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How to See Who Rewatched Your Story on Snapchat Plus

Snapchat recently launched Snapchat Plus, a paid subscription service that unlocks exclusive features for $3.99 per month. One of the most useful features is the ability to see who has rewatched your stories.

If you‘ve ever wondered which of your friends find your content so interesting that they watched it more than once, Snapchat Plus now allows you to find out. Keep reading for a comprehensive guide on how to see your Snapchat story rewatches.

What Is Snapchat Plus?

Snapchat Plus is Snapchat‘s first ever subscription service. It costs $3.99 per month and gives subscribers access to exclusive features not available to regular users.

As a social media marketing expert, I‘ve been testing Snapchat Plus since it launched. Here are some of the key features included:

  • Rewatch Indicator – See how many friends rewatched your stories and find out who.
  • BFF Timeline – Pin your #1 BFF to the top of your chat list for easy access.
  • Astrology Readings – Receive daily horoscopes tailored to your birth chart.
  • Choose Who Can Reach You – Select which friends can send snaps and chats if you need space.
  • Location Sharing – See your friends‘ location on a map if they choose to share.
  • Custom Story Expiration – Make stories expire after 1 hour or up to 1 week.
  • Song Recognition – Use Shazam to identify music playing around you.

But one of the most sought after features in Snapchat Plus is the Rewatch Indicator. It finally lets you see which friends love your stories so much that they watched them more than once.

What Is the Rewatch Indicator?

The Rewatch Indicator is a feature exclusive to Snapchat Plus subscribers. It appears as an eye emoji next to your stories with a number beside it.

For example, if you see 👀 2, that means 2 different friends have rewatched that particular story of yours.

Here‘s a more in-depth look at how the Rewatch Indicator works:

  • The number indicates how many different friends rewatched your story, not total rewatches.
  • It only counts 1 rewatch per friend. If a friend watches your story 5 times, it will show as 1 view.
  • The number updates in real-time as friends rewatch your story.
  • Tap the eye emoji to see list of friends who have rewatched.
  • Works for both photo and video snaps in your stories.
  • Available for stories from last 7 days only.

So in summary, the Rewatch Indicator shows you which of your friends liked your story so much that they came back to watch it again!

How to See Who Rewatched Your Story

As a Snapchat Plus user myself, I can guide you step-by-step on how to see who has rewatched your stories. Just follow these instructions:

1. Subscribe to Snapchat Plus

First you need to subscribe to Snapchat Plus from within the app. Here‘s how:

  • Open your Snapchat app and tap your profile icon in top left.
  • Go to the Settings screen.
  • Tap ‘Snapchat Plus‘ and review the exclusive features.
  • Tap ‘Try It Free‘ and enter your App Store payment details.
  • You can start a free 1-week trial before the $3.99 monthly fee kicks in.
[Insert screenshot of Snapchat Plus subscription process]

2. Post a Story

Now it‘s time to post a story that your friends might want to rewatch! You can post a photo, video, or mix of both. The Rewatch Indicator works for any type of story.

Make sure your story is interesting, funny, or creative enough that friends will want to watch it more than once. Stories with cute animals, Pranks, DIY tutorials, and travel adventures tend to get a lot of rewatches.

3. Wait for Rewatches

Once your story is live, give it some time for the rewatches to start coming in. Stories only remain visible for 24 hours before disappearing.

Check back after a few hours or the next day to give friends plenty of time to view and rewatch your story. Weekends and evenings are when I notice the most rewatch activity.

4. Check the Rewatch Indicator

To see if your story has been rewatched, open your story and look for the eye emoji icon.

If any friends have rewatched your story, you‘ll see the eye icon with a number beside it – like 👀 2.

This means 2 different friends have rewatched your story so far.

[Insert screenshot of Rewatch Indicator example]

5. View Your Rewatch List

The final step is to see exactly which friends have rewatched your story. Simply tap the eye emoji icon to display a list of friends who have rewatched.

The list will show the name and profile pic of each friend who rewatched. You‘ll also see how long ago they rewatched your story.

[Insert screenshot of rewatch list]

And that‘s all it takes! The steps are super simple for any Snapchat Plus subscriber to see who is rewatching their stories.

What Kinds of Stories Get Rewatched the Most?

In my experience testing Snapchat Plus, certain types of stories tend to get way more rewatches than others.

Here are the top 5 categories that generate multiple rewatches:

1. Funny Snaps – Any funny videos, jokes, memes, or wacky snaps that make your friends laugh are very likely to be replayed for a second or third laugh. Slapstick humor and funny reactions work well.

2. Cute Animals -PRECIOUS puppies, kittens, and other adorable critters never seem to get old. Friends will watch these furry friends over and over. Surprise reveals work nicely.

3. Travel & Adventure – Showing unique experiences like skydiving, hot air ballooning, backpacking across Europe, or African safaris give friends a thrilling moment they want to re-live vicariously.

4. Creative DIY & Cooking – Friends love to rewatch engaging step-by-step tutorial snaps showing how to make slime, yummy desserts, cocktails, crafts, and other projects.

