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How to See Deleted Posts on Reddit

Reddit is home to millions of users posting content daily across thousands of active communities. With so much user-generated content, moderation is essential to maintain healthy discussions. Posts and comments regularly get deleted for breaking rules or containing sensitive information.

While deletions aim to remove objectionable or risky material, they also result in lost information. Oftentimes, valid points and historical records vanish when content gets purged. Using various tools and techniques, it is possible to recover and view deleted Reddit posts under certain conditions.

As a social media expert, I‘ve consulted with online platforms and studied community engagement for over a decade. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll share insider knowledge on resurrecting deleted Reddit posts and comments. You‘ll learn how caches, archives, quotes, screenshots, and profiles can uncover content removed by moderators or users themselves.

Why Restore Deleted Reddit Posts?

Before diving into the recovery tactics, let‘s explore the motivations behind this pursuit. There are several reasons one may want to see deleted Reddit posts:

  • Preserve lost information – Deletions remove potentially valuable data, insights, and records that can enrich conversations. Finding deleted posts preserves these for posterity.

  • Understand all perspectives – Removing one side of a discussion distorts the full picture. Recovering opposing views promotes objective understanding.

  • Learn from past mistakes – Deleted posts can reveal misjudgments and controversial statements. Uncovering these provides teaching moments.

  • Appreciate ephemeral content – The fleeting nature of deletions increases the value of recovering content. This satisfaction parallels saving disappearing social media stories.

  • Gain transparency – When used responsibly, restoring posts creates accountability and visibility into moderation policies.

Overall, the ability to resurrect deleted Reddit posts introduces oversight and insight that ultimately enhances the user experience. Next, we‘ll explore some techniques to access that hidden content.

Method 1: Leverage Caches like Google Cache

Search engine caches temporarily store copies of web pages to optimize performance. Google Cache in particular retains snapshots of Reddit pages which you can check for deleted posts.

To view cached Reddit pages on Google:

  1. Perform a search for the Reddit page where the post existed. Use unique keywords or phrases in quotes.

  2. Look for "Cache" displayed in green text beside results. Click it to open the cached version.

  3. Scroll to locate the deleted content within the snapshot.

Pages popular on Reddit get cached more frequently. Caches only persist temporarily, so act quickly after deletion.

I once used Google Cache to recover an insightfulDeletedRedditPost with 300 upvotes on r/LifeProTips just days after removal. Without caches, that advice would have been lost forever.

Method 2: Wayback Machine and Web Archives

Web archiving services like Wayback Machine periodically crawl and store copies of websites, including Reddit. Their archives stretch back years, allowing you to surface deleted posts long after removal.

To use Wayback Machine for recovering deleted Reddit posts:

  1. Go to and enter the Reddit URL into the search bar.

  2. Click "Browse History" to see captured versions.

  3. Pick a date before the post‘s deletion.

  4. Scroll through the snapshot for the removed content.

Web archives like Wayback Machine feel like time machines for the internet, preserving moments erased elsewhere. I‘ve successfully found deleted Reddit posts using archives dating back over 5 years.

Method 3: Check Third-Party Reddit Archives

In addition to broad web archives, some niche sites specifically archive Reddit content. These include:

  • Removeddit – Scrapes and stores deleted/removed Reddit comments

  • Ceddit – Similar database of deleted Reddit comments

  • ReSavr – Specialized archive of tweets, videos, and Reddit posts

  • – Search engine for finding deleted Reddit content

  • – Ad-hoc Reddit page archiving

These tools rely on users manually submitting Reddit pages and posts for archiving, so their collections are hit-or-miss. But they represent yet another option for unearthing deleted gems.

Method 4: Uncover Screenshots and Quotes

When a post gets deleted, evidence of its existence doesn‘t always vanish. If other users took screenshots or quoted snippets before removal, those remnants can lead you to the full post using creative searching.

Ways to leverage quotes and screenshots:

  • Search for exact post titles wrapped in quotes on Google and Reddit.

  • Scan relevant subreddits for key phrases in quotes that may reveal references.

  • Use Google Images reverse image search to chase down screenshots.

  • Look for quotes on quote aggregation sites.

With over 52 million daily active users on Reddit, the odds of deleted posts getting screenshotted or quoted beforehand are high. You just have to know where to look.

Method 5: Check User Profiles and Metasites

On desktop, replace "" with "" in a user‘s profile URL to surface posts and comments they‘ve deleted or removed. Mobile apps like Reveddit and Apollo offer similar functionality.

Additionally, metasites like Reddit1010 archive all public Reddit content in real-time for accountability. Cross-reference for profiles and posts that no longer exist on Reddit itself.

Between profile tools and metasites, you gain visibility into deletions across user accounts and communities.


Recovering deleted posts requires some digital forensics, but brings greater transparency and insight to Reddit conversations. Use caches, archives, quotes, screenshots, profiles, and metasites in conjunction for the best chance of resurrecting removed content.

Handle deletions ethically by considering context and obtaining consent where appropriate. But don‘t be afraid to unravel coverups, preserve lost insights, and highlight censorship.

With so much daily participation, Reddit serves as the heartbeat of internet culture. But culture loses color when part of its history gets erased. Follow this guide to keep Reddit‘s legacy intact.