker

Step 5: Customize Link Design for Max Impact

Since YouTube link stickers pull double-duty as engaging and functional, make sure yours stands out in followers‘ feeds.

Consider complementing your YouTube link sticker by:

  • Uploading the exact YouTube video thumbnail as a separate visual
  • Adding colorful accent stickers and stylish text boxes
  • Including captions that intrigue viewers to "See what happens when…"

Creatively leveraging images, animations, captions and more around the YouTube link drives clicks! 🖌️

Example YouTube link sticker Stories design

Step 6: Post Your Captivating YouTube Link Story!

Once you‘ve customized your YouTube link sticker Stories draft to perfection, simply tap "Your Story" at the bottom to publish.

Sit back and watch those YouTube views roll in as your Instagram followers curiously tap through to watch the full video! 🍿

Remember you can always re-share YouTube link Stories to your Close Friends too. This inner circle tends to eagerly engage with your content.

Optimize Your YouTube + Instagram Strategy

Now that you know precisely how to post YouTube videos to Instagram Stories, let‘s make sure we‘re optimizing the experience for maximum growth:

🎯 Laser focus your YouTube channel niche so followers recognize your distinct value and perspective

🔁 Cross-promote new video launches in Instagram captions, Bios, etc. to build anticipation

🤝 Collaborate with influencers in your industry to tap into new audiences

📈 Analyze Instagram and YouTube analytics to determine highest-performing video themes, formats, etc. to drive more views

Leveraging YouTube and Instagram symbiotically develops trust and authority with your audience. This fuels steady channel growth in the long-run.

Additional Tips for Promoting Your YouTube Videos

Alongside sharing YouTube video Stories, a few other easy tactics include:

💡 Spotlight your YouTube channel details prominently in your Instagram bio

🤳 Promote new video premieres in both Instagram and YouTube community posts

🗣 Ask followers video topic recommendations to boost engagement

📋 Create playlists and series to encourage viewership beyond one-off videos

Let your imagination guide you towards a distinct YouTube + Instagram brand! 💡

Consistency plus some creativity will have followers eagerly anticipating your next captivating video Stories.

Now You Can Confidently Share YouTube Videos on Instagram Stories

As this guide outlined, posting YouTube links inside Instagram Stories is incredibly straightforward in 2023 thanks to stickers.

It‘s equally important we carefully design the full experience too—from intrigue captions to complementary animations.

Driving viewers between the immersive Instagram Stories format into the wealth of YouTube video content results in maximized engagement.

So what catches your eye when it comes YouTube videos worth sharing on Stories? Comment your favorite types of viral video content below! 👇 I‘m always looking for entertaining YouTube finds too!