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What Does sdv Mean on Instagram?


Have you come across the hashtag "#sdv" while scrolling through Instagram lately? With over 23 million posts, #sdv is one of the platform‘s most widely-used hashtags. But what exactly does it mean and how is it used?

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll cover everything you need to know about the popular term "sdv" on Instagram, including:

  • The definition and origin of sdv
  • How to effectively use #sdv for gaining followers and likes
  • Tips for avoiding bots and fake followers from #sdv
  • Related Portuguese hashtags like #sdv
  • Best practices for growing your Instagram following

Let‘s get started demystifying this Instagram phenomenon!

What Does "sdv" Mean on Instagram?

Sdv stands for "siga de volta" in Portuguese. Translated directly to English, this means "follow back."

So when you see #sdv used in an Instagram post‘s caption or comments, it means:

The user wants people to follow them back in return for also following other accounts.

Essentially, #sdv is the Portuguese equivalent of the popular English hashtag: #followback. Both terms imply that by following the user, they will follow you back on Instagram.

The #sdv hashtag took off in popularity around 2018 and has since amassed over 23 million posts and counting. It‘s commonly used by Portuguese-speaking Instagrammers, especially from Brazil.

However, #sdv has also expanded beyond just Portuguese speakers on Instagram too. The universal concept of "you follow me, I‘ll follow you" resonates across languages and cultures on the platform.

Pros and Cons of #sdv and Follow for Follow

Using #sdv can be an effective tactic for rapidly gaining lots of new Instagram followers. But this strategy also has some drawbacks to watch out for.

Let‘s break down the main pros and cons:


  • Quick follower growth: Commenting #sdv on posts and following others who use it can lead to fast follower gains.
  • Increased engagement: More followers and likes on your posts thanks to reciprocal following.
  • Discover new accounts: You can find great accounts relevant to your interests via the #sdv hashtag.


  • Low follower quality: Many accounts using #sdv only care about numbers and don‘t interact with your content.
  • Risk of bots/fake followers: Some automated bot accounts exploit hashtags like #sdv to mindlessly inflate followings.
  • High follower churn rate: Those gained from #sdv often unfollow later or never engage, resulting in inflated numbers.

As you can see, rapidly amassing followers via #sdv can give the illusion of a growing audience. But low-quality followers don‘t convert to actual customers or fans in the long run.

That‘s why it‘s crucial to use follow for follow strategies carefully and sustainably…

How to Use #sdv to Gain Real Instagram Followers

Rather than obsessing over vanity metrics like follower counts, it‘s better to focus on actual human connections.

Here are some best practices for leveraging #sdv effectively and ethically:

1. Comment Thoughtfully on Relevant Posts

Rather than blast commenting #sdv on random posts, be more selective. Take the time to write genuine comments related to posts using the hashtag. This shows the user you actually care about their content, making them more likely to follow and engage with you too.

2. Use #sdv Sparingly Alongside Other Hashtags

Sprinkle #sdv occasionally into your captions with other relevant hashtags. For example, a fashion blogger could include #OOTD (Outfit of the Day) hashtags plus #sdv. This makes your post discoverable by more niche communities who may actually appreciate your content.

3. Regularly Audit Your Followers

Use free analytics tools like HypeAuditor to audit the quality of your new followers. This allows you to identify and block potential bots or inactive accounts. Doing regular clean-ups ensures you build an authentic audience that actually cares about your brand.

4. Provide Value for Your Followers

Give your real human followers content worth engaging with! Use Instagram Stories polls, post Q&As, launch giveaways, drop exclusive sneak peeks, and more. Deliver value beyond just hoping for follows back—that‘s how to turn #sdv connections into loyal brand advocates.

Other Portuguese Follow for Follow Hashtags

Besides #sdv, there are lots of other Portuguese hashtags used to gain Instagram followers. Here are some popular examples:

  • #sfb (seguir de volta – "follow back")
  • #dvg (devolve o seguir – "follow me back")
  • #cfgs (chama no direct – "DM me")
  • #flw (siga ou "follow")

Use these hashtags sparingly and ethically like #sdv. Pay attention to any followers gained through them, checking for fake accounts trying to take advantage.

And remember—quality over quantity when growing your Instagram!leafs

Key Takeaways

  • Sdv translates to "follow back" from Portuguese on Instagram
  • The #sdv hashtag has over 23M posts from users wanting reciprocal follows
  • Effectively using follow for follow methods can rapidly gain followers
  • But beware of bots, churn, and fake followers only inflating numbers
  • Focus on quality connections and providing value for real followers

What tactics have you tried for ethically growing your Instagram followers? Let me know in the comments!