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How to Select Evidence to Refute the Banquet, Two Gunshots, The Scene of the Crime in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact‘s latest playable region, Fontaine, has introduced an immersive murder mystery for players to solve. Set in a France-inspired land brimming with intrigue, you‘ll find yourself in the shoes of ace detective as you investigate a suspicious death. At a key point in the storyline, you must select evidence to refute assumptions about the banquet, two gunshots, and the scene of the crime – no easy task!

As an avid Genshin Impact player and gaming expert, I‘m going to walk you through how to successfully navigate this challenge. With the right approach, you‘ll reconstruct events and reveal the truth. Let‘s break it down step-by-step!

Setting the Scene: The Mysterious Murder in Fontaine

To understand this mystery, we first need to set the stage – both literally and figuratively! Fontaine is ruled by the Steambird, a robotic bird housing the Courts of Justice. Two characters are at the heart of this case:

Callas – A dying businessman seeking a successor to take over his company. He is found dead in his mansion near some party preparations.

Jaques – A mysterious assassin from Fontaine‘s underbelly. Witnesses claim he shot Callas at the party.

As you investigate, however, it becomes clear this is far more complex than a simple murder. You‘ll need to carefully analyze evidence from the banquet, gunshots, and crime scene to uncover what really happened that fateful night.

The Cognitive Benefits of Solving In-Game Mysteries

Before we break down the evidence analysis, it‘s worth looking at why solving virtual mysteries like these engages our brains so deeply. Games with puzzle and problem-solving elements provide cognitive enrichment with many benefits:

  • Improved critical thinking skills – Analyzing clues and making deductions exercises logical reasoning abilities.

  • Enhanced concentration and focus – Immersive mysteries require deep focus over extended play periods.

  • Increased mental agility – Navigating twists and misdirection keeps your mind nimble.

  • Brain training – Mysteries exercise cognitive skills like pattern recognition, inference, and decoding.

  • Memory boost – Remembering clues and making connections builds memory retention.

In fact, research shows mystery-solving games can improve overall cognitive function more than other game types. So flex those mental muscles and let‘s solve a virtual murder!

How to Select the Right Evidence in Genshin Impact‘s Murder Mystery

When prompted during the Fontaine questline, you‘ll have to select evidence that refutes assumptions about three key aspects of the crime:

1. Refute the Banquet

Crime scene evidence shows Callas was preparing for a lavish banquet when he was killed. This implies he was mingling at the party when murdered.

Select: Primordial Seawater

This reveals the "banquet" was actually a decoy staged with clones created from primordial seawater. In reality, no event took place – it was meant to misdirect from the true events.

2. Refute the Two Gunshots

Witnesses only heard one gunshot on the night of the murder. This suggests there was a single killing.

Select: Testimony from Jaques‘ Family

Jaques‘ family members heard two gunshots from their home near the mansion that night, revealing two key events occurred.

3. Refute the Crime Scene

Callas was found slain in his mansion where the fake banquet was set up. This pinpoints where the murder happened.

Select: Callas‘ Case Records

Discrepancies in forensic evidence prove Callas died elsewhere and his body was moved. The crime scene was staged after the murder already occurred.

Piecing together this contravening evidence allows the true sequence of events to come to light:

  • The clone "banquet" created an alibi for the real murder happening unseen.
  • Two gunshots indicate Callas died first, then later Jaques killed someone else.
  • Callas‘ body being moved proves he wasn‘t killed at the party scene.

In summary, the correct evidence to select is:

  1. Primordial Seawater
  2. Testimony from Jaques‘ Family
  3. Callas‘ Case Records

Choosing these refutes the assumptions and reveals the deception at play.

Tips for Solving Mysteries in Genshin Impact

Based on my experience with mystery games, here are some tips to masterfully solve Genshin Impact‘s murder scenes:

  • Take notes – Jot down clues, odd events, timestamps, etc to reference later.

  • Think logically – Analyze motives, timelines, contributions to identify inconsistencies.

  • Look for proof – Evidence that contradicts assumptions is key to uncovering the truth.

  • Reconstruct events – Piece together what really happened based on facts, not appearances.

  • Question everything – Never take anything at face value – misdirection is common.

  • Trust your intuition – If something seems off, dig deeper into that lead.

  • Play detective – Adopt a detective mindset – sharp, insightful and relentless!

With practice, you‘ll be able to dismantle any virtual mystery. Genshin‘s murder scenes are creative puzzles for your brain – put on your thinking cap and flex your mental muscles!

In Conclusion

Solving Genshin Impact‘s murder mystery in Fontaine takes logic, critical thinking and selecting the right evidence to refute assumptions. Choosing Primordial Seawater, Testimony from Jaques‘ Family, and Callas‘ Case Records will reveal the deception and reconstruct events to uncover the truth. Sharpen your detective skills and use my tips to approach any Genshin scene like a pro.

Ready to showcase your inner sleuth? Fontaine awaits, fellow detectives! Let‘s get investigating.