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Unleash Scorpion‘s Fury: A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Scorpion Combos in Mortal Kombat 1

As a longtime fan of the Mortal Kombat franchise, I was thrilled to get my hands on the recent reboot, Mortal Kombat 1. This re-imagined take on the classic fighting game brings together the best elements of the original trilogy while modernizing gameplay for a new generation.

One character who made an immediate impression was the iconic ninja spectre, Scorpion. As expected, he returns with his trademark "Get over here!" spear and hellfire-powered arsenal. However, Scorpion‘s moveset has been upgraded to allow for more combo potential and brutal new finishers.

In this extensive guide, I‘ll leverage my expertise as an MK tournament player to help you master Scorpion‘s hard-hitting combos. You‘ll learn fundamental BNBs, juggle extensions, corner pressure tactics, and high-damage finishers. With dedicated practice, these combos will become muscle memory and you‘ll be equipped to incinerate any challenger.

A Brief History of Scorpion in Mortal Kombat

Before diving into Scorpion‘s MK1 combos, it‘s helpful to understand his history and evolution throughout the Mortal Kombat series. Debuting in the original 1992 Mortal Kombat arcade game, Scorpion immediately stood out for his "undead ninja" design and fiery powers. As a hellspawned spectre, he sought vengeance against his arch-nemesis Sub-Zero.

Scorpion‘s signature spear attack, teleport punch, and gruesome fatalities made him a quick favorite among gamers. He reappeared in nearly every subsequent MK title with new special moves like demon fire breaths, hellfire teleports, and a variety of swords added to his arsenal. His tragic backstory of being betrayed and killed before his resurrection as a wrathful, vengeance-obsessed revenant ninja captivated fans.

Across 3 decades of Mortal Kombat games, Scorpion has remained one of the most popular characters. His incarnation in MK1 upholds this legacy, evolving his combat skills while retaining his brutal, ruthless fighting style. Now let‘s see how his combo game has changed in MK1!

Overview of Gameplay and Mechanics in MK1

Before we break down Scorpion‘s combos specifically, it helps to understand the core gameplay elements and mechanics introduced in Mortal Kombat 1:

  • New Block System – High and low blocks are now split, requiring you to stand block against high/mid attacks and crouch block against lows. This opens up new mix-up potentials.

  • Fatal Blows – These new super moves let you counterattack and regain health once per match when low on health. Useful comeback mechanics.

  • Crushing Blows – Land certain attacks under specific conditions for extra-damaging critical hits that break bones.

  • Flawless Block – Time your blocks perfectly to open up punish opportunities. Risky but highly rewarding.

  • Meter Management – Offensive/Defensive meters allow enhancing specials or activating other buffs/abilities. Key resource to manage.

  • Interactive Arenas – Each stage contains objects you can weaponize mid-fight for environmental attacks.

  • Custom Variations – You can pick from preset ability/movesets or customize your own variations with unique advantages.

These new gameplay features encourage more dynamic combos and mindgames compared to previous titles. Keep these mechanics in mind as we break down Scorpion‘s combos!

Understanding Scorpion‘s Strengths and Weaknesses

Before exploring Scorpion‘s combo potential, it‘s important to understand his inherent strengths and weaknesses as a kombatant:


  • Extremely damaging combos and finishers
  • Dangerous up close and from afar
  • Great mix of basic attacks and tricky specials
  • Teleport enhances mobility and cross-ups
  • Top-tier juggling ability
  • Lethal when he corners opponents


  • Poor ranged options besides spear
  • Low defensive options if pressured
  • Very punishable if moves whiff or are blocked
  • Can struggle against strong zoners
  • Highly meter dependent
    -telegraphed special moves

Keep these attributes in mind when formulating your overall gameplan. Play to Scorpion‘s strengths while mitigating his weaknesses through smart combos and spacing.

Bread and Butter Combos for All Situations

Now let‘s get into the combos! First we‘ll cover Scorpion‘s fundamental BNB (bread and butter) combos that should become second nature. These are his most reliable, meterless combos that work in most matchups and situations:

12~db3 – 93

  • This is Scorpion‘s best punish combo. Around 22% damage.
  • Use it to punish unsafe specials or strings from your opponent.
  • Starts with a quick low poke leading into his spinning hellfire kick.
  • Easy to perform punish that every Scorpion player should know.

