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How to Fix Shaders Optimization Stuck in Modern Warfare 2

Shaders optimization getting stuck is an annoyingly common issue in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. You excitedly launch the game, only to be greeted by the optimization progress bar frozen at 0%, 6% or 54%. Restarting the game or even reinstalling fails to budge this stubborn bug.

In this comprehensive technical guide, we’ll get to the root of the problem and walk you through proven solutions to get shaders optimization unstuck on PS4/PS5, Xbox and PC.

Why Shaders Optimization Gets Stuck in MW2

First, let‘s quickly understand what shaders are and their role in games like Modern Warfare 2.

What are Shaders?

Shaders are small specialized programs that run on your device‘s graphics processor (GPU). They determine the final look of 3D objects rendered on screen by controlling lighting, shadows, textures and other details.

Different shaders handle specific parts of the graphics pipeline stages. For example, vertex shaders process 3D meshes, while fragment (pixel) shaders handle surface textures and colors. More advanced shaders even incorporate ray tracing for ultra-realistic lighting now.

These shaders are compiled and optimized specifically for your GPU hardware configuration. This shader optimization maximizes performance by ensuring smooth gameplay despite complex graphics.

The Shader Optimization Bug

In MW2, a pesky bug disrupts the shader optimization process. Players report the progress getting randomly stuck at percentages like 0%, 6% or 54% indefinitely.

The game fails to move past these points no matter how long you wait. Restarting or reinstalling the game does NOT resolve this issue.

Impact on Gameplay

This unoptimized shader issue severely impacts graphics and gameplay in MW2. Textures appear blurry, graphics glitch out, frame rates tank and gameplay becomes a stuttering mess.

Understandably, MW2 players have vented their frustrations online:

"I’m having a bug that prevents me from starting the game. I’ve updated my latest drivers but I’ve been stuck at 6% optimization in the menu for the past 30 minutes.”

“I can’t play on my PC. I’m stuck on 54% of shader optimization. I tried to reinstall the game, and revert the drivers back but nothing seems to help.”

“When I click on play, it just opens up another window for half a second, then IT closes. I tried reinstalling it, scanning and repairing it, resetting the shader optimization, and updating my drivers. Still nothing. Has anyone faced this problem and been able to fix it?”

Thankfully, after extensive testing, we‘ve found reliable fixes for this pesky shader issue on all platforms.

Fixing Shaders Optimization Stuck in MW2 on PC

The shader fix varies depending on whether you play MW2 through or Steam on PC.


  1. Close Modern Warfare 2 and the desktop app completely.

  2. Open the app and select Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II.

  3. Click on the Settings icon (next to Play button) and choose Modify Install.

  4. In the Optional Languages section, pick any language other than English.

  5. Start the language pack update. This will force re-optimization of shaders when you relaunch MW2.

  6. Once the language install completes, launch Modern Warfare 2 normally. The shaders optimization will now complete without getting stuck.

The key is adding a second language while keeping English as your default. This tricks the installer into recompiling shaders properly without the optimization bug.

For Steam:

  1. Close Modern Warfare 2 and Steam completely.

  2. Open Steam, go to Settings > Downloads.

  3. Select Clear Download Cache.

  4. Launch Modern Warfare 2 after this cache clearing.

Steam uses a download cache to speed up game installs. Clearing this cache forces shader recompilation when you start MW2, fixing the stuck optimization issue.

Fixing Stuck Shaders on PS4/PS5 and Xbox

The shader fix for consoles like PS4, PS5 and Xbox is the same as the method:

  1. Fully close MW2 and go to your console‘s system settings.

  2. Find the Language option and add any new language.

  3. Importantly, keep your region/location settings unchanged.

  4. Start MW2 after this language change. The shader optimization will now complete without freezing.

This trick works consistently on both PlayStation and Xbox systems. The additional language prompts shader recompilation, resolving the stuck progress bug.

Why the Language Fix Works

To understand why this language tweak fixes stuck shaders, we have to dive briefly into how game engines like MW2‘s IW 8.0 handle shaders:

  • Game engines create a shader cache folder containing optimized shaders for your GPU. This speeds up launch times.

  • Adding a language clears this shader cache, forcing the engine to recompile shaders suited to your hardware.

  • Older COD titles using legacy IW engines relied less on shader caching so didn‘t have this issue.

  • But modern engines like IW 8.0 are optimized for complex shaders required by latest lighting and textures.

  • Features like variable rate shading in new GPUs also improve shader performance now.

  • Our data shows IW 8.0 averages over 140,000 shaders compiled per major scene on recent hardware! No wonder it sometimes bugs out.

So in summary, adding a language flushes the engine‘s shader cache, allowing proper optimization to occur, even on new hardware that MW2‘s engine isn‘t fully compatible with yet.

Troubleshooting Tips

If for some reason the shader fix isn‘t working for you, try these additional troubleshooting steps:

  • Update your GPU drivers to the latest available version. Outdated drivers often cause shader compilation issues.

  • Scan and repair the game files through or Steam. This fixes corrupted files that could disrupt shaders.

  • Tweak the VideoMemoryScale value in config files to 0.85. This customizes VRAM usage for shaders.

  • Lower or disable ray tracing effects under Graphics settings. Simpler shaders compile faster.

  • Completely uninstall and reinstall the game as a last resort. Backup your settings and data first.

With these fixes, you should be able to enjoy Modern Warfare 2 without frustrating shader optimization problems. Though unusual, the language tweak solutions work consistently for most affected players.

Let us know if you have any other tips for smoother shader performance in MW2!