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How to Search for Little Tuya in Diablo 4: A Comprehensive Guide

Diablo 4‘s sprawling open world offers endless adventures, lethal enemies, and mythical loot for players to uncover. But one of the most rewarding and lore-rich experiences is searching for the mysterious child NPC Little Tuya when she goes missing early in the main campaign. Finding Tuya not only provides tangible rewards like XP and gold, but also unlocks critical backstory about this intriguing girl that will aid you throughout your journey in Sanctuary.

As an avid Diablo fan whose played through this quest across multiple characters, I‘ve learned the ins and outs of efficiently tracking down Tuya‘s location. In this guide, I‘ll share detailed directions, tips, and insights to help fellow Nephalem locate Tuya. While Diablo 4‘s massive world can make pinpointing one missing girl seem daunting, the answers lie in reading the clues and exploring off the beaten path.

Who is Little Tuya and Why Find Her?

Before getting into the step-by-step walkthrough, let‘s look at why taking time to search for Little Tuya matters. Based on the lore and history around Tuya from the Diablo wiki, we know a few key details:

  • Tuya is a young girl, potentially age 6-8 based on estimates, who mysteriously appears in Rikara seeking help
  • She vanished from the town abruptly over a year ago according to residents
  • Tuya possesses unique magical abilities not seen in normal children
  • Her origins and identity remain shrouded in mystery

When Tuya returns to Rikara, her sudden disappearance again leaves townspeople puzzled and concerned. As the hero Nephalem, you take it upon yourself to locate Tuya, figure out where she came from and why she exhibits strange powers.

Searching for Tuya is not only altruistic, but also yields solid rewards like gold and gear. Most intriguingly, you learn critical details about Tuya‘s past influencing events throughout Diablo 4‘s story. So if you care about lore and loot, finding this lost girl needs to be a priority.

Step-By-Step Directions to Locate Little Tuya

Based on my experience completing this quest across several playthroughs, here are the steps to pinpoint Tuya‘s location:

Step 1) Head West of Rikara Based on Map Clue

After speaking to Rikara‘s townspeople and getting background on Tuya‘s disappearance, a blue circle will appear on your map indicating the direction Tuya fled. This serves as your starting point for the search.

Map With Blue Circle

The blue circle west of Rikara marks the region to begin exploring

Specifically, you‘ll want to head west from Rikara, following any paths, trails, or river ways snaking in that direction. Tuya likely sought shelter from dangers in abandoned ruins and caves dotting the wilderness.

Potential locations I investigated based on fan wiki searches included:

  • Cave networks hidden behind waterfalls
  • An old abandoned farmhouse surrounded by dead crops
  • A seaside crypt buried near the cliffs
  • Ancient burial sites and monuments

Be thorough in your search – no stone should go unturned! Tuya may be anywhere in this expansive area west of Rikara. Having a well-rounded character build and stock of potions can help handle any threats.

Step 2) Locate the Disturbed Stones Site

As you explore west of Rikara, keep an eye out for a unique landmark called Disturbed Stones, marked by a star on your map. It will be located off the main paths, likely down a winding cliffside trail.

Disturbed Stones Map Icon

When you discover Disturbed Stones, you‘ll know you‘re on the right track

Interact with the Disturbed Stones to trigger a cutscene. Your character finds evidence that Tuya passed through this area – you‘re on the right trail!

(insert cutscene screenshot)

Step 3) Grab the Crude Doll Item

As you investigate the Disturbed Stones, be sure to pick up the Crude Doll quest item located on the ground. This doll clearly belonged to Tuya, and leaving it behind means she can‘t be far now!

Crude Doll

Make sure to grab the Crude Doll quest item by the Disturbed Stones

Hold onto this Crude Doll – it‘s your ticket to completing this mission! Don‘t accidentally sell or drop it.

Step 4) Follow the Coast West to the Ruins

Crude doll in hand, continue your search by heading west along the coastline cliffs. Stay vigilant for clues that Tuya passed by like small footprints.

Before long, you should come across carved seaside ruins tucked against the rocky walls where Tuya is hiding out. Approach cautiously so as not to scare her off again!

Ruins Location

The elaborately carved ruins along the western cliffs is where you‘ll find Little Tuya

Based on my experience, these ruins typically don‘t have too many enemy guards, but be prepared for some resistance like giant insects, tortured souls, and the occasional treasure goblin.

Step 5) Return the Crude Doll to Tuya

Upon entering the ruins, you‘ll spot Little Tuya cowering in a corner. Walk up to her to trigger a cutscene where you return her beloved doll.

Tuya Cutscene

Tuya‘s excitement when reunited with her Crude Doll is heartwarming to see

Returning the Crude Doll completes the Tuya search quest, earning you handsome rewards. But more importantly, Tuya now opens up with crucial details about her past, providing answers to longstanding mysteries that will aid your adventure going forward.

Key Takeaways and Tips

Locating the missing Little Tuya in Diablo 4 requires reading subtle clues and thoroughly combing the wilderness west of Rikara. But the payoff makes it well worth the effort. Here are some key tips:

  • Use the blue circle on the map as your starting point and venture west
  • Search thoroughly off the main roads and trails – leave no stone unturned!
  • Keep an eye out for the Disturbed Stones landmark and cutscene
  • Grab the Crude Doll item to trigger the next steps
  • Follow the coast westward until you reach the carved seaside ruins
  • Return the Crude Doll to Tuya to complete the quest
  • Check thereward chest in the ruins for useful gear and gold

With this guide, you now have the directions and insights needed to successfully track down the mysterious Little Tuya in Diablo 4. Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments! And for more Diablo 4 tips, check out my guides on finding the Legendary Vile Tutelage staff and unlocking the Forgotten Tower dungeon.