12~db2 – 144

  • Another simple punish combo starting with a low.
  • Leads into his kneel kick and fiery uppercut for 22% damage.
  • The low starter makes it great for catching opponents off guard.
  • Memorize this punish combo and use it often.

21~bf4 – 112

  • Very fast-starting combo with Scorpion‘s overhead axe kick.
  • Lets you surprise opponents and interrupt block strings for a quick 20% damage.
  • The axe overhead has great range, allowing you to start combos from a distance.
  • Be prepared to confirm this combo off a single hit overhead.

12~bf1, 333~bf2

  • Handy combo for confirming hits at very close range.
  • You can loop the 333 kicks if the first bf1 connects for extra hits.
  • Adds up to around 25% damage for easy close-up punishes.
  • The running slash covers distance quickly out of the low poke.

21~bf1, f32, f32, f32, 4~bf2

  • Excellent corner combo to trap opponents.
  • Lets you push them into the corner with sword slashes.
  • The end spear adds solid extra damage.
  • Maximizes Scorpion‘s corner pressure and mix-up potential.

These fundamental BNB combos should work in most matchups and scenarios, giving you reliable damage options to punish and counter the opponent. Drill these combos relentlessly until they become natural instict.

Juggling Combos for Airborne Opponents

One of Scorpion‘s greatest strengths is his air control and anti-air juggling ability. Here are some of his most damaging combos when you catch opponents jumping:

air-to-air j111~bf1, f32, 4~bf2

  • After an anti-air uppercut, juggle with katana swipes.
  • End with a hard knockdown spear for okizeme setups.
  • Easy 24% damage aerial punish combo.
  • Knocks aerial opponents back to the ground for pressure.

air-to-air j13~bf1, f32, j12~db2 ex, jk~bf2

  • Launch higher with a teleport uppercut for increased juggle time.
  • Swipe with swords, enhanced spear to lift, then spike back down with spear.
  • Around 30% damage for 1 bar if you nail every hit.
  • Requires timing but huge damage on airborne opponents.

air-to-air j12~db2 ex, jk~bf1, f32, 4~bf2

  • Tag jumping foes with an EX demon uppercut for maximum lift.
  • Juggle with mild sword attacks to conserve meter.
  • 28% damage without spending extra meter.
  • EX demon guarantees juggle; adjust ender to manage meter.

air-to-air j12~db2 ex, j12~db2 ex, jk~bf2 ex, jk~bf1, 33~db2

  • Launch with double EX demon uppercuts for extreme juggling.
  • OTG katana swipe into enhanced spear recatch.
  • Finish with a classic knee kick string for over 35% damage.
  • Require precise timing but massive damage on air opponents.

Scorpion thrives in aerial combat thanks to his great anti-air tools and juggle potential. Be prepared to unleash devastating air combos to swat jumpers out of the sky.

Corner Combos for Maximizing Damage

When you manage to corner opponents with Scorpion, it presents a huge damage opportunity. Here are some of his most vicious combos to use when you trap enemies in the corner:

air-to-air j24, f32, 33~bf1, 33~db2

  • Knock airborne enemies into the corner for juggling.
  • Use fast sword swipes to continue attacks in tight space.
  • Add spear and slam finishers for over 35% damage.
  • Corner combos maximize Scorpion‘s damage output.

d2 punish, u+block, jk, 4~bf1, f32, 33~bf1

  • Punish with low poke into uppercut after blocking an unsafe move.
  • Counter with jump kick, juggle with katana hits into spear.
  • Easy 32% combo when you bait attacks in corner.
  • Excellent meterless punisher in corner.

d2 punish, u+block, jk~db2 ex, jk, 4~bf1, f32, 4~bf1

  • Same as above, but add EX demon uppercut after jump kick.
  • Lets you juggle higher before slashing with swords.
  • Tack on over 35% damage in corner for 1 bar.
  • EX demon uppercut shines in corner combos.

Save these deadly corner combos to unleash on opponents once you‘ve backed them into an enclosed space. The corner‘s tight confines make Scorpion‘s attacks inescapable.