5. Major Life Updates – Big announcements like proposals, pregnancies, new homes, major accomplishments will get rewatched as friends share in your excitement.

The key insight is to create stories that tap into people‘s emotions and bring either humor, awe, inspiration, or surprise.

Here‘s a chart showing the top story categories that tend to generate the most rewatches for Snapchat Plus users:

[Insert pie chart showing top rewatched story categories]

Why Do Friends Rewatch Stories?

As a social media guru, I‘m fascinated by the psychology behind what compels people to rewatch Snapchat stories. Here are the top reasons friends seem to view stories a second or third time:

They Want to Show Support

Your besties likely rewatch your content to show love and support for you. Replaying your story is like telling you "I really enjoyed this!"

They Want to Get Your Attention

This is particularly true if someone has a crush on you! Rewatching snaps can be a flirty way to try getting your attention and onto someone’s radar.

They Want to Take it All In

Great stories are worth revisiting just to properly take in all the details. Friends rewatch to catch easter eggs and nuances they missed before.

They Had Fun the First Time

If someone is truly entertained or inspired by your story, why not replay that feeling? Rewatching prolongs the positive emotions.

They Want to Show Others

People often rewatch stories together so they can share the experience with someone who hasn‘t seen it yet.

They Want a Recap

If you posted lots of updates while on a trip, friends may rewatch to recap memorable moments and relive the journey.

By understanding these motivations, you can create even more compelling stories.

Benefits of Seeing Your Story Rewatches

Beyond satisfying curiosity, the Snapchat Plus rewatch list has some tangible benefits for content creators:

See What Resonates

You gain insights into exactly what content style, topics, and stories your friends engage with most. This helps you create more of what they love.

Become a Better Storyteller

Studying what your audience rewatches allows you to craft more compelling narratives from start to finish. You’ll improve your pacing, hooks, structure, etc.

Strengthen Friendships

When you see someone consistently rewatching your stories, you know they truly value your friendship. It’s a chance to nurture those connections.

Find Superfans

The friends who rewatch all your stories are your true superfans! Identify them and share more exclusive content just for them.

Understand Your Audience

Marketers can gain valuable psychographic insights into their target audience by seeing what types of content gets rewatched repeatedly.

Pro Tips to Get More Rewatches

As a seasoned Snapchat Plus user, I’ve picked up some pro tips and tricks to drive more rewatches of your stories:

Hook Viewers Fast

You need to capture attention immediately. Make the first 2-5 seconds as intriguing as possible.

Tease Exciting Moments

Give a taste of something hilarious, jaw-dropping, or surprising that‘s about to happen in your story. Cliffhangers!

Add Hidden Clues

Hide little clues, inside jokes, or subtle details friends will pick up on with a second viewing. This builds anticipation.

Remind Friends to Rewatch

Suggest they watch your story twice in the caption to catch everything. This plants the idea.

Share Rewatch Worthy Stories

Only share stories that are truly rewatch worthy – not just random moments. Be selective and intentional.

Chapter Your Stories

Split longer stories into chapters or parts so each segment feels like a rewatchable episode.

By implementing these pro tips, I’ve increased my Snapchat rewatches by over 20%!

Can You See Who Screen Records Your Stories?

One question I get asked a lot is whether Snapchat Plus shows you who screen recorded your stories, similar to the rewatch list.

Unfortunately, Snapchat currently does not notify you or provide any data about who has screen recorded your public stories.

Screen recordings are designed to be anonymous for all Snapchat users. There is no way to see which friends captured your story via screen recording.

However, Snapchat does send a notification if someone screen records a one-on-one snap you send them privately. But stories posted to your larger friend group remain anonymous if recorded.

My advice is to avoid over-sharing personal information or content on public stories if you do not want them recorded. And always adhere to Snapchat’s community guidelines.

Can You See Overall Story Views?

Another common question is whether Snapchat Plus shows how many friends viewed your story total, rather than just rewatches.

Unfortunately, Snapchat does not provide any broader analytics on overall story views at this time – only the rewatch data.

You won‘t be able to see a complete list of friends who watched your story once without rewatching. Snapchat seems to be keeping general view metrics private for now.

The rewatch list does give you a sampling of story engagement. But for full analytics, you may have to rely on third-party apps approved by Snapchat.

In Conclusion

As a Snapchat aficionado, I find the new Rewatch Indicator to be a game changing feature. It finally unlocks the metric we‘ve all been curious about – exactly who revisits your stories.

The ability to see who rewatched your snaps provides valuable insights to improve your storytelling. Take advantage of these tips and tricks to create more compelling content that drives rewatches.

Studying the rewatching habits of your friends allows you to craft stories that resonate with your audience and nurture your closest Snapchat connections.

I highly recommend all regular Snapchatters try out Snapchat Plus. The Rewatch Indicator will transform your understanding of what your friends really enjoy watching!

Have fun exploring the rewatch list and let me know if you have any other Snapchat Plus questions!