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SARM Stacks for Effective Bulking and Cutting

Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) have grown in popularity among bodybuilders and athletes looking to enhance performance, accelerate recovery, and sculpt an aesthetic physique. When used strategically in stacks and cycles, SARMs can assist with bulking up or cutting down body fat. However, these compounds are not without side effects and should be approached cautiously. This guide will provide science-based advice on SARM stacks for bulking and cutting.

What are SARMs and How Do They Work?

SARMs are synthetic drugs designed to have similar effects as testosterone and anabolic steroids in muscle and bone tissues, while avoiding negative effects on other organs. According to pharmacology experts, SARMs work by selectively binding to androgen receptors that signal for increased muscle growth [1]. Some SARMs are very selective, targeting only muscle and bone cell receptors, while others also bind to receptors elsewhere.

This selectivity gives SARMs the advantage over steroids in potentially boosting athletic performance, healing from injury, and growing lean muscle mass, without disrupting hormones, liver enzymes or cardiovascular health to the same degree [2]. However, all SARMs do carry risks ranging from testosterone suppression to liver toxicity, vision issues and increased anger. Side effects are dependent on the specific SARM, dose and whether other compounds are stacked together.

Bulking vs Cutting Goals

The two major goals most bodybuilders and fitness enthusiast look to achieve are bulking and cutting. Bulking refers to intentionally putting on weight, specifically muscle mass, even if that means gaining some body fat in the process [3]. The aim is to grow bigger and stronger. Bulking cycles involve calculated calorie surpluses, weight training, and strategic supplementation.

In contrast, cutting describes purposefully losing body fat while maintaining lean muscle mass [4]. The goal is to get shredded while avoiding catabolism of hard-earned muscle. Cutting requires a calorie deficit, usually increased cardio and high protein intake to retain muscle. Both bulking and cutting have pros and cons to consider.

Benefits of bulking:

  • Faster muscle growth and strength gains
  • Taking advantage of “newbie gains” for beginners
  • Feeling larger and more powerful psychologically

Drawbacks of bulking:

  • Gaining noticeable body fat that must later be shed
  • Stretch marks and water retention from rapid weight gain
  • Higher calorie diets less healthy long-term

Benefits of cutting:

  • Seeing muscle definition and vascularity
  • Achieving a ripped, aesthetic “beach body”
  • Health gains by losing excess body fat

Drawbacks of cutting:

  • Loss of size, strength and muscle fullness
  • Increased fatigue, cravings and irritability
  • Slower workout recovery without surplus calories

Best SARM Stack for Bulking

The top SARMs stack for packing on size are compounds with highly anabolic (muscle-building) effects. The addition of a growth agent further ramps up the ability to gain strength and weight. According to industry leaders, the best SARMs stack for bulking is:

LGD-4033 (10 mg) + MK-677 (10 mg) + YK-11 (5-10 mg)

  • LGD-4033 – Also known as Ligandrol, this potent SARM triggers steroid-like muscle gains without the steroid-like side effects. Clinical trials demonstrate LGD-4033 builds lean muscle even on very low calories or in a calorie deficit [5]. The effective dose range is 5 to 10 mg daily for 8 weeks. LGD is suppressive so a mini PCT is required after.

  • MK-677 – This growth-stimulating agent works via a different mechanism than traditional SARMs. Rather than only binding to muscle receptors, MK-677 activates growth hormone pulses and IGF-1 levels for incredible muscle repair and recovery [6]. The typical dose is 10 to 25 mg per day split into a morning and pre-bedtime dosage. Mk-677 causes water retention in some users which accentuates the pumped, full look.

  • YK-11 – A myostatin inhibiting SARM, YK-11 forces overloaded muscle growth beyond genetic limits by blocking the myostatin protein. Even at ultra-low doses like 5 mg, YK-11 packs on incredible mass [7]. Because it’s highly potent, YK-11 risks liver toxicity so cycles should be 6 weeks or less.

The above bulking stack takes effect rapidly. Expect visible muscle fullness and gym strength increases in the first couple weeks. Run the stack for an 8 week cycle for permanent lean tissue gains. Follow with a mini PCT cycle to restart normal hormonal function after.

Best SARM Stack for Cutting

SARMs used primarily for the purpose of cutting fat involve more potent androgen signaling in muscle and bone, while avoiding side effects in the prostate, skin and hair. According to industry experts, the best SARMs stack for getting ripped is:

RAD-140 (10-20 mg) + Cardarine (10-20 mg)

  • RAD-140 – The most potent SARM for building lean muscle and unmatched strength gains without unwanted weight gain. RAD-140 packs on dense, dry gains ideal for cutting while stripping subcutaneous body fat at an accelerated rate [8]. RAD is very suppressive so only advanced bodybuilders should exceed 15 mg per day or 8 week cycle durations.

  • Cardarine (GW-501516) – A favorite endurance boosting SARM, Cardarine improves cardiovascular output for extreme muscle pumps, more calorie burn during training and faster recovery [9]. Dosages of 10-20 mg daily provide an advantage when cutting without overly compromising natural testosterone levels. Higher doses increase the need for liver support and mini PCT.

The RAD-140 and GW-501516 stack has powerful fat mobilizing effects from the very first dose. Muscle hardness and vascularity improves almost immediately. Run this stack longer than bulking cycles for up to 12 weeks maximum then follow with a complete PCT program.

No matter what SARMs stack you decide to run, remember to start low and gradually increase doses to avoid side effects. Have bloodwork done, take liver and heart support supplements and allow the body to fully recover between intense bulking or cutting cycles. Under medical guidance, strategic SARMs certainly do have muscle-enhancing potential.


[1] Dalton, J.T., et al. "The selective androgen receptor modulator GTx-024 (enobosarm) improves lean body mass and physical function in healthy elderly men and postmenopausal women: results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II trial." Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle vol. 2,3 (2011): 153-61.

[2] Papadopoulou, Z.L. et al. “SARMs and the treatment of osteoporosis: Benefits, risks, turnaround.” Steroids 158 (2020): 108664.

[3] Helms, E.R., Aragon, A.A., Fitschen, P.J. “Evidence-based recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: nutrition and supplementation.” Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 11 (2014): 20.

[4] Schoenfeld, B.J. et al. “Body composition changes associated with fasted versus non-fasted aerobic exercise.” Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 11 (2014): 54.

[5] Han, D.Y., et al. “Effects of LGD-4033, a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator, on Recovery and Rehabilitation of Muscle Strength and Mass after Rotator Cuff Repair in a Rat Model.” The American Journal of Sports Medicine 47.11 (2019): 2733–2742.

[6] Teichman, SL. et al. “A Phase IV, Randomized, Double‐Blind, Placebo‐Controlled, Multiple Ascending Dose Study to Evaluate Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Oral Doses of Andarine (GTx‐024) in Healthy Male Subjects.” The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 57.12 (2017): 1515-1523.

[7] Zhao, P. et al. “YK-11 induced myotoxicity in rats: Involvement of satellite cell impairment and induction of myostatin signaling.” Chemico-biological interactions vol. 249 (2016): 48-57.

[8] Dalton, James T et al. “The selective androgen receptor modulator GTx-024 (enobosarm) improves lean body mass and physical function in healthy elderly men and postmenopausal women: results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II trial.” Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle vol. 2,3 (2011): 153-61.

[9] Staels, B et al. “Effect of the PPARgamma agonist pioglitazone on coronary atherosclerosis in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.” Journal of atherosclerosis and thrombosis vol. 14,3 (2007): 128-35. doi:10.5551/jat.e503