Fire Breath Combos for Maximum Damage

Scorpion‘s hellfire breath allows him to extend combos for huge damage, but it costs 1 bar of offensive meter. Here are some of his most potent fire breath finishers:

Starter ~fb

21~bf1, f32, f32, 4~fb

f32, f32, f32, 4~bf1, 4~fb

f32, f32, f32, 4~bf1, 4~b+k, 4~b+k, 4~fb

  • The fire breath (fb) can extend almost any juggle combo.
  • Use it to finish strings started with launchers like 4~bf1 or 4~b+k.
  • Add up to 25% additional damage depending on the starter.
  • Great way to tack on big damage at combo end.
  • Remember it costs 1 offensive meter; use strategically.

Fire breath combos should be used sparingly to inflict massive damage at key moments when you have meter to spare. The enhanced version (2 meter) boosts this damage even further!

Advanced Combat Tactics and Strategies

Now that you‘re armed with Scorpion‘s core combos, here are some more advanced tactics to employ when using those combos in real matches:

  • Combo into special moves: Cancel combo strings into spears, teleports, or fire breaths for additional hits.

  • Alernate combo enders: Use different enders like spears, teleports, or throws to keep opponents guessing.

  • Counter enemy breakaways: Catch breakaways with well-timed punches or throws to continue combos.

  • Incorporate interactables: Use stage objects like tombstones for additional combo damage.

  • Mix up timings: Use delays, cancels, and gravity adjustments mid-combo to throw off rhythm.

  • Optimize krushing blows: Land combo krushing blows by meeting trigger conditions for huge damage.

  • Save meter for EX moves or fatal blow to make comebacks. Don‘t overuse meter on enhancements.

  • Exploit fatal blows: Use the counterattack property of fatal blows to extend punishes into 30%+ damage.

Layer these advanced tactics onto your Scorpion combos to maximize effectiveness and outplay opponents through skillful combo execution.

Adapting Combos to Matchups

To excel with Scorpion, you must adapt your combos depending on the matchup. Here are key combo adjustments to make against specific opponents:

vs. Blockers: Use staggered strings, throws, and frame traps to open them up. Tight block punishes help too.

vs. Jumpers: Bait them into your potent anti-air juggle combos using teleport fakes.

vs. Grapplers: Avoid throws by ending combos with spear knockdowns and keeping your distance.

vs. Zoners: Teleport to avoid projectiles and punish from close range before they can escape.

vs. Rushdown: Neutral duck to evade highs and punish with fast kombos like 21~bf4 – 112

Studying frame data to learn punish windows against the whole roster is highly beneficial as well. This lets you tailor combos to counter each fighter‘s unique style and capitalize on their weaknesses.

Effective Scorpion Combos in Multiplayer

Scorpion‘s combo game becomes even more important in MK1‘s multiplayer modes. Here are some key strategies to employ when using his combos online or locally:

  • In King of the Hill lobbies, put on a show with flashy juggle and corner combos to intimidate the next challenger.

  • In tag team battles, save meter to extend combos with EX moves and fire breaths during your time in the ring.

  • In online ranked matches, stick to consistent BNB punishes rather than risky combos to avoid losses.

  • Against human opponents, vary your combo starters, enders, and timings to keep them guessing.

  • In tournament sets, optimize corner carry and lockdown to inflict maximum damage in long matches.

  • When health is low, fish for combos that trigger Krushing Blows or leave them close to a fatality.

  • With modifiers active, adapt combos to take advantage of damage boosts or environmental weapons.

The rowdy multiplayer environments demand even sharper combo execution and decision making from competitive Scorpion players.

Putting It All Together

Mastering combos takes focus and dedication, but the payoff enables you to unleash Scorpion‘s full potential against the forces of Kameo and Netherrealm. A few final tips:

  • Drill these combos relentlessly until they are muscle memory. Strive for clean, consistent input timing.

  • Utilize the proper combos for each situation:punishes, juggles, corner pressure, etc.

  • Continue to mix up both your combo choices and individual moves. Never get predictable.

  • Manage your meter wisely. Know when to apply EX enhancements or save for fatal blows.

  • Stay alert constantly. The second you see an opportunity, unleash the right combo without hesitation.

I hope these tips and combo breakdowns have provided a guide to mastering Scorpion‘s infamous combos and kombat abilities in Mortal Kombat 1. He may be Netherrealm‘s most menacing spectre, but with practice, his power will be yours to command. Fear the fiery wrath of Scorpion‘s combos!